Trump To Turn Himself In

Actually, America comes in at 97.3.
Australia comes in at beat us by a little, but you still ain't up to the 100 average either...what does that say about the average Australian?
that they have a SLIGHTLY higher IQ than the average American...
The only chart we either appear on otherwise is the one that shows how well a country is able to capitalize on their citizens IQ, otherwise we're both being beaten by Cambodia, Macau, Belarus, South Korea....

I thought @pjdiaz was from Colorado for some reason.
forgive my lateness ive been on vacation but as a reminder we dont call user accounts names
snowflake,magat etc. no matter how new the account maybe it doesnt matter

Good to know. I personally wasn't aware RIU TOS considered those words, because they're used in mainstream media and everyone pretty liberally. Under the impression TOS meant true slur or 'dirty' words.

I just know if I did a word search, none of those words you refer to, would show anywhere but Politics.

Welcome back, I did notice your absence and hope you had a good time with family etc!
Without blowing still in denial over the laptop, Hunter bided, and the Millions they got from china? Don't get me wrong there's corruption on both sides. Mitch McConnell just loves his son companies. That stupid turtle. I'm more of a libertarian who supports small government because everything our government touches they f******. Do you honestly think if you got the DUI at Nancy Pelosi's husband got you wouldn't be locked up? What did he get a slap on the wrist and a don't do it again? The guy could have killed somebody he was over twice the legal limit. Look at Tiger Woods, he was all f***** up when he crashed his car but no dui. It's not a Republican and Democrat thing honestly. I just choose the lesser of two evils because I like my freedom of speech and my firearms to protect my freedom of speech and property from The Invasion coming over our Southern border. I travel the country every week and I see how bad it is. And it was much much better When Donald Trump was in office. Was he perfect? Of course not and I wish you would shut the hell up on Twitter. I have two teenage kids and I'm mostly pissed off over how these Democratic Governors handle covid. South Dakota is a weird State without much population I think they're more of an exception to the norm.

Where are your links? This is disinformation.
