Well-Known Member
How is your trailer appreciating?Cdl driver is what I put out there for you to parrot. It's for job postings. We are called truck drivers. Why would I care if your neighbor drives a bus.
How is your trailer appreciating?Cdl driver is what I put out there for you to parrot. It's for job postings. We are called truck drivers. Why would I care if your neighbor drives a bus.
How is your trailer appreciating?
So is you trailer gaining in value or depreciating to $0.00Drunk AF. Nite nite dude drink some water.
There's a fortune in the crawl space though. And it didn't drop a penny when the market tanked.How is your trailer appreciating?
Don't wait until cancer is in your spine. That's where it winds up.
The last time I was at the urologist's office I heard him give the bad news to some guy in the next room.
It's never a clear cut situation, you better guess right. 1 in 10,000 dies just from a biopsy that gets infected and sepsis developes. But to wither away from metastisized cancer when it could have been detected is as crazy as pretending colloidal silver has some medicinal value.
And Arnold Palmer had 72 biopsies before they found cancer and removed it. Good luck.
Inhale the colloidal silver, you'll be fine.I thought you were done.
Maybe read the book written by the man who invented the PSA test. The Great Prostate Hoax. More pertinent to you in the US if that's where you are.
Every year, more than a million men undergo painful needle biopsies for prostate cancer, and upward of 100,000 have radical prostatectomies, resulting in incontinence and impotence. But the shocking fact is that most of these men would never have died from this common form of cancer, which frequently grows so slowly that it never even leaves the prostate. How did we get to a point where so many unnecessary tests and surgeries are being done? In The Great Prostate Hoax, Richard J. Ablin exposes how a discovery he made in 1970, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA), was co-opted by the pharmaceutical industry into a multibillion-dollar business. He shows how his discovery of PSA was never meant to be used for screening prostate cancer, and yet nonetheless the test was patented and eventurally approved by the FDA in 1994. Now, doctors and victims are beginning to speak out about the harm of the test, and beginning to search for a true prostate cancer-specific marker.
A stroke or lung cancer is more likely to take me out than prostate cancer. We got doctor assisted death here too so I won't have to suffer any more than I have to if the worst happens. The wife and I are both getting the paperwork done in readiness. Found out a few years ago my birth mother died of dementia and that scares me way more than any cancer. She was diagnosed at 65, dead at 75, 6 months before I made contact with my half-siblings. I had a small stroke 5 years ago and was diagnosed with ischemic brain disease so that's not gonna help. I do a lot of stuff to help make sure that doesn't happen again and none of it includes pharma drugs.
"Death I fear not but the means of it does concern me." Me. Just now.
Yeah, I was curious what the 'purple' thing that troll kept on about. He tagged me in that thread trolling Biden, but I don't feel like giving it an unnecessary bump, which is obviously all it wanted by stirring up racist shit and tagging a bunch of active members.So, do you think you should eat a pre-1982 copper penny or a modern zinc one to beat covid-19?
And how are those 'purples' treating you these days?
You are a CDL driver that works 70 hours per week?
Lol, such obvious lies.
Hey, that's a great idea. I'll try that after I've finished gargling with pure liquid Chlorox.Inhale the colloidal silver, you'll be fine.
Inhale the colloidal silver, you'll be fine.
QuackI will. Just deciding which nebulizer to order first so it gets deep into the lungs.
Thanks for reminding me to get on that so I'll be ready in case we get covis here.
You're a real pal!
Dead man walking
The guy who isn't a medical professional and wouldn't listen to medical professionals and developed COPD tells us to try woo-woo sciency self treatments on ourselves because he doesn't trust advice from medical professionals. Now he says we are stupid for not listening to him instead of medical professionals.
BahahahaWhere does it say that the man and his wife support Trump?
I'm no fan of Trump, but he's definitely not telling people to eat aquarium antibiotics
If you really want to make fun of stupidity, let's talk about your support of Bernie and how you think you're going to get free shit
Flawless logicactually, old med has some good logic:
they used to use silver spoons for the anti septic properties
they used to use lead to line the Roman aqueducts
they used to use asbestos as insulation