lolWhy is UB allowed a 1/2 page sig of fat white guys but my sig keeps getting deleted??
Crappy moderation at best.
Handing power back to the people is dangerous?? More freedom is not a good thing?
The answer is because he is not a politician and his motives are not based on greed.
It's actually worse than crappy, its corrupt and obviously one sided. Make them look like idiots and they'll just delete the posts they feel threaten them and leave the ones that make them look like they're winning, doesn't make them any less of a little bitch for doing it. Then to add the cherry on top, they fuck with your individual user access settings so you can't come back and defend yourself. At least I and the little fuckboy deleting the shit know I'm winning, I could care less how long my posts survive because if I wasn't right you wouldn't try to hide it. You could be a man and leave my posts public and at least ban me and make it known instead of being the cuck you accuse everyone else of being.
For reference check the "why are whites killing police" thread, how is any kind of porn relevant to political discussions? It has little to do with the fact that it's gay porn, as old virtue signaling UncleBuck chose to point out.
I'll also add that censorship is a large part of communism, dwell on that after you delete me posts later.
Why is UB allowed a 1/2 page sig of fat white guys but my sig keeps getting deleted??
Crappy moderation at best.
Why is UB allowed a 1/2 page sig of fat white guys but my sig keeps getting deleted??
Crappy moderation at best.
It's naive to think that they are equally corrupt and that sitting on the sidelines is the best option.
geesh, um, if said any of that.....I'd agree with you
1) I didnt say they were equally corrupt,
2) I didnt say I sat on the sidelines,
3) I didnt say sitting on the sidelines was the best options either.
goddammit man, get it right already. you just make shit up to call me out on,
this is how you wish to treated....... gotcha
"I'd be embarrassed to have voted for either candidate actually. Assume all you like, I thought both were crooked players from long ago." (colored even)![]()
I'd be embarrassed to have voted for either candidate actually. Assume all you like, I thought both were crooked players from long ago.
continue to vote for the better of the two candidates offered up for your brand of relief,
and I'll continue to vote for those whom I wish to hold the office.
your vote will assuredly place the second worst person in office every time, assuming you're even right about the first worse one.
be proud of who you vote for, you know, like we used to be...
I've often believed the majority was wrong about various issues, but after seeing how the losers of this one act here, on television, and over the years leading up to this day, not so sure anymore.
Why did you even bother to deny that you were lumping the two as the same?continue to vote for the better of the two candidates offered up for your brand of relief,
and I'll continue to vote for those whom I wish to hold the office.
your vote will assuredly place the second worst person in office every time, assuming you're even right about the first worse one.
be proud of who you vote for, you know, like we used to be...
I've often believed the majority was wrong about various issues, but after seeing how the losers of this one act here, on television, and over the years leading up to this day, not so sure anymore.
So you think they are fighting THIS hard against Trump because he is just another Soros lapdaog? Let's see what one of Obama's inside men at the pentagon has to say about that...
View attachment 3881867
So... WHO is being willfullt stupid (Ignorant)?!?
You are. Grow up, get educated on the issues and the players.So you think they are fighting THIS hard against Trump because he is just another Soros lapdaog? Let's see what one of Obama's inside men at the pentagon has to say about that...
View attachment 3881867
So... WHO is being willfullt stupid (Ignorant)?!?
So you think they are fighting THIS hard against Trump because he is just another Soros lapdaog?
But using illegally bought dumped Chinese steel as a substitute to America made is his thing, how could he reject buying drugs from Canada?go Bernie go
he wants top pass a bill to lower the cost of health care thru prescription drug cost reductions by trading with cananda
fucking scum bag politicians in big pharma pocket have already and will again block the trade with Canada