Ya know when Donald goes to court he should have two top notch ivy league trained lawyers, Cruz and Hawley, Donald should force the pair into defending him in court! I mean Donald will have trouble finding good legal help and these two clowns should work pro bono for the great leader.

Ted did offer to go before the SCOTUS as Trump's lawyer, if they would hear the case
Analysis: The specter of Trump's comeback raises a practical question - CNN
The specter of Trump's comeback raises a practical question
(CNN)We're going to have to talk about Donald Trump.
To be frank, it's been a relief over the last month not to spend every hour on alert for a world-rattling tweet or wondering which article of the Constitution would be crushed next.
Now Trump has
made a comeback from the golf course, in an appearance that aides said would position him as the prohibitive favorite for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. In his address to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida on Sunday, Trump said the "incredible journey" that he and his supporters started four years ago is "far from being over."
Trump is already plotting revenge on party members who broke with his personality cult.
From his golf cart at Mar-a-Lago, he's concocting plans to destroy their careers in the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections. Whether he actually mounts a presidential campaign is open to question -- especially as his plans could be derailed by multiple legal problems. But just by looking serious about it, he could scare off potential rivals.
In purely political terms, it's easy to see why Republican lawmakers stick with Trump -- especially those in
gerrymandered districts whose only threat is a primary challenge from a more radical foe. He's still wildly popular among Republican grassroots voters, who see him as the guardian of a traditional, conservative America run by White people.
But the specter of Trump's comeback raises a practical question: Does anything justify another Trump presidency? He left the country in a shambles, overwhelmed by a pandemic he barely acknowledged during his last months in power. His nepotistic administration left America more divided than at any point since the Civil War. And he almost buckled US democracy itself, deceiving his supporters into believing that he had been cheated in a free and fair election. People died because of the mob that he raised outside the Capitol.
After all that, the fact that Trump is still seen as a credible leader by much of his party (even after losing the White House, the House and the Senate) tells you a lot about the soul of Republicanism and the state of American politics itself.