Trump will sign border bill, McConnell says, and declare national emergency

You guys are a bunch of dumb fucks once that walls built that Mexican swag isint coming across the border anymore that'll drive prices up which is better for the grower.
Lol i havent seen brickweed in over a decade. If you cant grow for shit i guess that could be a concern.

Maybe spend more time there.. That way you arent threatened by shwag.

I'll laugh when each and every one of them die. Preferably they impoverish their children in a long and lingering useless death.
Ouch that's a bit harsh Fogdog. (Dead kids?)

Do you really attach to the belief that republicans and democratic votes and such are the reason for the turmoil in this country?

I find wisdom in the words of that old Who song, we don't get fooled again-- 'meet the new boss, just the same as the old boss'-- those words weren't just for shits and giggles, there is actually a sliver of truth in those lyrics.

Isn't the machine still heading towards inhumanity? Is the collapse of America as we know it by mistake or accident? I'm not convinced it is.

Just look at Mr proud to shut down the government for 35 days and the clues he leaves everywhere, lol the deep State actually rolls the curtain up and pulls him off stage when he's done said what he's needed to say, he's got them nervous at any given moment. (Just look at the Helsinki Summit where he mis spoke, lol, had to clarify then they turned the lights off on him when he clarified, what a goofbag)
Ouch that's a bit harsh Fogdog. (Dead kids?)

Do you really attach to the belief that republicans and democratic votes and such are the reason for the turmoil in this country?

I find wisdom in the words of that old Who song, we don't get fooled again-- 'meet the new boss, just the same as the old boss'-- those words weren't just for shits and giggles, there is actually a sliver of truth in those lyrics.

Isn't the machine still heading towards inhumanity? Is the collapse of America as we know it by mistake or accident? I'm not convinced it is.

Just look at Mr proud to shut down the government for 35 days and the clues he leaves everywhere, lol the deep State actually rolls the curtain up and pulls him off stage when he's done said what he's needed to say, he's got them nervous at any given moment. (Just look at the Helsinki Summit where he mis spoke, lol, had to clarify then they turned the lights off on him when he clarified, what a goofbag)
Not dead kids. Currently medicaid only kicks in when the recipient is impoverished. Totally inhumane. Assisted living care costs 5 thousand a month and medicare only steps in when the parent has only $2000 or less in assets. I want the people who voted for Trump to live a long time in assisted living. I want their kids to live with their parent's choices. Only then can they or some of them realize what kindness the wealthy have reserved for the 90%.

Right now, as currently structured, what little the 90% manage to save will be swallowed up by our healthcare system with nothing to pass on to future generations. Anybody who supports Republicans should experience the full weight of their decisions to do so.

Maybe that's harsh but nothing compared to what Republicans rich bitches deliberately chose for us.

I support universal, government provided healthcare for all and bench marked against the best other countries manage to offer. We are the largest economy by far in history and have only five percent of the world's population. What the fuck are we doing with this crappy health care system?
Ouch that's a bit harsh Fogdog. (Dead kids?)

Do you really attach to the belief that republicans and democratic votes and such are the reason for the turmoil in this country?

I find wisdom in the words of that old Who song, we don't get fooled again-- 'meet the new boss, just the same as the old boss'-- those words weren't just for shits and giggles, there is actually a sliver of truth in those lyrics.

Isn't the machine still heading towards inhumanity? Is the collapse of America as we know it by mistake or accident? I'm not convinced it is.

Just look at Mr proud to shut down the government for 35 days and the clues he leaves everywhere, lol the deep State actually rolls the curtain up and pulls him off stage when he's done said what he's needed to say, he's got them nervous at any given moment. (Just look at the Helsinki Summit where he mis spoke, lol, had to clarify then they turned the lights off on him when he clarified, what a goofbag)
I don't think we are close to collapsing. I think a Democratically controlled Congress and Presidency is only six years away. Just looking at the fine new congressmen entering the system now, I am reassured that there is time and the ability to fix this.

I only regret that we'll be saving Republican asses at the same time.

And that emergency measure? Not constitutional. Won't happen. Trump is just playing to his idiot audience.
Not dead kids. Currently medicaid only kicks in when the recipient is impoverished. Totally inhumane. Assisted living care costs 5 thousand a month and medicare only steps in when the parent has only $2000 or less in assets. I want the people who voted for Trump to live a long time in assisted living. I want their kids to live with their parent's choices. Only then can they or some of them realize what kindness the wealthy have reserved for the 90%.

Right now, as currently structured, what little the 90% manage to save will be swallowed up by our healthcare system with nothing to pass on to future generations. Anybody who supports Republicans should experience the full weight of their decisions to do so.

Maybe that's harsh but nothing compared to what Republicans rich bitches deliberately chose for us.

I support universal, government provided healthcare for all and bench marked against the best other countries manage to offer. We are the largest economy by far in history and have only five percent of the world's population. What the fuck are we doing with this crappy health care system?
Oh I see what you meant now, once their children turn into adulthood and what not.

That sounds a bit more appropriate, thx for clarifying.
I don't think we are close to collapsing. I think a Democratically controlled Congress and Presidency is only six years away. Just looking at the fine new congressmen entering the system now, I am reassured that there is time and the ability to fix this.

I only regret that we'll be saving Republican asses at the same time.

And that emergency measure? Not constitutional. Won't happen. Trump is just playing to his idiot audience.
I'm all for optimism brother, the manic currently at the steering wheel has been saying 'Look MA no hands' for a bit to long without accountability or care , and he keeps laughing after disasters are narrowly avoided each time, it's a wonder he hasn't hit a solid concrete pillar, or drove us up a wrong way ramp into an accelerating dump truck as of yet.
Now you and the rest of the assholes that are going to follow you are just going to go out of your way to be dicks. This is a grow site right? Because everyday it becomes more of a stinky hippie pothead peace-loving Make Love Not War let's beat a drum in our birkenstock I'm pissed because my side lost home site. Get the fuxk over it and move on. If you don't like it run for office and see if you could beat them. Stick to what you know growing pot!

meltdown because you're 'winning'?
Although I mostly hate the whole political arena , I must say it is fucking mind blowing that
his “ base “ is so entranced with this sad pathetic windbag. We could go thru a laundry list of failures
BEFORE his presidency : remember Trump Airlines ? Trump Vodka ( *snicker ) , Trump Casinos , university, mortgage ( *insane ) and on and on.

The fucker has more scandals than most presidents combined. He just jettisoned his illegal staff at his clubs ( which he claimed he knew nothing about their status ) ...... “Ummm ... you fat fuck , we know you look for workers and contractors so you can pay nothing to or not at all. “

It is mind boggling how many plaintiffs are involved with some or another in cases of litigation
against this peacock headed shitstain. Bankruptcy is a word he knows well.

We are the laughing stock of the world no doubt ..... and his cult followers reciprocate .

Time to enforce the policy... He IS the definition of treason.

View attachment 4282597
I’m free after harvest.

Treason? "owing allegiance" to a person(s) or agency that threatens violence if you don't genuflect before them, is sort of like saying all rape victims must moan in ecstasy or there will be consequences.

Treason? "owing allegiance" to a person(s) or agency that threatens violence if you don't genuflect before them, is sort of like saying all rape victims must moan in ecstasy or there will be consequences.

Good morning slave. I don't want you goofing off today. I expect a productive, full day of work out of you. There are some welfare recipient illegal aliens that want some nice steaks for the weekend. Get to work.
Good morning slave. I don't want you goofing off today. I expect a productive, full day of work out of you. There are some welfare recipient illegal aliens that want some nice steaks for the weekend. Get to work.

Good morning Potato.

Nope, no goofing off today. Already cut clones from the keepers and will be harvesting pollen from a tight internode gorilla glue / og ghost boy later for a steamy pollen chuck orgy.

Then I'm gonna shoot the marauding squirrels at the birdfeeder and have some supper. Yum.

How about the Health Care Crisis?....or Green Energy?

Without threats of gun violence by "authorities" to ensure compliance, you wouldn't be able to institute "free health care" or "mandatory green energy".

It all starts with a gun, in the hands of "authorities". Most people are so inured to the omnipresent existing threats they get flustered when somebody mentions it and get all stockholmy and sycophantasic. (Yes I sort of made those words up)

Anyway...Celtics have a better bench and would have gone toe to toe with Warriors if they met in a series... until the Warriors got Boogie Cousins. That's just gluttony of riches.
There's already talk of the next Democrat declaring an emergency on gun violence. Check the stats. Gun violence costs us more than illegal immigration and the figures are easy to find. Legal precedents can be a 2 edged sword.

That is a giant contradiction though, since Democrats (and Republicans) love it when guns are used to steer the herd into their favorite corrals. Have you been smoking marijuana again, young man?
That is a giant contradiction though, since Democrats (and Republicans) love it when guns are used to steer the herd into their favorite corrals. Have you been smoking marijuana again, young man?
Laugh now. You won't be in 4 to 5 years about this. Read a bit and see the gun issue has already been discussed and how the same deal with money taken from every agency in an "emergency" will be used to work against the Second Amendment as much as possible while leaving the Amendment intact. Easy to do.
I don't think we are close to collapsing. I think a Democratically controlled Congress and Presidency is only six years away. Just looking at the fine new congressmen entering the system now, I am reassured that there is time and the ability to fix this.

I only regret that we'll be saving Republican asses at the same time.

And that emergency measure? Not constitutional. Won't happen. Trump is just playing to his idiot audience.
>Democratically controlled Congress and Presidency is only six years away.

Cope and acceptance.
Laugh now. You won't be in 4 to 5 years about this. Read a bit and see the gun issue has already been discussed and how the same deal with money taken from every agency in an "emergency" will be used to work against the Second Amendment as much as possible while leaving the Amendment intact. Easy to do.

When freedom is outlawed...only outlaws will be free.

Don't you find it just a little funny that in order for statists to take guns away from peaceful people, they'll have to first threaten them with guns to do it?
Trump speaking. If one was not aware of his office most hearing him might think he was a warehouse manager. Not cool enough to be a whorehouse manager. Not well spoken enough.