Trump's coronavirus outcome predictions

I am not bothering even trying to keep track at this point as the only thing I believe is that he has the Rona. From now on all I expect is lies. Time will tell what happens and we may not really find out for years.
That's the problem right there: this administration lies so much that nobody has the first clue what is really going on.

It could all be a scam to garner sympathy and pump up the base and show how if he can beat Covid-19 that it's no big deal.

Then again he may really have it and be so jacked up on steroids that he appears to be getting better but the reality is far different.

Only time is going to sort it out. All our speculation does is give us heartburn.
Well they're still saying he'll be released today, how sick is that?
He isn't being released, he's busting out of quarantine because he is desperate, is a control freak and hates hospitals. Remember, Donald is his own press secretary and his own campaign manager, now he is his own doctor. Doctors have no more luck talking to this clown than anybody else does, he cooperated when he was scared, but when he felt the antiviral treatments take hold, he got more assertive. The doctor like everybody else, knew Donald was watching upstairs on TV and played for an audience of one, not the American public
He isn't being released, he's busting out of quarantine because he is desperate, is a control freak and hates hospitals. Remember, Donald is his own press secretary and his own campaign manager, now he is his own doctor. Doctors have no more luck talking to this clown than anybody else does, he cooperated when he was scared, but when he felt the antiviral treatments take hold, he got more assertive. The doctor like everybody else, knew Donald was watching upstairs on TV and played for an audience of one, not the American public
It’s just another trump administration shit show. It will all be over soon.
He isn't being released, he's busting out of quarantine because he is desperate, is a control freak and hates hospitals. Remember, Donald is his own press secretary and his own campaign manager, now he is his own doctor. Doctors have no more luck talking to this clown than anybody else does, he cooperated when he was scared, but when he felt the antiviral treatments take hold, he got more assertive. The doctor like everybody else, knew Donald was watching upstairs on TV and played for an audience of one, not the American public

you know Trump and his gut instinct always 'dead on'.
That's the problem right there: this administration lies so much that nobody has the first clue what is really going on.

It could all be a scam to garner sympathy and pump up the base and show how if he can beat Covid-19 that it's no big deal.

Then again he may really have it and be so jacked up on steroids that he appears to be getting better but the reality is far different.

Only time is going to sort it out. All our speculation does is give us heartburn.

i'd be surprised the doctors at Walter Reed would be part of this..Trumpy's* pressuring them..people like him don't stop until they get what they want and they have a full hospital at the WH. let him go there and die. damn it! :cuss: then he'll be haunting it if he dies winning with him.
not sure about the ventilator- my blood oxygen was 92 the other day and no one was rushing around to get me oxygen..nice that chris christie can 'check' himself into a hospital what insurance allows you to do that? cash customer probably.
At the rate Donald was going downhill over thurs and Fri, he would have been intubated on Sat without the massive dose of antibodies (nobody else gets this yet) he was given to arrest the spread on Fri morning, that was followed up with remdesivir later that day to stop viral replication inside the cells. This antibody/drug combo is a potentially powerful antiviral treatment, as I believe Donald illustrates, but does not prove. Even with this, Donald still had to be given steroids to deal with clotting in his lungs that caused him to require oxygen.

Supportive therapies like steroids, blood thinners and treatment protocols have cut the mortality rate of people on a ventilator from 68% to less than 30% and reduced the need for ventilators dramatically. Add antivirals and especially antibodies to the mix and the mortality rate plumbites when the illness is treated early enough. Hopefully by the end of the year at the latest these treatments will be standard for all people, but not right now. No matter how effective the treatments, public health measures and masks are more effective and will also give every one a shot a quality care and enough therapeutics.
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Even if trump survives a severe case of covid-19, which is I doubt he will, his already deteriorated body will be left nearly lifeless. Fitting, that after trump lickers questioned Joe biden's physical abilities, they are casting votes for a hospital bound lifeless sack of festering shit.
Never happen.
A narcissist would never kill themselves........they think too much of themselves to do that.

he's a coward too that has a lot to do with..Epstein displayed narcissistic qualities and like a narcissist he went out on his own terms..maybe.
He will leave the hospital and go back to WH. He will be despondent. His lies and accusations will be worse. His staff will tell him that he is going to win election. He wouldn't listen to staff if they told him otherwise. He is going to really go off between election and inauguration. After loss he has a nervous breakdown. The Secret Service have to bodily pick him up and put him on the curb. The Dems take House, Senate and WH. Investigations start. House communities are formed. Trump Organizations declare bankruptcy. Ivanka goes to prison for emoluments violations. Trump dies of cardiac arrest, dementia, and effects of the China Flu (poetic justice) before he can be tried in New York State Court. Don junior declares he will run in 2024. Public expresses little interest. Don Junior is stood against wall and shot for treason. Eric goes to live with Putin. Eric is mysteriously poisoned and buried in Russia. In late 2021 Moscow Mitch contracts Kung Flu and passes.
I have a neighbor who thinks the whole Covad situation is made up by Fake News to remove Trump. You can't have any kind of a meaningful conversation with someone like that. But he is allowed to vote.
He will leave the hospital and go back to WH. He will be despondent. His lies and accusations will be worse. His staff will tell him that he is going to win election. He wouldn't listen to staff if they told him otherwise. He is going to really go off between election and inauguration. After loss he has a nervous breakdown. The Secret Service have to bodily pick him up and put him on the curb. The Dems take House, Senate and WH. Investigations start. House communities are formed. Trump Organizations declare bankruptcy. Ivanka goes to prison for emoluments violations. Trump dies of cardiac arrest, dementia, and effects of the China Flu (poetic justice) before he can be tried in New York State Court. Don junior declares he will run in 2024. Public expresses little interest. Don Junior is stood against wall and shot for treason. Eric goes to live with Putin. Eric is mysteriously poisoned and buried in Russia. In late 2021 Moscow Mitch contracts Kung Flu and passes.
I have a neighbor who thinks the whole Covad situation is made up by Fake News to remove Trump. You can't have any kind of a meaningful conversation with someone like that. But he is allowed to vote.

Great scenario. Except, I want to see him concede. I want that real bad.
I'm curious to see who else gets special treatment and who does not, I'm sure Hope hopes she won't suffer too much. I'm not even sure if Donald would even care if his henchmen croaked, Rudy would be convenient, perhaps Donald will use this as an opportunity to get rid of Rudy by summoning him to a meeting and French kissing the fucker with a mafia "kiss of death" Godfather style!
I'm curious to see who else gets special treatment and who does not, I'm sure Hope hopes she won't suffer too much. I'm not even sure if Donald would even care if his henchmen croaked, Rudy would be convenient, perhaps Donald will use this as an opportunity to get rid of Rudy by summoning him to a meeting and French kissing the fucker with a mafia "kiss of death" Godfather style!
he's taking care of his fluffer Ivanka and himself.
I'm pretty ignorant about those wretched things. So, not revolver, single shot pistols.

Like this: 1601920042507.png

They can be printed out right there in the building. Or snuck past metal detectors. Then seeded throughout his chambers. The pockets of his frock, in his hat, under his pillow, under the dome of the tray on the food cart that delivers his hamberders, in Melania's million dollar hand bag, everywhere. One moment of Trump's despondency over impending ruin and incarceration and the train wreck that this president caused will finally come to rest.

The only problem that I have with this scenario is,

I want to see him concede on national broadcast, preferably on PBS. I want to see that really bad.