Trump has Coronavirus

I can't see how this is gonna be good for Trump or the republicans, it's a case of the chickens coming home to roost. Easily foreseeable spectacularly bad timing that brought responsibility to Donald in a way he can't duck, Donald is in the front line with his soldiers in the covid war! What goes around comes around and eventually it came to Donald, I don't think he suffered much in his entire comfortable and luxurious life, let's see how he does. I hope the antibodies are effective and will shorten the course of his illness, it would indicate this therapy would most likely be effective, but the science will tell us that. If Donald comes out of the hospital alive, he might be touting this "miracle cure" bigly, but this one might actually work, he better hope it does. I figure Donald would be dead in a week without monoclonal antibody therapy, the experts seem to think his decline was rapid.
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My pillow guy has the “ miracle cure “ .... oleandrin ( oleander extract ) which is poisonous btw.
For his imperial leader .... pillow must be moonlighting as an Astro chemist and fellow reptilian.
Same as that lame brain Dr. Atlas ( neuroradiologist ) on trump university credentials for virology.
Who fucking knew with these guys. ?

Like sending the keystone cops to arrest manson.
