Trump Nailed it!!!

I liked your post, thought it appropriate and accurate. I should have been more clear in my post in that I was quoting you to a dunce and not calling you the dunce. Calling @NLXSK1 a dunce is not "name calling" it is an accurate description.

I didn't mean to say that you supported hateful Trump. This communication thing eludes me sometimes. :peace:
I got that I was not paying attention I was a bit under so I apologize for that and thank you very much :)
I liked your post, thought it appropriate and accurate. I should have been more clear in my post in that I was quoting you to a dunce and not calling you the dunce. Calling @NLXSK1 a dunce is not "name calling" it is an accurate description.

I didn't mean to say that you supported hateful Trump. This communication thing eludes me sometimes. :peace:
I did try and delete it but it went through dunno why. Peace out and thanks again. Your on point my friend...
In my opinion, Hillary has fundmentally lied to the public in a lawyerly way to avoid the truth. She has flat out lied about the findings of the FBI, etc. She is corrupt and using her charity organization to enrich herself and it is funded from foreign donors. The list just continues to go on.

Trump is a businessman, not a politician and not a lawyer. He says things that are off the cuff and sometimes just plain wrong. However, I do not believe he is trying to fundamentally lie to me.

Therefore, the difference is crystal clear to me.

You have said repeatedly you are not going to vote for Hillary so I am not sure why you keep stirring up shit.
In your opinion, formed free from facts, you can very easily say whatever you like. In your opinion, Hillary lied. Your opinion isn't based on facts. What value does an opinion formed free of facts have? Why do you think anybody cares to hear it?

In fact, Hillary doesn't lie very much at all. Facts are verifiable and don't change day to day. You don't like that fact checking on what Hillary says shows she is not lying. So you create your own truthy narrative by calling it propaganda. It's not.

Trump's truthy sorta true-sounding statements change every day. He can do that because what he's saying isn't true so it doesn't matter what he says. His following knows this, which is why they don't care what he says. They know he's lying and so, shrug and join him in his fact free world. It's easy and you don't have to live with conflicting information. Make up whatever you like and change it whenever you like.

What a joke show the Trump! movement is.

I have some respect for you because you can put up a good argument when you take the time. So I want you to understand what comes next is not a put down. I dont think you have ever owned a business before so I think that like all of us you are missing a valuable perspective.

Lets take yesterday for example. I had 4-6 calls come in for jobs. Some of them come from referral services where we compete for a customer calling in. On one call yesterday a client asked about a new home inspection and I told him I would do it for $400.00 which based on the square footage was about 90% of my retail price so I offered a 10% discount. He informed me that another company had already bid the job for $320.00. Did that company screw me over? I congratulated the customer on getting a really good deal and we ended the call. It wasnt worth dropping $100.00 off my fee to get the job.

Another call comes in from a client. He wants to know if he can save money on a home inspection. He tells me the size of the home and I quote him $350.00 and throw in a free termite inspection. My retail price would have been about $440 so I took $90 off this job or about a 20% discount. He is really happy because the other company wanted $425 for both inspections. If I had known the other bid I might have come up a little on my offer but the price is fair. Did I screw over the other company?

Your previous post seems to indicate that businesses are trying to hurt each other in some evil way. I simply view it as competition between service providers. Your attitude indicates some sort of emotional investment in winning or losing. My point of view does not include emotion. If I want more jobs I can lower my prices, it is simply a business decision without any feelings involved whatsoever.

So when you say that trump is screwing business owners like me every day I simply do not see it that way. He is engaging in competition. If I have a good product at a competitive price then I have just as good a shot as the next guy. When the tables become unfair is when government gets involved and creates crony capitalism. Hillary Clinton is a champion of that. Donate to her foundation and she will be much more receptive to your suggestions if you are a big business or foreign nation.
You miss the difference between Trump and what other businessmen do. He wouldn't ask for one inspection, He would tell you how great he is and how he need hundreds of inspections done real quick. After the first inspection that is unfavorable to him, he will tear you a new asshole and tell you how to write those reports. You have a contract with him and he threatens to sue if you back out now. So, you write the reports in the most honest manner you can and finish the job, swearing not to deal with him again. But then Trump finds a reason not to pay. Maybe bankruptcy, maybe some clause in the contract. He doesn't pay.

He did that to hundreds of businesses in New Jersey. Put many of them under too. He's done it to many others. Fact.
How did he stiff vendors? I am still not seeing this part of it.

It is not like I get to pick who I want for president. I have 2 false choices and I would never vote for Hillary... We dont need to keep going round and round. No matter what comes out about Donald Trump I am more than certain Hillary is a crooked criminal out only for herself and seriously bad for the business environment in the country.

Every business persons decisions are success or fail. I have owned a manufacturing plant as well and had vendors and employees, etc. If you dont pay a vendor you are not going to get services from them again and your credit and reputation in the industry is going to take a hit.
Facts elude you. When put in front of you, they are dismissed as propaganda. Which is why you never ever get it right.

Speaking of never getting it right, Trump is the proven liar. In his speeches, he lies once every five minutes. He lies every day and changes his lies the next day. A different day, a different Trump. Hillary on the other hand is proven to be factual and honest in her statements. Not perfect but mostly so. And so, your choice is made based upon your fact-free opinions.

It would be refreshing to hear you say that Trump is a liar, a racist, a bad partner, somebody who stiffs his contractors but you are voting for him because of the wall. These would all be facts and indicate you made your decision based on facts. But that won't happen because you live in a fact free world and contaminate the real one by leaking your fact free opinion garbage into it. For instance that shit about "not seeing this" stiffing vendors. I suppose you will call the following propaganda but then you'd be wrong. Because you never ever get it right.

Reports: Donald Trump stiffs contractors
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has a pattern of not paying or underpaying bills to everyone from waiters to painters and carpenters to a banking firm -- and was even facing foreclosure at the Trump National Doral Miami golf club, according to exhaustive new reports.

According to an investigation by USA Today published Thursday and a similar investigation by The Wall Street Journal published later in the day on Thursday, Trump's companies are facing hundreds of claims that Trump has stiffed people he contracted with for decades.
Both reports analyzed court records and interviewed the people behind the claims, and found that the average working American that Trump has geared his campaign toward are some of the same people his business hasn't paid.
In your opinion, formed free from facts, you can very easily say whatever you like. In your opinion, Hillary lied. Your opinion isn't based on facts. What value does an opinion formed free of facts have? Why do you think anybody cares to hear it?

In fact, Hillary doesn't lie very much at all. Facts are verifiable and don't change day to day. You don't like that fact checking on what Hillary says shows she is not lying. So you create your own truthy narrative by calling it propaganda. It's not.

Trump's truthy sorta true-sounding statements change every day. He can do that because what he's saying isn't true so it doesn't matter what he says. His following knows this, which is why they don't care what he says. They know he's lying and so, shrug and join him in his fact free world. It's easy and you don't have to live with conflicting information. Make up whatever you like and change it whenever you like.

What a joke show the Trump! movement is.

The FBI director stated that Hillary Clinton received and transmitted confidential information through her e-mail server. He stated some of it was marked classified and some was not.

Hillary Clinton has stated that she never sent any classified material either marked or unmarked. That is a lie.

There is not truthiness in this, it is a flat out lie. She is continuing to lie about it saying that was not what she heard the FBI director say. So she is continuing to lie. This is just one series of lies. There is no other interpretation of what she has stated.

So, based on this and many many many other incidents of her lying, I know she is a liar. That is not opinion, it is clearly a fact.
You miss the difference between Trump and what other businessmen do. He wouldn't ask for one inspection, He would tell you how great he is and how he need hundreds of inspections done real quick. After the first inspection that is unfavorable to him, he will tear you a new asshole and tell you how to write those reports. You have a contract with him and he threatens to sue if you back out now. So, you write the reports in the most honest manner you can and finish the job, swearing not to deal with him again. But then Trump finds a reason not to pay. Maybe bankruptcy, maybe some clause in the contract. He doesn't pay.

He did that to hundreds of businesses in New Jersey. Put many of them under too. He's done it to many others. Fact.

You just created that out of nothing. That is like your opinion man....

I would enter into a contract with trump for inspections. The contract would clearly state my duties and compensation. If trump did not compensate me I could take him to court. It is not emotional, it is business. I bet many of those contractors are lying or misunderstood their contracts. They are free to sue trump.

If a company that owes me money goes bankrupt then I take a loss. That is part of the risk of doing business and offering credit to other companies. If I did not want to do that I could demand payment up front. It is all part of the negotiation. Most businesses fail, it is the nature of it.
Facts elude you. When put in front of you, they are dismissed as propaganda. Which is why you never ever get it right.

Speaking of never getting it right, Trump is the proven liar. In his speeches, he lies once every five minutes. He lies every day and changes his lies the next day. A different day, a different Trump. Hillary on the other hand is proven to be factual and honest in her statements. Not perfect but mostly so. And so, your choice is made based upon your fact-free opinions.

It would be refreshing to hear you say that Trump is a liar, a racist, a bad partner, somebody who stiffs his contractors but you are voting for him because of the wall. These would all be facts and indicate you made your decision based on facts. But that won't happen because you live in a fact free world and contaminate the real one by leaking your fact free opinion garbage into it. For instance that shit about "not seeing this" stiffing vendors. I suppose you will call the following propaganda but then you'd be wrong. Because you never ever get it right.

Reports: Donald Trump stiffs contractors
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has a pattern of not paying or underpaying bills to everyone from waiters to painters and carpenters to a banking firm -- and was even facing foreclosure at the Trump National Doral Miami golf club, according to exhaustive new reports.

According to an investigation by USA Today published Thursday and a similar investigation by The Wall Street Journal published later in the day on Thursday, Trump's companies are facing hundreds of claims that Trump has stiffed people he contracted with for decades.
Both reports analyzed court records and interviewed the people behind the claims, and found that the average working American that Trump has geared his campaign toward are some of the same people his business hasn't paid.

Hillary is a known liar, just ask the FBI.
If trump did not compensate me I could take him to court.

you could and his team of Harvard educated lawyers would eviscerate the country bumpkin lawyer on your side. Then his attorneys drag out the whole process and you not only lost the money on the inspections but also a boatload of legal fees. lose lose, dude.

nice try though!
the Obama legacy which is rampant spending, higher taxes, more regulation, and a more hostile business environment.

spending is down by over a trillion, taxes are down for everyone but the wealthiest, that line about regularion is just one that shills like you spout, it is devoid of all meaning, and the "business environment" is pretty fucking awesome with the DOW at around 19,000.

literally everything you say, all the time, is wrong. always.

you are the unremitting failure.
I want less government.

and monitoring every pregnancy, every single immigrant, and building a pointless wall is less government?

i bet if we reduced the number of government employees patrolling the border you would cry like the little bitch you are.

seriously, go away. not a single person likes you here.