Trump will sign border bill, McConnell says, and declare national emergency

Declaring an National emergancy for a wall will set a precedent that the next democratic president can use to declare an emergency over anything, like universal health care or global warming or guns. This will open the door wide open for the democrats to exploit in the future to do some real good.....go ahead thump make my day

you you you commie, socialist, lol, sorry, that's what i got called on some news page when i said pretty much the same exact thing you just did..
funny, pro wall, pro national emergency people don't seem to realize that their party won't be in power for ever, and what is good for the goose...
you you you commie, socialist, lol, sorry, that's what i got called on some news page when i said pretty much the same exact thing you just did..
funny, pro wall, pro national emergency people don't seem to realize that their party won't be in power for ever, and what is good for the goose...
There's already talk of the next Democrat declaring an emergency on gun violence. Check the stats. Gun violence costs us more than illegal immigration and the figures are easy to find. Legal precedents can be a 2 edged sword.
How about the Health Care Crisis?....or Green Energy?

hey, who needs congressional approval when you can simply declare a national emergency to circumvent the will of the people and congress..
has he stated since this all went down where he's planning on stealing the money from? i agree that it will get knocked down in courts on constitutional grounds, was just curious what his plan actually is.. and i agree with fogdog, i don't even think he cares about the wall, just appeasing to his shrinking base at all costs..
hey, who needs congressional approval when you can simply declare a national emergency to circumvent the will of the people and congress..
has he stated since this all went down where he's planning on stealing the money from? i agree that it will get knocked down in courts on constitutional grounds, was just curious what his plan actually is.. and i agree with fogdog, i don't even think he cares about the wall, just appeasing to his shrinking base at all costs..
He was talking about shifting funds from military programs. Probably will shut down some military projects in blue states.

This all is reminiscent of the turmoil that brought the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of Imperial Rome. Powerful men started circumventing institutions that were established to provide checks and balances in government.
Here's what is shit. I'm from El Paso. Born and raised. Joined the USMC there and returned there. Had a Harley shop. I know that place. And the frigging terrain. This pinhead wants wall in places that are packed sand. Ancient seabed. Desert now. Miles and miles of miles and miles of nothing.

I can still hear my mother yelling to not be digging forts when we were kids . Because anyone with anything can dig in it. No rocks. None. Occasionally a lava flow. The fact is 375 just dug under the one near Antelope Wells and turned themselves in. Women and kids included. With shovels. Why would we waste any money on a wall there? They dig under the ones already in place. It's a stupid defense .
Here's what is shit. I'm from El Paso. Born and raised. Joined the USMC there and returned there. Had a Harley shop. I know that place. And the frigging terrain. This pinhead wants wall in places that are packed sand. Ancient seabed. Desert now. Miles and miles of miles and miles of nothing.

I can still hear my mother yelling to not be digging forts when we were kids . Because anyone with anything can dig in it. No rocks. None. Occasionally a lava flow. The fact is 375 just dug under the one near Antelope Wells and turned themselves in. Women and kids included. With shovels. Why would we waste any money on a wall there? They dig under the ones already in place. It's a stupid defense .
i've spent a fair amount of time in/near el paso. more specifically at the very edge of el paso in santa theresa/sunland park. not quite as texas-y as i expected, pretty cool little place to hang out for a bit
The only reason he squeezed congress for as much $$ as possible BEFORE declaring state of emergency to get the rest+ (which was always the plan), is because he is clearly benefiting from the whole wall deal, either politically, or financially, or both. My guess is he had a bunch of put-options on steel-related investments (hence the focussed steel industry trade attack a few months ago), and now he has a bunch of call options (or equivalent private investment strategies). He's clearly not doing it for "the people." Would be interested to see what companies were recently forced out of business that Trump Inc then swooped in and acquired (ahem, "saved") on the cheap.... ugh.
Hopefully they don’t declare an emergency on Bacon , Four Loco and Loose women cuz I’m kicking me somebody’s ass.

Especially that horse toothed Don Jr. .......... he just looks like somebody you want to elbow in the face.

i've spent a fair amount of time in/near el paso. more specifically at the very edge of el paso in santa theresa/sunland park. not quite as texas-y as i expected, pretty cool little place to hang out for a bit
We used to cut school and go to the race track at Sunland Park on Fridays. We even bet. This was in the 60's but still. Teenagers buying tickets.
We used to cut school and go to the race track at Sunland Park on Fridays. We even bet. This was in the 60's but still. Teenagers buying tickets.
i went to carlos bakery every single day for lunch for two months in a row. bought enough to have it for dinner too.

am considering going back to el paso just to stop in there again
Now you and the rest of the assholes that are going to follow you are just going to go out of your way to be dicks. This is a grow site right? Because everyday it becomes more of a stinky hippie pothead peace-loving Make Love Not War let's beat a drum in our birkenstock I'm pissed because my side lost home site. Get the fuxk over it and move on. If you don't like it run for office and see if you could beat them. Stick to what you know growing pot!
Oh so through Insults, hate, anger and chaos better and deeper conversations & understanding of the world around us can be achieved, thank you so much for chiming in, it's people like you that progress this site and bring about change, it's nice to see your stance , and thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will get right on it for ya.

And those 20+ years of gardening and growing trees outdoors must have been a big waste of time after all, growing pot is the only thing any of us could be good at it's the only plant source anything about growing can be learned from, right?
i went to carlos bakery every single day for lunch for two months in a row. bought enough to have it for dinner too.

am considering going back to el paso just to stop in there again
Go to El Paso and eat at

L&J off I10 by Concordia Cemetery. John Wesley Hardin is buried there. Copia Street exit.

Kiki's on Piedras.

The Good Luck Cafe on Alameda Street. Since 1920
Oh so through Insults, hate, anger and chaos better and deeper conversations & understanding of the world around us can be achieved, thank you so much for chiming in, it's people like you that progress this site and bring about change, it's nice to see your stance , and thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will get right on it for ya.

And those 20+ years of gardening and growing trees outdoors must have been a big waste of time after all, growing pot is the only thing any of us could be good at it's the only plant source anything about growing can be learned from, right?
Republicans like him sold their soul. They don't even know what is right or wrong anymore.