Well-Known Member
Pretty shallow set of ideals.the middle is larger group than white males
Pretty shallow set of ideals.the middle is larger group than white males
And you? Seems to me he is pretty much kicking all your asses while staying on the high road.pompous little fuck this one is.
This here is opinion:"Here we have a man who for more than four decades has been repeatedly associated with racial discrimination or bigoted comments about minorities, some of them made on television for all to see. While any one episode may be ambiguous, what emerges over more than four decades is a narrative arc, a consistent pattern — and I don’t see what else to call it but racism."That's like, just your opinion, man.
With your way up your ass you have no perspective.And you? Seems to me he is pretty much kicking all your asses while staying on the high road.
Tiny!!!! Not sure that made much sense. You are getting your ass handed to you, dude. Flailing your arms while hurling insults may get you likes from the pea brains here but it does not cover up your lack of any argument.With your way up your ass you have no perspective.
Bro you're drooling over asscraft's assholery. It's your habit to be drawn to an ass. Asscraft posts are no different than 1000s of other fantasy arguments about why white is right, obama is bad, the good ole days were splendid. Like him, you embrace these same willfully ignorant illusions.Tiny!!!! Not sure that made much sense. You are getting your ass handed to you, dude. Flailing your arms while hurling insults may get you likes from the pea brains here but it does not cover up your lack of any argument.
ambiguously racist re-tweets vs complete unprovoked destruction of Libya. Think about your life.
first of all, your racist, cheetoh-faced hero also wanted intervention in libya. so first of all, hypocrite.
second of all, they are not "ambiguously racist". there is nothing ambiguous about an account named "white genocide" you apologist loser.
here, let me just sum up how all of our interactions will go until you have a full meltdown followed by a TLDR rant about how evil the mods are.
anyone with an IQ above 64: jesusfuck, you are racist as shit.
The term "white genocide" is racist?
Obama failed to provide a birth certificate for six months
1/14th of my graduating class is now underground from Mexican heroine.
oh, that's so cute.
when was this? dates, please.
i'm sure you performed a litany of tests to verify the origin of the heroin. it's not like you can blame that on the personal decisions of your dumb white friends, either.
i mean, if a woman has sex, even protected sex and contraceptive measures somehow fail, that's her fault and she's got to live with it. but if your stupid ass white buddies go fuck themselves over doing drugs, it was all the fault of the mexicans.
you are even dumber than most white nationalists. but you are young, so i have much hope that over time you will only become dumber.
Sex isn't a physically addictive substance manufactured in clandestine labs to finance drug cartels and CIA operations. I realize that the drug problem is two-fold, the opium comes form Afghanistan and heroine is processed in Mexico. That doesn't mean we can't do anything about it. Mexico has a southern boarder wall, are they racist? Israel has a boarder wall that envelopes occupied territories, are they racist (they are actually racist), but boarder security doesn't make you racist homie, it just makes the country harder to take advantage of.
It's their choice to do heroine, yes. Should we remove that choice for them? Sure. Should we stop media promotion of hook-up culture and superficial consumer sexual revolutions? Yeah I'm all for that too.
Israel is the most racist shit hole on the planet ... we dont want to be like them in anyway.. a bigger wall would be nice though ... with a huge moat... and breed some gators from Disney World to ensure no children get through
first of all, clearly a virgin.
secondly, muslim isn't a race but palestinian is? ok, have it both ways.
third, a wall won't stop drugs.
fourth, your stupid white friends are stupid. probably because they are white.
fifth, it's racist when israel builds a wall, but not when you want to. ok, have it both ways.
sixth, yeah, you are clearly a virgin.
finally, it's spelled "border" you illiterate moron.
Hey Ass clown, my man buckeroo, you havent let go of your dick since you got here. Its all you care to work with. .Just to clarify Buckaroo, what positions do you support of Hilldawg's? Just curious, you sound like a frenzied contrarian, give me something to work with.