Trump : The bloom is off the rose.

CPAC is missing students and its legendary party scene. Republicans are concerned the low-energy event reflects the GOP's standing with young voters in a post-Trump world.

ORLANDO, Florida — There's a common refrain among Republicans and conservatives roaming the halls of this year's Conservative Political Action Conference: "Where are all the students?"

The lack of eager right-leaning teenagers and 20-somethings collecting free schwag and chugging beers is one of the most glaring and obvious contrasts from the annual conservative conferences held during the before times in and around Washington, DC.
But in this pandemic wasteland of 2021, where even CPAC has decamped to a popular family hotel a short 20-minute drive from Disney World, it's the lack of young people that is getting noticed.

"That's the thing I miss the most, without any question," Roger Stone, the infamous Donald Trump consigliere, told Insider on Saturday.

"You can't be a party that looks backward, it has to look forward," said one longtime CPAC attendee who noted the absence of college students this year. "Trump is still looking backward and it is hurting the party."
In his speech, DeSantis urged conservatives to stand firm against progressives.

“When the left comes after you, will you stay strong? Or will you fall? he said. “[When] you engage in the battles ahead, hold the line. Stand your ground and don’t ever, ever back down.”
Not here. I’m a constitutionalist, and find both parties love wiping their ass with it. Neither party is what both used to be. They’re all paid for whores.

That's because we're paid whores. Our representatives really do represent us. As much as it's BS to think that one party is awesome and one party is terrible, it's just as much a lie to think that the people out here are awesome and the representatives in there are terrible.
This thread has gone on enough to say FVCK TRUMP
Voting out all Republicans is the only answer for America
The republicans cannot be destroyed from the outside, it must be from the inside and Donald is just the boy to do it. All the good people have left the party, even the anti Trump ones are assholes. They are not committed to democracy or the constitution, their leadership seeks power only and their most deplorable base seeks genocide for minority Americans. You cannot allow such people to gain power again, this is not politics, it's something else, they have no respect for and don't play by the rules. If they have no regard for the constitution, why would they follow the rules and the laws made under it, other than to pay it lip service or stay out of jail?

All ya have to do is split them or piss off 20% and they are screwed nationally, if Trump got the nomination from prison he would lose the election to Joe in a landslide (judging by Joe's performance so far). Soon Donald will have legal problems that will land him in jail, that will quickly absorb all of his attention. Democrats could let them dangle in the wind for a spell (if they could) though before jailing Trump, he's hurting the GOP far more than the country by running around loose for a spell.
They will need to bust Donald's ass for insurrection and invoke the 14th amendment section 3, to remove Donald from the political scene completely, prison should do the rest. Just a simple majority would be required for this, unlike impeachment, where 2/3 are required for conviction.*

However, Donald will leave a party run by conmen, full of fanatical fans, racists, loonies and other assorted deplorables, they drove out the people with hearts and brains. If Donald is not on the ballot many of the base won't even bother to vote and if he turns on the republicans from prison, they won't for sure.

* Fourteenth Amendment
  • Section 3
    No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
    • Amdt14.S3.1 Disqualification from Holding Office
Donald will require all the republicans to protest his trial on the courthouse steps and make speeches railing against the "crooked justice system" etc. Donald ain't done with these suckers yet, they are gonna dance for him while he is on trial or they will be on another enemies list. Donald is gonna wipe his ass with these pricks and use them up like toilet paper. Just wait for the indictments and trials when Donald begins to panic, shift the blame and lash out, he will become desperate and make republican congressmen and the RNC do his bidding on the way down. Perhaps much of Donald's future legal team will be made up of congress people working pro bono at Donald's demand, otherwise he might have trouble finding lawyers.

You will see a truly desperate Donald, but one without real power, the past is nothing compared to the lengths he will go through to avoid prison and humiliation. All those court cases Donald skipped over or settled were civil cases and criminal cases follow a different set of rules, the criminal system deals with Donalds every day of the week, they are used to dealing with assholes.
CPAC is missing students and its legendary party scene. Republicans are concerned the low-energy event reflects the GOP's standing with young voters in a post-Trump world.

ORLANDO, Florida — There's a common refrain among Republicans and conservatives roaming the halls of this year's Conservative Political Action Conference: "Where are all the students?"

The lack of eager right-leaning teenagers and 20-somethings collecting free schwag and chugging beers is one of the most glaring and obvious contrasts from the annual conservative conferences held during the before times in and around Washington, DC.
But in this pandemic wasteland of 2021, where even CPAC has decamped to a popular family hotel a short 20-minute drive from Disney World, it's the lack of young people that is getting noticed.

"That's the thing I miss the most, without any question," Roger Stone, the infamous Donald Trump consigliere, told Insider on Saturday.

"You can't be a party that looks backward, it has to look forward," said one longtime CPAC attendee who noted the absence of college students this year. "Trump is still looking backward and it is hurting the party."

hit another paywall:sad:

plenty of red hatters in the audience clinging to their red hat.
Trump shares plans for new super PAC in Mar-a-Lago meeting
Former President Donald Trump told political advisers Thursday that he’s chosen longtime ally Corey Lewandowski to run a yet-to-be-formed super PAC as part of his expanding post-presidential political apparatus, according to multiple people familiar with the discussion.

“MAGA supporters and candidates supporting President Trump’s America First agenda are going to be impressed with the political operation being built out here," Miller said. "We expect formal announcements of the full team in the coming weeks, which will include some very talented operatives not yet named."

Donald Trump Jr. helped to organize Thursday's meeting. The younger Trump is expected to play a major role in overseeing the political apparatus, in addition to campaigning publicly for favored candidates. Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was the de facto campaign manager on Trump's 2020 reelection effort, was not present at the gathering.

Trump has already established a leadership PAC, Save America, that has raised tens of millions of dollars. But unlike leadership PACs, which are limited in terms of how much money they can raise from individual donors, super PACs are able to raise and spend unlimited amounts. Trump still maintains wide support among major Republican Party givers, many of whom may be willing to cut substantial checks.

Even after his defeat, Trump proved to be a fundraising juggernaut. Save America, which was formed after the election, had $31.5 million in the bank at the end of December, much of it raised from appeals to small-dollar donors that focused on the former president’s baseless claims of election fraud. Millions of dollars more are potentially still waiting to be transferred into Save America from a Trump-affiliated joint fundraising committee.

As long as Trump has money to spend on candidates he will be the piper. Or wizard behind the curtain. Setting up employment for his spawn.
In his speech, DeSantis urged conservatives to stand firm against progressives.

“When the left comes after you, will you stay strong? Or will you fall? he said. “[When] you engage in the battles ahead, hold the line. Stand your ground and don’t ever, ever back down.”

'comes after you?' what is he taking about?

sounds like he's taken on the role of proxy in latest treasonous insurrection plan.
hit another paywall:sad:

plenty of red hatters in the audience clinging to their red hat.
I posted the important bits. I do a quick Select All and then copy before the paywall cuts me off. then paste it in. A whole lot of useless page formatting to delete but that is easy enough. I guess that makes me a bit of a cheater, another one of my failings I guess.
Trump shares plans for new super PAC in Mar-a-Lago meeting
Former President Donald Trump told political advisers Thursday that he’s chosen longtime ally Corey Lewandowski to run a yet-to-be-formed super PAC as part of his expanding post-presidential political apparatus, according to multiple people familiar with the discussion.

“MAGA supporters and candidates supporting President Trump’s America First agenda are going to be impressed with the political operation being built out here," Miller said. "We expect formal announcements of the full team in the coming weeks, which will include some very talented operatives not yet named."

Donald Trump Jr. helped to organize Thursday's meeting. The younger Trump is expected to play a major role in overseeing the political apparatus, in addition to campaigning publicly for favored candidates. Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was the de facto campaign manager on Trump's 2020 reelection effort, was not present at the gathering.

Trump has already established a leadership PAC, Save America, that has raised tens of millions of dollars. But unlike leadership PACs, which are limited in terms of how much money they can raise from individual donors, super PACs are able to raise and spend unlimited amounts. Trump still maintains wide support among major Republican Party givers, many of whom may be willing to cut substantial checks.

Even after his defeat, Trump proved to be a fundraising juggernaut. Save America, which was formed after the election, had $31.5 million in the bank at the end of December, much of it raised from appeals to small-dollar donors that focused on the former president’s baseless claims of election fraud. Millions of dollars more are potentially still waiting to be transferred into Save America from a Trump-affiliated joint fundraising committee.

As long as Trump has money to spend on candidates he will be the piper. Or wizard behind the curtain. Setting up employment for his spawn.

oh! Corey's..out of psych lockup?:lol: last we saw him he was barricaded in his house until one of his cop buddies lured him out so SWAT could take him down..Lewandowsi.

THAT Corey? the guy who stole like $75M from Trump?
I posted the important bits. I do a quick Select All and then copy before the paywall cuts me off. then paste it in. A whole lot of useless page formatting to delete but that is easy enough. I guess that makes me a bit of a cheater, another one of my failings I guess.

i read and i think posted if you clear it's specific cache it doesn't recognize you.
That's because we're paid whores. Our representatives really do represent us. As much as it's BS to think that one party is awesome and one party is terrible, it's just as much a lie to think that the people out here are awesome and the representatives in there are terrible.

and as paid whores Biden is approaching our true masters- The governors of red states..fvck the senators..he's telling the governors that they can have the box or they can have what's behind Door #1 that the lovely Carol Merrill is standing in front of..which would you choose?

For everything Biden is or isn't..he knows how to play this fvcking game.