Trump fires James Comey!

[QU"SneekyNinja, post: 13527796, member: 940321"]Apparently Comey is now willing to testify... but ONLY if it takes place in a public sitting.

Oh shit, Donny needs 4 diaper changes an hour now instead of 1.
maybe he said that for the easy affraid i cant discuss that in public....thats classified,,,ect..

oh and in "real news" obama was hell bent on giving away the internet haha.
Fix your post, dumdum.
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So @twistedentities @cool2burn how come you're not responding to my simple questions? You've made statements, I've asked questions to clarify..why won't you respond? I didn't call you a derogatory name and respected your post..why won't you respect mine?

Funny how they like investigations of Democrats but get soooo upset by investigations of republican collusion with a foreign government.

Let's review:

Russians hacked election-verified.

Trump election team talked to Russians-verified.

AG recuses himself because he talked to Russians-verified

There are multiple ongoing investigations-verified.

Trump continues to seeth because Comey wouldn't pledge loyalty and because Comey was 'mildly nauseous' that he may have tilted election process-verified.

Trump criticizes every judicial ruling against him, every intelligence agency that verifies Russian hacking, every news agency that reports it, and then gives a half dozen different contradictory scenarios on why Comey was released, none of them true-obvious.

Trump entertains the very same Russian officials in the WH that his election team was in contact with all summer, the day after firing Comey-verified.

Trump tweets a threat to Comey implying that he recorded him, and implies he will leak to the press-verified.

Presidential Meltdown ongoing and positively confirmed.

And we don't know 10% of what Comey, Yates and Clapper know right now.

Any right wing stupid questions?

Treason is the new conservative mantra.
Anything is now OK, as long as a republican does it.
Funny how they like investigations of Democrats but get soooo upset by investigations of republican collusion with a foreign government.

Let's review:

Russians hacked election-verified.

Trump election team talked to Russians-verified.

AG recuses himself because he talked to Russians-verified

There are multiple ongoing investigations-verified.

Trump continues to seeth because Comey wouldn't pledge loyalty and because Comey was 'mildly nauseous' that he may have tilted election process-verified.

Trump criticizes every judicial ruling against him, every intelligence agency that verifies Russian hacking, every news agency that reports it, and then gives a half dozen different contradictory scenarios on why Comey was released, none of them true-obvious.

Trump entertains the very same Russian officials in the WH that his election team was in contact with all summer, the day after firing Comey-verified.

Trump tweets a threat to Comey implying that he recorded him, and implies he will leak to the press-verified.

Presidential Meltdown ongoing and positively confirmed.

And we don't know 10% of what Comey, Yates and Clapper know right now.

Any right wing stupid questions?

Treason is the new conservative mantra.
Anything is now OK, as long as a republican does it.
calm down, you're all emotional.
suck a bag, fake boi.

contractor my ass.
wheres those pictures of that crooked ass wall you tried to build,you took those down out of fear didnt ya ? it looked like some crooked ass hillary shizzle hahaha,step 1,dont worry about level grade,step 2 wheres that truckload of shims,step 3 omg that fucker needs more shims,step 4 get the fuck out the way that walls gunna fall over.dont worry hun,nobodys lookin at the sloppy wall when they trip in your entryway on the shotty paver work :hump:
wheres those pictures of that crooked ass wall you tried to build,you took those down out of fear didnt ya ? it looked like some crooked ass hillary shizzle hahaha,step 1,dont worry about level grade,step 2 wheres that truckload of shims,step 3 omg that fucker needs more shims,step 4 get the fuck out the way that walls gunna fall over.dont worry hun,nobodys lookin at the sloppy wall when they trip in your entryway on the shotty paver work :hump:

You're truely an idiot on so many levels.

You wouldn't know how to use a level and I don't remove pics. Where's yours?
you said i was a fake contractor,so why would i have pics of retaining walls at the brighton home depot,or U of M medical building or any other place ? .but if i did you could call them and ask how many shims were used in the making of those very straight and very level walls.....dork :lol:
Go look in the mirror, fake boi

Truckload of shims?

The shims for that entire project would fit in your pocket.

You don't build.

Another poser. Or posey.
maybe thats why it looks like hell,because you needed more shims ? .i'll tell ya what,show us a picture of these magical shims you used and maybe i'll buy the story that you might of helped on a few blocks before the contractor told you to go back inside
maybe thats why it looks like hell,because you needed more shims ? .i'll tell ya what,show us a picture of these magical shims you used and maybe i'll buy the story that you might of helped on a few blocks before the contractor told you to go back inside


How can you fucking not know how to shim block?