Trump will sign border bill, McConnell says, and declare national emergency

You wouldn't. I have a ccw you would be leaking.
Live by the sword, Die by the sword.

Most people with guns either accidentally injure or kill someone who they were not intending to kill or injure, or if they are violent towards humans with such weapons they are either killed by a similar weapon or their own, or eventually they are locked up for not living in a civilized nature, by being charged with murder ect.
And even then God has the final say in what we humans do here on Earth, nobody gets away Scott free from any sinful action that is committed, and I'm not going to argue, I'm telling you this so you can realize a fact, it won't matter what you believed in while you were alive, I'm letting you know what Death entails, I feel it is honorable to let others know this truth about our existence.

Besides, why would you expose yourself as to having the option of using a weapon instead of a fair fight between two people by admitting your choice to use a gun against anyone whom challenges you, are you not aware they would simply kill you off first before you were given a chance to complete any other action?
Live by the sword, Die by the sword.

Most people with guns either accidentally injure or kill someone who they were not intending to kill or injure, or if they are violent towards humans with such weapons they are either killed by a similar weapon or their own, or eventually they are locked up for not living in a civilized nature, by being charged with murder ect.
And even then God has the final say in what we humans do here on Earth, nobody gets away Scott free from any sinful action that is committed, and I'm not going to argue, I'm telling you this so you can realize a fact, it won't matter what you believed in while you were alive, I'm letting you know what Death entails, I feel it is honorable to let others know this truth about our existence.

Besides, why would you expose yourself as to having the option of using a weapon instead of a fair fight between two people by admitting your choice to use a gun against anyone whom challenges you, are you not aware they would simply kill you off first before you were given a chance to complete any other action?
What's a ccw for then?
And I got news for you assholes. CCW permits are public record. If you do your research you can find out everybody that has one. For your information I have multiple scarossis and am confined to a wheelchair so if you want to beat up a man in a wheelchair then your a real tough guy.
The fact that you guys even threatened violence against somebody who had a different opinion of you shows what pieces of shit you really are. Are you sure you're not Republicans? Because you're surely not Democrats. You're just a bunch of mutts that have no clue what you believe in. This is why they call it dope.

couldn't help myself. sorry miss wheels.
The fact that you guys even threatened violence against somebody who had a different opinion of you shows what pieces of shit you really are. Are you sure you're not Republicans? Because you're surely not Democrats. You're just a bunch of mutts that have no clue what you believe in. This is why they call it dope.
What are assholes for other than shitting?
For a wheelchair bound person you arent very humble. Why are you so angry?
You're all a bunch of complete scumbags who has some serious karma coming your way. Keyboard tough guys.
I liked the comment above yours because I felt you were talking about yourself, I would not call you an asshole directly.

And about your ccw permit you mentioned, you act as if everyone who has a gun would pull it over a simple disagreement or non deadly fist fight.

Is it not you yourself whom is putting yourself in harms way for agreeing to battle with someone you assume is your enemy? Are you not your own number 1 enemy for pulling yourself into such an unwise battle that you yourself cannot fight or win?