Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

Trump also tried to stage a coup with the help of a corrupt and treasonous DOJ official named Jeffrey Clark. Mister Clark is gonna be on the congressional hot seat for so fucking long his butt will be well fucking done when he gets off. 1/6 wasn't the only coup attempt, this one came closer and if it succeeded, 1/6 would have been the beginning of open civil war.

So when he couldn't win by cheating and fucking up the election and post office as much as he could, he resorted to a coup and trying to illegally change the election results, culminating in the failed insurrection attempt on 1/6. Republican congress people were in on the plot to overthrown democratic government, or parts of it, in a conspiracy with the trump administration and this included the 1/6 insurrection. Thus ending 240 years of the peaceful transfer of power in the USA, hurt political stability, damaged America's image abroad and lessened the confidence of important allies.

The full picture of Trump's attempted coup is only starting to emerge

(CNN)President Donald Trump -- back in the final days of his presidency -- didn't exactly make a secret of his effort to overturn the election he'd just lost and so it's very easy to get tired of thinking about it, now that he's out of office and his official powers have been clipped.

But in addition to the lies he was spreading all along, we continue to learn new and disturbing details about his obstinate and pernicious efforts to poison the system from within, which included an "Apprentice"-style showdown between two top Justice Department officials at the White House and threats of resignation.

Woven together, they show that Trump's assault on democracy, which looks more and more like an attempted coup, was even more reckless and insistent than previously thought.

The recent news includes these items:
  • Trump pressured acting DOJ officials like acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen on December 27 to "Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen," according to the notes of acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue's notes, shared with House investigators.
  • A day later, on December 28, at least one acting DOJ official, Jeffrey Clark, who was in charge of the civil division, apparently bought into Trump's lies, or wanted to assuage him, and drafted a letter suggesting there were election irregularities in the election (there weren't), but it was rebuffed by other top acting officials.
  • Officials like Rosen's chief of staff Patrick Hovakimian drafted letters of resignation in case his boss was pushed out in favor of Clark.
CNN's Marshall Cohen, Jason Morris, Christopher Hickey and Will Mullery have put together an in-depth timeline of Trump's efforts to corrupt the US government and the Georgia government. It is exhaustive and shocking.

It's the threat of a block of DOJ resignations among the acting officials (these people, as acting officials, were supposed to be Trump loyalists) that may have stopped Trump from a last-minute firing of officials at Justice.

Bear in mind that Trump's pressure on Rosen and Donoghue came exactly one day after the final resignation of former Attorney General William Barr.

Barr left the administration in its final month, not long after he'd told a reporter the truth, that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the election.

Trump exploded at this perceived betrayal by Barr in a White House meeting documented by Jonathan Karl in a forthcoming book.

On Barr's last day, Trump was on the phone with officials in Georgia, encouraging them to "find" votes. They wouldn't do it.

These details will come out in a fuller narrative now that House investigators are interviewing former Trump officials.

That official record will supplement the details we already knew, like the "Apprentice"-style showdown, which went on for hours, where Rosen and Clark each presented arguments to Trump about how to proceed in his final days.

That occurred January 3. Three days later, Trump's supporters attacked the Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes.

The strain of Trump's efforts to undermine the election were not isolated to the Justice Department. Earlier this year we learned from another book that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley was actively engaged in countering any effort by Trump to use the government to seize power.

It's good news that even officials once perceived as Trump loyalists would not help him overturn the election. But it all needs to be considered in context and with the knowledge that Trump could very well run for the White House again.

It's also worth considering whether he broke the law by exerting pressure to break the US democratic process.

"Forget about a crime. I see several federal crimes here," said the former federal prosecutor and CNN analyst Elie Honig, who has recently published a book that is an indictment of Barr's time in the Trump administration.

Here's more detail from Honig, who made these comments to CNN's Erin Burnett:

"I'll be specific. It is a federal crime to deprive a state of a fair election.

It is a federal crime to solicit false counting of ballots, false certification of an election.

It is a federal crime to conspire against the United States.
Youre not suppose to drink the bong water
the post was meant to make you (or others) look it up and learn the historical fact in order to understand the OP article was trolling trying to prove dems should have no patience and be blood-thirsty with DOJ (thereby making us no better than Trumpers). People willing to write articles screaming and crying hyperbole about DOJ and who get paid a living writing, should also know instead of whipping up readership.

i hope that made sense..Glueball #7..i lose myself.

i feel a real undeserved turn here for DOJ on 1/6 and Biden on Afghanistan.
I think you're probably right. I wait, and the longer I wait (well, so long as before the midterms) the bigger the implosion ought to be.

View attachment 4969936

So now what?

So with no great organization done before 1-6 on attacking the Capital. So that meant Trump put the thoughts into the people's head they should storm the Capital.
Two observations. Wecan dismiss the Washington Examiner as having a dog in this hunt. Owned by a "conservative Christian" billionaire. Propaganda, and we have seen how disconnected from fact right-bias imitation reality is.

The second is that when you're hunting duck or turkey, you make sounds like "all is clear". The fowl is usually terminally surprised later. Someone can be using that paper to plant a soothing story that will induce the principals to leave more data. This one isn't dead by a long shot.

Someone posted a video of a former prosecutoranalyzing the Reuters release. It pretty much left Trump and minions holding the bag alone. So the folks at the DOJ might be lining up a buttload of dominos and waiting with teir breath held for the moment to tip the front one. I like watching those sorts of theings, except in terms of climate change.

That’s why I linked motherjones too. Had something center, left, and right.
Edit: excuse me, not motherjones**
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View attachment 4969936

So now what?
Why are Republicans so opposed to an investigation?
That’s why I linked motherjones too. Had something center, left, and right.
Edit: excuse me, not motherjones**
The Reuters is trustworthy enough to stand alone.

Just because online sites have 'left-right-center' opinions though doesn't mean that they can't be full of shit though.

View attachment 4969936

So now what?
Why I like Reuters/AP is that they keep to the facts and fully lay them out.

Screen Shot 2021-08-22 at 6.11.40 AM.png

4 people 'former and current' law enforcement right?

It is important that Trump hired trolls like this guy:

So I would wait for an official FBI statement on this before I put much faith in it as Trump's appointed trolls have proven time and time again that they are willing to lie to help Trump and his political lacks in the Republican party.

Remember Trump always just asks for people to 'announce' the big lies so that his trolls can spam it into becoming reality in the brains of his cult.

View attachment 4969936

So now what?
Let's see what a lawyer and former federal prosecutor says about it.
Reuters: FBI Finds "Scant" Evidence of Groups Planning Insurrection. Here's why this HURTS Trump

Reuters just published an article saying that the FBI is finding "scant" evidence that any groups planned in advance on January 6 to try to overturn the election results. If accurate, this spells additional trouble for Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Don Jr. and Mo Brooks given their speeches to the crowd on 1/6 prior to the attack on the US Capitol. Here is how prosecutors could use this information/evidence at a trial of Donald Trump for inciting the insurrection.
Youre not suppose to drink the bong water
Not surprising, Trump couldn't organize a one care funeral. Bet ya he gets busted for inciting an insurrection, not that it will matter much, since they will take him out of a NY state prison in a bag.
Not surprising, Trump couldn't organize a one care funeral. Bet ya he gets busted for inciting an insurrection, not that it will matter much, since they will take him out of a NY state prison in a bag.
There is a bigger thing here. Practically, getting convicted of financial shenanigans will get him into prison. But if we do not try him for his part in the insurrection, many Americans will not get closure, possibly without even being aware of it.

We are collectively fatigued by what amounts to a massive psy op on the people, with assistance from foreign crypto military agencies. Seeing a principal perpetrator caught for collusion with foreign powers,with insurrection as the direct result, will have a healing effect. Essentially a reverse psy op with two major effects. To the people “ yes this happened” and to foreign agencies “ we see you”.
Trump also tried to stage a coup with the help of a corrupt and treasonous DOJ official named Jeffrey Clark. Mister Clark is gonna be on the congressional hot seat for so fucking long his butt will be well fucking done when he gets off. 1/6 wasn't the only coup attempt, this one came closer and if it succeeded, 1/6 would have been the beginning of open civil war.

So when he couldn't win by cheating and fucking up the election and post office as much as he could, he resorted to a coup and trying to illegally change the election results, culminating in the failed insurrection attempt on 1/6. Republican congress people were in on the plot to overthrown democratic government, or parts of it, in a conspiracy with the trump administration and this included the 1/6 insurrection. Thus ending 240 years of the peaceful transfer of power in the USA, hurt political stability, damaged America's image abroad and lessened the confidence of important allies.

The full picture of Trump's attempted coup is only starting to emerge

(CNN)President Donald Trump -- back in the final days of his presidency -- didn't exactly make a secret of his effort to overturn the election he'd just lost and so it's very easy to get tired of thinking about it, now that he's out of office and his official powers have been clipped.

But in addition to the lies he was spreading all along, we continue to learn new and disturbing details about his obstinate and pernicious efforts to poison the system from within, which included an "Apprentice"-style showdown between two top Justice Department officials at the White House and threats of resignation.

Woven together, they show that Trump's assault on democracy, which looks more and more like an attempted coup, was even more reckless and insistent than previously thought.

The recent news includes these items:
  • Trump pressured acting DOJ officials like acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen on December 27 to "Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen," according to the notes of acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue's notes, shared with House investigators.
  • A day later, on December 28, at least one acting DOJ official, Jeffrey Clark, who was in charge of the civil division, apparently bought into Trump's lies, or wanted to assuage him, and drafted a letter suggesting there were election irregularities in the election (there weren't), but it was rebuffed by other top acting officials.
  • Officials like Rosen's chief of staff Patrick Hovakimian drafted letters of resignation in case his boss was pushed out in favor of Clark.
CNN's Marshall Cohen, Jason Morris, Christopher Hickey and Will Mullery have put together an in-depth timeline of Trump's efforts to corrupt the US government and the Georgia government. It is exhaustive and shocking.

It's the threat of a block of DOJ resignations among the acting officials (these people, as acting officials, were supposed to be Trump loyalists) that may have stopped Trump from a last-minute firing of officials at Justice.

Bear in mind that Trump's pressure on Rosen and Donoghue came exactly one day after the final resignation of former Attorney General William Barr.

Barr left the administration in its final month, not long after he'd told a reporter the truth, that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the election.

Trump exploded at this perceived betrayal by Barr in a White House meeting documented by Jonathan Karl in a forthcoming book.

On Barr's last day, Trump was on the phone with officials in Georgia, encouraging them to "find" votes. They wouldn't do it.

These details will come out in a fuller narrative now that House investigators are interviewing former Trump officials.

That official record will supplement the details we already knew, like the "Apprentice"-style showdown, which went on for hours, where Rosen and Clark each presented arguments to Trump about how to proceed in his final days.

That occurred January 3. Three days later, Trump's supporters attacked the Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes.

The strain of Trump's efforts to undermine the election were not isolated to the Justice Department. Earlier this year we learned from another book that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley was actively engaged in countering any effort by Trump to use the government to seize power.

It's good news that even officials once perceived as Trump loyalists would not help him overturn the election. But it all needs to be considered in context and with the knowledge that Trump could very well run for the White House again.

It's also worth considering whether he broke the law by exerting pressure to break the US democratic process.

"Forget about a crime. I see several federal crimes here," said the former federal prosecutor and CNN analyst Elie Honig, who has recently published a book that is an indictment of Barr's time in the Trump administration.

Here's more detail from Honig, who made these comments to CNN's Erin Burnett:

"I'll be specific. It is a federal crime to deprive a state of a fair election.

It is a federal crime to solicit false counting of ballots, false certification of an election.

It is a federal crime to conspire against the United States.
A coup is the armed takeover of Government. Not one person was armed.
For all the talk of a coup, or insurrection, and all the video, no one was been charged with insurrection.

This was trespassing.
A coup is the armed takeover of Government. Not one person was armed.
For all the talk of a coup, or insurrection, and all the video, no one was been charged with insurrection.

This was trespassing.
Ever hear of a bloodless coup?

This was an attempt to change the shape of government by forcible means. Trespass, puh-shaw. This was insurrection. Away with your mealy mouthed whitewash.
A coup is the armed takeover of Government. Not one person was armed.
For all the talk of a coup, or insurrection, and all the video, no one was been charged with insurrection.

This was trespassing.
That right there is horse shit. The particular lie is called gaslighting. It's an abusive tactic used by sociopaths to avoid consequences of their actions.

An interesting pattern developed as we entered the election season:


tracking the times that word is used in written communications, Trump and his ilk went to that propaganda tool too many times and wore it out. They were called out for it. We all saw it. The only people who now are fooled by it are the ones like you who are fooled into thinking it works.

Or maybe you just came here to insult our intelligence. Either way, not a good look.