Trump : The bloom is off the rose.

"the annual CPAC straw poll found that only 55% of attendees want Trump to be the Republican nominee in 2024, ahead of Florida governor Ron DeSantis at 21% (the conference is taking place in Florida), South Dakota governor Kristi Noem at 4% and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley at 3%."
David Smith, Manchester Guardian.

Trump won't be able to hold their attention because the MAGA types have short attention spans. They are already moving on. Barely a majority at cpac. 55%
After defeat and 2 impeachment no one with power and sense is gonna take the defeated slob as a legit gangster.

Here is an indication of the caliber of half wits, cons and cucks supporting this bloated slob / has-been failure.

I think its great that the Republicans made their bed and will now lie in it. They courted certain voting demographics and fed them bs for 40 years. Be a loud n proud Trumper or be primaried is what they are stuck with. I think they are putting national elections out of reach, trumps enough of a turn off in purple states (suburbs) that they will move blue. I think the midwest and south will be strongholds for many years to come though.

Trumplestiltskin is a symptom of a problem, not the actual cause.
Trump shares plans for new super PAC in Mar-a-Lago meeting
Former President Donald Trump told political advisers Thursday that he’s chosen longtime ally Corey Lewandowski to run a yet-to-be-formed super PAC as part of his expanding post-presidential political apparatus, according to multiple people familiar with the discussion.

“MAGA supporters and candidates supporting President Trump’s America First agenda are going to be impressed with the political operation being built out here," Miller said. "We expect formal announcements of the full team in the coming weeks, which will include some very talented operatives not yet named."

Donald Trump Jr. helped to organize Thursday's meeting. The younger Trump is expected to play a major role in overseeing the political apparatus, in addition to campaigning publicly for favored candidates. Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was the de facto campaign manager on Trump's 2020 reelection effort, was not present at the gathering.

Trump has already established a leadership PAC, Save America, that has raised tens of millions of dollars. But unlike leadership PACs, which are limited in terms of how much money they can raise from individual donors, super PACs are able to raise and spend unlimited amounts. Trump still maintains wide support among major Republican Party givers, many of whom may be willing to cut substantial checks.

Even after his defeat, Trump proved to be a fundraising juggernaut. Save America, which was formed after the election, had $31.5 million in the bank at the end of December, much of it raised from appeals to small-dollar donors that focused on the former president’s baseless claims of election fraud. Millions of dollars more are potentially still waiting to be transferred into Save America from a Trump-affiliated joint fundraising committee.

As long as Trump has money to spend on candidates he will be the piper. Or wizard behind the curtain. Setting up employment for his spawn.
It's a grift, nothing more, read the fine print, Donald won't finance anybody and will use the RNC as his personal checking account. It will rapidly turn into a legal defense fund as Donald tries to get the suckers to pay for his legal bills and living expenses. I don't think Donald will be running around for long, indictments are coming and someone will have to account for any delay in prosecution or obstruction of justice.
That's because we're paid whores. Our representatives really do represent us. As much as it's BS to think that one party is awesome and one party is terrible, it's just as much a lie to think that the people out here are awesome and the representatives in there are terrible.
Oh, I definitely think an above average percentage of Americans are just shit people that vote for shot people, regardless of side.
I'd almost consider myself a constitutionalist as well, but it's complicated by two things...

First is that anything involving a label and groups of people is likely perverted, same as how a self-proclaimed democrat/republican/liberal/conservative probably doesn't fit their respective definitions in practice.

Second is that freedom works best with good quality people, then it gets confusing when people turn to shit. You have two choices when that happens, you can either live in a completely shitty society with lots of freedom, or you can reduce freedom and and live is a less shitty society. Every single law we have directly represents our quality as people, with more laws representing a worse group of people and fewer laws representing a better group of people, and we have *A FUCKING LOT* of laws.
Beau makes an important point, Trump had no "policies", they are all just a bunch of racists and fascists, some now know Trump is a loser though. The split in the polls says a lot about these assholes.

Let's talk about what Trump missed at CPAC (Part 1)....
I would just like to mention that reliable sources state that there are 500 lobbyists in Washington DC for every member of Congress. I think that's a little much, but I'll bet there's a bunch. And that's reportedly after Trump drained the swamp. He said he did!
Alex Jones seen on leaked video saying he's 'sick' of Donald Trump
Prominent conspiracy theorist and far-right media personality Alex Jones is seen in a newly revealed video complaining about former President Trump and exclaiming that he wished he had never met him.

“It’s the truth, and I’m just going to say it: that I wish I never would have f---ing met Trump,” Jones says in the video, which was taken in January 2019. “I wish it never would have happened. And it’s not the attacks I’ve been through. I’m so sick of f---ing Donald Trump, man. God, I’m f---ing sick of him. And I’m not doing this because, like, I’m kissing his f---ing ass, you know. It’s, like, I’m sick of it.”

The video of Jones was taken by filmmaker Caolan Robertson, who shot a documentary with Jones in Austin, Texas, and leaked it to the Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Hatewatch initiative, which tracks extremist groups.

Robertson said Jones "doesn’t care about most of the stuff he professes to." "It just shows he doesn’t care about anything he talks about," he said. "He doesn’t like Trump but then goes on camera talking about how Trump is the savior."
I'd almost consider myself a constitutionalist as well, but it's complicated by two things...

First is that anything involving a label and groups of people is likely perverted, same as how a self-proclaimed democrat/republican/liberal/conservative probably doesn't fit their respective definitions in practice.

Second is that freedom works best with good quality people, then it gets confusing when people turn to shit. You have two choices when that happens, you can either live in a completely shitty society with lots of freedom, or you can reduce freedom and and live is a less shitty society. Every single law we have directly represents our quality as people, with more laws representing a worse group of people and fewer laws representing a better group of people, and we have *A FUCKING LOT* of laws.
The fact you have no likes on this comment shows exactly why we have so many laws...because too many shit humans.
The fact you have no likes on this comment shows exactly why we have so many laws...because too many shit humans.

Haha I don't quite follow the connection to likes, but yeah it seems we're on the same page there. If we truly want to address any of these major issues, an entirely new tactic is required. Otherwise, we're just going to keep half-assing our efforts on the symptoms and never actually get anywhere.
The fact you have no likes on this comment shows exactly why we have so many laws...because too many shit humans.
I went back and liked it because you didn't.

Also because you and your kind of whining assholes are why we need regulations in the first place. It's always the narcissists who fuck things up.

Give an example of a society, any place and any time that matches your ideology. It must be a large society that has shown it can defend itself and the people thrive.