Trump To Turn Himself In

Some of that did happen but it was very few people. You have to realize that the Federal Building was literally under siege. The extreme left was trying to burn it down. The destruction was real. They all should have been rounded up and jailed. Bunch of vandals, looters, nothing good and everything bad.

Border Guards? Do you mean the people guarding a federal facility while the extreme left was rioting, burning, and looting outside of INS detention center. They

The National Guard should have been called a week into the riots. But the far left Governor didn't do a thing except watch the city burn on the news every night like the rest of us for months.

You can pick out a few grains to try and justify what happened but the bucket of sand was all extreme left. That's a fact.

Go back to trump talk. This is futile and I'm done.
define extreme left.

'Potential death and destruction': Trump threatens D.A. with violent imagery

26,324 views Mar 24, 2023 #Trump #Indictment #StormyDaniels
Donald Trump issued a warning via his social media platform, Truth Social, regarding "potential death and destruction" if he is charged in a criminal case related to alleged hush-money payments to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels. This marks Trump's most explicit reference to violence if he faces an indictment from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's investigation. Trump referred to Bragg as a "degenerate psychopath" in his post-midnight message.
Trump brought in 1.5 million in THREE DAYS after he claimed he'd be arrested "on Tuesday". The grift keeps grifting.

Hope this helps you finger it out.
I’m asking the poster who deployed the term.
Maybe the citizens were engaging in legitimate protests and outside provocateurs came in.
Here are a few questions: Maybe @Fogdog could help.

Has the violence subsided with the new administration or grown worse?
How much of it was a product of the Trump administration and the cover he gave to rightwing extremists?
Does Biden appear to be dealing with it?
Do those on the right suddenly feel they lost their air cover?
Has the left burned the place to the ground yet?
XT has gone off the edge. He's not worth replying to on this topic. He sounds like the MAGA who talk of whole cities being burned down. lulz.

We have a whole thread on the subject that was active when it went down. Suggest taking this line of discussion there if people want to rehash the past. What XT said was insane. The real information was nothing like that.
XT has gone off the edge. He's not worth replying to on this topic. He sounds like the MAGA who talk of whole cities being burned down. lulz.

We have a whole thread on the subject that was active when it went down. Suggest taking this line of discussion there if people want to rehash the past. What XT said was insane. The real information was nothing like that.
He does seem wedded to the narrative that the false-flag right militia provocateurs were actual antifa.
He does seem wedded to the narrative that the false-flag right militia provocateurs were actual antifa.
This thread is perhaps worth a look if people want to see what went down.

The context and content are there. This thread is about Trump's legal mire.
This thread is perhaps worth a look if people want to see what went down.

The context and content are there. This thread is about Trump's legal mire.
let’s please not be strict about topicality.
This should have an impact on bail. If he is released he shouldn’t be allowed to comment on SM.
This and other things like it with other prosecutors in other jurisdictions, Donald could be setting himself up for multiple chances to jail him by several different prosecutors upon arraignment. He could be waiting for his trial on Rikers or at the very least, Donald and his lawyer will sweat for bail.
Why the hell not?

Does he want to go down the way of Branch Davidians? I wonder what Texas Paul has to say..let's see..hmmmm..the deets.

Jack's been busy with Trump Attorney Corcorran and The Grand Jury, today.

'It's gonna be massive..when it happens, it's gonna be massive' -Anonymous GA Grand Juror
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You posted an unfounded belief that turned out to be true regarding Trump's unfounded claim that he'd be arrested on Tuesday, which turned out to be false. Both of you were talking out your ass.

The Grand Jury has not released it's conclusions. That is fact. Until they do, whatever you or Trump or DIY say about what "will happen" are just speculative thoughts and of no value. I'm fine with people making predictions and crowing over how great they are when their predictions turn out to be true but at least be honest about the source of that belief.
I at least like to base my speculation (other than humor) on facts and expert opinion. The Teflon Don has amazed everybody at this point by his ability to delay or end investigations and prosecutions. Jack has been on the job 4 months, and he has Trump by the balls on both investigations and his lawyer before a grand jury over the documents today. I understand the delay and it was perfectly legal, as well as political and have no problem with the way things will go down this year and next year in court during the election season. I personally hope Donald will be running around a bit longer for political purposes, because justice is bound up with politics on this one. However once indictments are made, and it gets in front of a judge the justice process begins.
Has the problem gone away with Trump?
Has Biden made a difference in the level of protests?
Who is better for law and order, democrats or republicans who are led by a criminal.

What are you talking about? The protests were not about trump they were about the police. They started as BLM protests and turned into violent defund the police nonsense. Black men are still being killed by the police. That hasn't changed. Biden gets no credit for anything. The reason the protests stopped is because people got tired of protesting.
You obviously don't have a very good understanding of Portland. It's one of the most liberal cities in America. Those riots were all leftwing extremists destroying anything they could. The few occasions that the far right showed up the only thing they did was confront the left. They were not burning up the Federal courthouse or the police stations. In fact it was a leftwing extremist that shot and killed a far right extremist.

I was born and raised here. I know more about this city than you ever will from what you read online or watch on MSNBC. There's a reason the far left have been losing seats on the City Council in the last elections. Portlanders have had enough.

99% of the mayhem that occurred in Portland was the extreme left. This isn't Mississippi so I don't know what you're trying to do referencing the KKK, nazi's, and such.

You might fall for the misleading information you get from MSNBC but those of us that actually live here know what's actually going on.
I used to live in Portland and still have family there. You are understating the right wing problem Oregon has. There is a reason Oregon was a KKK power center at the time the KKK was the most powerful in America and it has nothing to do with MSNBC or left wing extremists.
XT has gone off the edge. He's not worth replying to on this topic. He sounds like the MAGA who talk of whole cities being burned down. lulz.

We have a whole thread on the subject that was active when it went down. Suggest taking this line of discussion there if people want to rehash the past. What XT said was insane. The real information was nothing like that.
Here in my home state we have scores of Magats who claim that one of our cities was "burned down" in spite of the fact that they can actually drive to it and see the millions of people living there - happily for the most part. It's ridiculous but justifies their calls to declare Black Lives Matter a terrorist group.

Rupert has managed to convince millions of people that reality is a mirage and that they ought to be pissed off enough to elect politicians who do not believe that rich people should pay taxes.
He won't believe us, and we don't believe him, it's not an argument worth having. Guy likes to make his proclamations.

Everyone did kinda hop on for the "he's gonna get arrested Tuesday" train, one dude pointed out we were going on trumps word, which was dumb. Glad trump was able to grift from his followers more, kudos and fuck em all.