Trump Nailed it!!!

You're sick in the head brother, I hope you come to see the error in your thinking. The value of a life doesn't correlate to a bank statement, that's unhealthy.

Everyone that doesn't agree with you personifies everything you hate. So full of hate Buck. A wise man once told me that it's always easy to judge a person from your perspective, but you'll never understand someone until you can judge them from their perspective. I don't hate you for supporting Clinton; I think you're ignorant of key facts that I'd like to make you aware of, but I would never go as far as to attack your character. That's not something a civil person should do, don't you think?
You're sick in the head brother, I hope you come to see the error in your thinking. The value of a life doesn't correlate to a bank statement, that's unhealthy.

Everyone that doesn't agree with you personifies everything you hate. So full of hate Buck. A wise man once told me that it's always easy to judge a person from your perspective, but you'll never understand someone until you can judge them from their perspective. I don't hate you for supporting Clinton; I think you're ignorant of key facts that I'd like to make you aware of, but I would never go as far as to attack your character. That's not something a civil person should do, don't you think?

so let me see if i have this right: you are throwing your full-throated sock puppet support behind donald trump, who is undeniably racist to the point that he refuses to condemn the KKK, and you are accusing other people of not being civil?

kiddo, when you grow up a little, you will come to realize how stupid you are (hopefully). probably not though, more likely is that you will just blame minorities for every single failure in your pathetic life.

anyhoo, i really do want to know why white nationalists like yourself are so gaga over anime. i just don't get it. maybe you can shed some light on this one, marshmallow tits.

Can you respond without a flurry of curse words? Trump did disavow the KKK, repeatedly. Not wanting to play that game with a reporter doesn't mean he loves the Klan, grow up man. Byrd was a Grand Cyclops and he's all good as soon as he disavows, but you have a hang-up over a single interview with Trump. Sounds like a bit of a double standard, my dude.
Can you respond without a flurry of curse words? Trump did disavow the KKK, repeatedly. Not wanting to play that game with a reporter doesn't mean he loves the Klan, grow up man. Byrd was a Grand Cyclops and he's all good as soon as he disavows, but you have a hang-up over a single interview with Trump. Sounds like a bit of a double standard, my dude.

Buck gets tiresome after a while. I suggest you put him on ignore when he starts chafing. The forum is a different place once you do that.
Can you respond without a flurry of curse words? Trump did disavow the KKK, repeatedly. Not wanting to play that game with a reporter doesn't mean he loves the Klan, grow up man. Byrd was a Grand Cyclops and he's all good as soon as he disavows, but you have a hang-up over a single interview with Trump. Sounds like a bit of a double standard, my dude.
My dude, you remain a self congratulatory, delusional ass clown

HAS the party of Lincoln just nominated a racist to be president? We shouldn’t toss around such accusations lightly, so I’ve looked back over more than 40 years of Donald Trump’s career to see what the record says.

One early red flag arose in 1973, when President Richard Nixon’s Justice Department — not exactly the radicals of the day — sued Trump and his father, Fred Trump, for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals.

I’ve waded through 1,021 pages of documents from that legal battle, and they are devastating. Donald Trump was then president of the family real estate firm, and the government amassed overwhelming evidence that the company had a policy of discriminating against blacks, including those serving in the military.
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Buck gets tiresome after a while. I suggest you put him on ignore when he starts chafing. The forum is a different place once you do that.
Asscraft is right up your alley. He's as phony, bloated and disposable as trump.

How are gonna decide whose ass to get embed yourself in? A dilemma for nlxsk1

Oh wow, a hatchet job by the NYT, not a DNC mouthpiece at all. Looks like the suit was more to do with his employees and not himself. Believe it or not, hiring a racist in error doesn't make you a racist. My mechanic's son sold meth, does that make me a meth dealer? You take on certain responsibilities as a business owner, your company being accused of discrimination doesn't default you into "perpetual racist". Not every employee or business practice of a Trump business is directly supervised by the man himself, don't be thick.
Stench of vile shit in the air??? It's not just @NLXSK1 and ass craft
@Milliardo Peacecraft Weasel, acting like youve got a clue as your spill shit out of your mouth is pathetic. Grow up son.
"“Central Park jogger” case, a rape and beating of a young white woman. Five black and Latino teenagers were arrested. The five teenagers spent years in prison before being exonerated."Trump stepped in, denounced Mayor Ed Koch’s call for peace and bought full-page newspaper ads calling for the death penalty"
Buck gets tiresome after a while. I suggest you put him on ignore when he starts chafing. The forum is a different place once you do that.

Trump casino worker, Kip Brown, who was quoted by The New Yorker: “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor. … They put us all in the back.”
Can you respond without a flurry of curse words? Trump did disavow the KKK, repeatedly. Not wanting to play that game with a reporter doesn't mean he loves the Klan, grow up man. Byrd was a Grand Cyclops and he's all good as soon as he disavows, but you have a hang-up over a single interview with Trump. Sounds like a bit of a double standard, my dude.

My dude, NYT is one of the most read newspapers on planet earth. Obtuse biatch
“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is
You're sick in the head brother, I hope you come to see the error in your thinking. The value of a life doesn't correlate to a bank statement, that's unhealthy.

Everyone that doesn't agree with you personifies everything you hate. So full of hate Buck. A wise man once told me that it's always easy to judge a person from your perspective, but you'll never understand someone until you can judge them from their perspective. I don't hate you for supporting Clinton; I think you're ignorant of key facts that I'd like to make you aware of, but I would never go as far as to attack your character. That's not something a civil person should do, don't you think?

A morality lesson from a fucking rabid badger??? WTF Clown, work on your chronic masturbation compulsions. Your every post is a mini, micro JO.

Trump has also retweeted messages from white supremacists or Nazi sympathizers, including two from an account called @WhiteGenocideTM with a photo of the American Nazi Party’s founder.

Trump repeatedly and vehemently denies any racism, and he has deleted some offensive tweets. The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi racist website that has endorsed Trump, sees that as going “full-wink-wink-wink.”
Doesn't sound credible, and I highly doubt Trump personally requested "no blacks in my line of sight". That's just unrealistic man. Even if that did happen, once again, Trump's employees are not Trump. He has over 10k employees, you think not one in 10k is racist? That's almost statistically impossible, and a person can become racist after a job interview.

Even if he has some less than appropriate comments made in the past, he's anti-war. Clinton is pro-war. Started a couple of her own as Secretary of State. Supported sanctions that starved over 800k Iraqi civilians, neo-nazi coup in Ukraine, super-predators etc. Trump's never ordered a sovereign government toppled with american lives and tax dollars. Picking apart personality flaws is a deflection from real issues. Anti-war vs pro-war, I'll be the first to vote for a racist over a murderer. I'm not happy about it, but the moral choice isn't a difficult one.
A morality lesson from a fucking rabid badger??? WTF Clown, work on your chronic masturbation compulsions. Your every post is a mini, micro JO.

Trump has also retweeted messages from white supremacists or Nazi sympathizers, including two from an account called @WhiteGenocideTM with a photo of the American Nazi Party’s founder.

Trump repeatedly and vehemently denies any racism, and he has deleted some offensive tweets. The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi racist website that has endorsed Trump, sees that as going “full-wink-wink-wink.”

ambiguously racist re-tweets vs complete unprovoked destruction of Libya. Think about your life.
I shudder at the gumba's Trump would nominate for supreme court...:o
That's enough to make you vote Democrat...:roll: