Trump Nailed it!!!

You know what is great about my opinion? I get paid for it!!!

How much money are you going to make today? How much is your opinion worth? I gotta go make money!!

Well, I just turned 62 and didn't sign up for SS because they'd take it all back in taxes.

Next question?
You know what is great about my opinion? I get paid for it!!!

How much money are you going to make today? How much is your opinion worth? I gotta go make money!!

Is that how you get around the prostitution charges? The cops whose dicks your sucking are paying for your opinion, blowjob is free. That's a new one. Muyloco does it for free and a sense of patriotism.
Donald Trump Promises Not To Lie, Right Before Lying A Bunch Of Times

CLEVELAND ― Donald Trump made a solemn vow near the beginning of his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday evening, promising to “present the facts plainly and honestly. … There will be no lies.”

Fittingly, that statement was a lie.

In news that will come as little surprise to anybody who has followed the campaign closely, Trump’s speech was littered with misleading claims and even a few flat-out untruths.

Some were obvious, like when he said, “America is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.” It isn’t. In fact, according to statistics from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. is among the least-taxed nations in the world.

The GOP has become a fact free zone.

Some facts:
Compared to just ten years ago, the US is a much safer place.
ISIL terrorist cells aren't operating in "all 50 states"
Our tax rates aren't even high, especially compared to countries that are doing better than the US in terms of economic health.

It doesn't matter though that Trump can't get through a sentence without lying. His support can't even tell what a fact is.

Here is an example of an opinion to contrast against the facts listed above.

Win or lose, Trump will not make America Great.
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He has more female executives than male executives in his company. He pays them equally. People get paid on merit, not what color or sex they are.

Would you like to post some factual rebuttal rather than just say bullshit?
So did Roger Ailes.

“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” — from an interview with Esquire, 1991
You havent listened to any of her primary speeches? She has been screeching for over a year now... Hard to listen to.

Oh I get it, screeching, like a hawk. Gosh you are so clever! Ya know, because she likes to go to war.

NLXSK1: (face one) "We need to do something about ISIS and the terrorists, Democrats are soft pussies"
NLXSK1: (face two) "I hate Hillary because she is a hawk!"

NLXSK1: (face one) "We need a smaller government with states rights!!, Obama is a Marxist dictator!!"
NLXSK1: (face two) "I love Trump because he is going to expand our government, rule our land on his own, and build a giant fucking wall around the nation"

Nobody takes you seriously dude. Stop talking.
Look at the facts. Check out Hillary's record as Sec of State.... How could it be worse??
What facts? All I can find are scandals, endless investigations by GOP congress that never end up with substantive findings and opinions.
You are aware that the Secretary of State serves the president, don't you?

Here is something that might help you learn how to distinguish and opinion from a fact. Facts, by the way are verifiable. Opinions don't have to be. This is something that a second grader is able to fill out. Trump supporters have a lot of difficulty with it.

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Nice speech! His daughter did well too! Oh, and she looked fucking fantastic wearing a dress that cost $139.00 that she designed herself. I think it would be a hoot for all the Trump supporters out there that are women went out and bought that dress and wore it for the inauguration!!!

If by "nailed it" you mean his speech put me to sleep, you're correct.
Holy fucking shit what a god damn long and boring speech!
Donald Trump Promises Not To Lie, Right Before Lying A Bunch Of Times

CLEVELAND ― Donald Trump made a solemn vow near the beginning of his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday evening, promising to “present the facts plainly and honestly. … There will be no lies.”

Fittingly, that statement was a lie.

In news that will come as little surprise to anybody who has followed the campaign closely, Trump’s speech was littered with misleading claims and even a few flat-out untruths.

Some were obvious, like when he said, “America is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.” It isn’t. In fact, according to statistics from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. is among the least-taxed nations in the world.

The GOP has become a fact free zone.

Some facts:
Compared to just ten years ago, the US is a much safer place.
ISIL terrorist cells aren't operating in "all 50 states"
Our tax rates aren't even high, especially compared to countries that are doing better than the US in terms of economic health.

It doesn't matter though that Trump can't get through a sentence without lying. His support can't even tell what a fact is.

Here is an example of an opinion to contrast against the facts listed above.

Win or lose, Trump will not make America Great.

Where did you get your facts!?!??!?

We are not as safe as we were ten years ago, have you seen the news lately???

The FBI director recently told us that ISIL is in all 50 states, in the same testimony that he stated Clinton lied to the American people repeatedly.

US tax rates are some of the highest in the industrial world, personal and corporate. One of the primary reason so many corporations have left the US and the jobs with them.

Sad that you would post lies....
What facts? All I can find are scandals, endless investigations by GOP congress that never end up with substantive findings and opinions.
You are aware that the Secretary of State serves the president, don't you?

Here is something that might help you lean how to distinguish and opinion from a fact. Facts, by the way are verifiable. Opinions don't have to be. This is something that a second grader is able to fill out. Trump supporters have a lot of difficulty with it.


Are you serious dude! Every fact you stated was false. You can't back one of the facts up because you made them up, can you??

Who's posting opinions as facts?