Trump fires James Comey!

A little birdie told me Comey WILL testify this week in OPEN hearing only..that he's quite anxious to tell his side of the story.
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"I was going to fire Comey, my decision. ... I was going to fire Comey. I was going to fire regardless of recommendation. ... He made a recommendation, but regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey."

Trump - NBC 05/11/17

He even said Comey is a "showboater"...thanks, Mr Gold Toilet-Seats
Comey is going to continue to be instrumental in the impeachment/resignation process. Even more so now.


A little birdie told me Comey WILL testify this week in OPEN hearing only..that he's quite anxious to tell his side of the story.
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The little birdie has been doing his part, as well....holding Donny's (slimy) hand as he guides him down that green mile....

Comey is going to continue to be instrumental in the impeachment/resignation process. Even more so now.


The little birdie has been doing his part, as well....holding Donny's (slimy) hand as he guides him down that green mile....

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This whole thing is going to blow wide open and will hasten the impeachment.

Trump is such a fool.
Trump says he wants someone who is reality Trump wants someone who will agree with him and not question..he sees agreement as honesty, therefore the media are liars because they don't agree and asks questions of The Emperor.
Personally, I thought that asking the FBI director three times for personal loyalty reminded me of a Don/Capo di tutti Capi asking a Consigliere to kiss his ring. Donny Dumbfuck was probably binge watching The Godfather, getting pumped up before the dinner.
Personally, I thought that asking the FBI director three times for personal loyalty reminded me of a Don/Capo di tutti Capi asking a Consigliere to kiss his ring. Donny Dumbfuck was probably binge watching The Godfather, getting pumped up before the dinner.

Taking it one step further, if Comey already told you ONCE there was no personal investigation..why would you ask THREE times?:wink:

Also, I have a feeling Melania and Baron won't be going to Washington..notice how he went to his Bedminster, NJ home this past week?.I don't believe he even stopped at Trump Tower. The excuse was he wanted to 'save taxpayers money' he would really be concerned with what we want. He said it at least three times.

I think Diaper Donny is in the doghouse..I have another feeling that when this is over, she's filing for divorce:lol:
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Apparently Comey is now willing to testify... but ONLY if it takes place in a public sitting.

Oh shit, Donny needs 4 diaper changes an hour now instead of 1.
How do you do that?

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OMG!!! Today is Goodwill and Taco Truck Saturday..I can't wait to hear what you scored.

Another bummy week for finds, sigh. I did find a couple nice vintage dogs, though - 70s wooden hound & 50s Japanese wiener - and we had a nice day/lunch overall. (Crispy chicken/yellow rice/broccoli/yogurt smoothies.)


Not seen Skybar in ages!

lol this whole thread is a major meltdown. at least @Big_Lou got to make a nifty lil weiner dog out of poo from a buck,good job lou,must be an awesome life to drive around and buy stuff with the ebt card all day o_O