Trump Nailed it!!!

Yeah, the truth hurts no matter how many times you shove it up your donkey.
Unless you have lots of morphine.


I think it is funny as hell that you think watching that video somehow would get me to see the light. Sorry bud, heard all the arguments before and they are just wrong. Too bad for us all that so many people like you lack an education that would allow them to see what a total bunch of shit this is.
Yes you are. You can change though .... Something to get you started...

Then you wouldn't have to hang out with the likes of Uncle Puke and the Cop killer lovers.
I always thought that money had to be donated before it could be called donated. Somehow making money and keeping it from the less than well off solves poverty? How does that work?
Unless you have lots of morphine.


I think it is funny as hell that you think watching that video somehow would get me to see the light. Sorry bud, heard all the arguments before and they are just wrong. Too bad for us all that so many people like you lack an education that would allow them to see what a total bunch of shit this is.
Lol. Too bad for us all that so many like you are supposedly educated yet can't come up with a valid rebuttal. Stamping your feet while saying "you are just wrong" won't help either. Oh and Fogfraud is not in the educated group so we will give him a pass.
Lol. Too bad for us all that so many like you are supposedly educated yet can't come up with a valid rebuttal. Stamping your feet while saying "you are just wrong" won't help either. Oh and Fogfraud is not in the educated group so we will give him a pass.

pragerU is not education. they are not even accredited. it doesn't take an educated person to even know the difference, just a smart one. you are neither smart nor educated. pragerU is what people who aren't smart watch to fool themselves into thinking they are educated.
Trump sure did sound pretty good in the last 2 videos I seen on CNN. Really my only issue is the wall. Also banning Muslims plenty of decent Muslims around the world now ban Syrians and other waring nations I can get behind that. The problem with a Muslim ban is they can wear a cross and carry a Bible while being an ISIS soldier.

He said he wanted to stop Muslim ingress until we can find a way to vet those coming into the country. Not a ban, a moratorium.
He said he wanted to stop Muslim ingress until we can find a way to vet those coming into the country. Not a ban, a moratorium.

hey there, white power guy.

we already have an incredibly good vetting process. we have admitted tens of thousands of muslims and refugees and only ever had one incident, ever.


by your white power logic, we need to deport all white males because they keep shooting up movie theaters, kindergarten classrooms, black churches, democratic house representatives, high schools, college campuses, former workplaces and so many others.

sound like a deal, skinhead?
If you inject logic into the conversation I guarantee someone is going to have a tantrum...
muslim refugees haven't caused anywhere near the amount of terror and violence that right wing white males have though, so he wasn't injecting logic. he was injecting unfounded fear.

you poor little racist shitbags are so fragile and frightful.
If you inject logic into the conversation I guarantee someone is going to have a tantrum...
I'm like a firefighter spraying the fire of stupidity with a fire hose of truth. Just because the fire burns the building or forrest, I won't be deterred in my endeavor.

And those that are known to tantrum out instead of present an inverse argument I've already hit the ignore button on, so they may tantrum away.
Lol. Too bad for us all that so many like you are supposedly educated yet can't come up with a valid rebuttal. Stamping your feet while saying "you are just wrong" won't help either. Oh and Fogfraud is not in the educated group so we will give him a pass.
Somebody here shared this with me not long ago and it changed my life. This is why I am not going to inflict upon myself the useless tedium of watching your youtube video and eviscerating it. It will not matter to you. And it is just more fun to drop bombs on you from above.

Btw, in this case, you are the retard.

But you're killing it - you and Millard Peacenik.
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Somebody here shared this with me not long ago and it changed my life. This is why I am not going to inflict upon myself the useless tedium of watching your youtube video and eviscerating it. It will not matter to you. And it is just more fun to drop bombs on you from above.

Btw, in this case, you are the retard.

But you're killing it - you and Millard Peacenik.
Lol. You make it pretty easy. Run along then, genius. Maybe spend some time developing real arguments and possibly borrow some big boy pants before returning.
Lol. You make it pretty easy. Run along then, genius. Maybe spend some time developing real arguments and possibly borrow some big boy pants before returning.
Juvenile simpleton sounding way too hard to not instantly be dismissed as a failure. Failure.