Trump will sign border bill, McConnell says, and declare national emergency

i sent my dad an email about the debt crossing 22 T

his response was that the trump tax cuts were giving the treasury more money.

he's old and i love him but he's a moron.

Do you realize US federal tax revenue is at an all-time high? We are taking in almost a trillion $$ more than when Obama started his presidency in 2008.

We just spend too much.

Shekels, Shekels everywhere

Tax cuts DO NOT = less tax revenue but actually more under TRUMP
Same old lying bullshit from a failing Republican government. As with "incomes are up". Yes, in absolute terms, both tax revenue are up and incomes are up. When adjusted for inflation, both tax revenue and incomes are down. In terms of GDP growth, tax revenues didn't come close to boosting tax revenues proportionately. Tax revenues were down by 4% by that measure.

This is all just to say "tax cut for the rich" in another way.

Blaze's post echoes the exact definition of propaganda. It is half true but draws a false conclusion. One simply can't listen to liars. Because liars lie. They always do.
Tax cuts DO NOT = less tax revenue

let's see

bllionaires are saving millions and billions and trillions of dollars from donald's tax scam

but revenues are roughly the same (down a little when adjusted for inflation)

meaning that people in the middle class like me are paying more

thanks for pointing out that donald is screwing hard working americans like myself to pay for private jet tax write offs for billionaires like (((george soros)))

you fucking anti-semite neo-nazi
Treasury numbers are fake news now. I seen it.

Pretty much everybody I work with uses the construction "I seen"
I seen
you seen
he/she seen
they seen

And in the plus perfect:
I have sawed
you have sawed
he/she have sawed
they have sawed

Living here is starting to really wear on me. My wife is from here. She uses proper English. I asked her about it and she said they were white trash. What do you think the odds of being white trash are near me if 19 out of 20 people I work with are white trash?
yeah...but...i've lived in Fargo, Minneapolis, Chicago, Knoxville, Tampa...spent fair amounts of time in Sacramento, Seattle, Boston.....some had more, some had less, but all had a fair population of white trash....they're everywhere, and a lot of the time, they aren't obvious till they start where ever you decide to move, make sure you go hang out and chat with random people for a to the people who live in the neighborhood you're thinking about buying a house in...
Do you realize US federal tax revenue is at an all-time high? We are taking in almost a trillion $$ more than when Obama started his presidency in 2008.

We just spend too much.

Shekels, Shekels everywhere

Tax cuts DO NOT = less tax revenue but actually more under TRUMP
sure...and the deficit is also at an all time high...i don't give a fuck if he balances the budget from now till the day the sun goes doesn't make him a decent human being, and no amount of money can erase the crimes he's committed against this country and it's people...every penny trump possesses should go to the public school system, so we can educate the next generation well enough that they'll never believe another fucking lying piece of shit like trump