Its still hard to beleive this is real, that this is what we have become and so many are glad for it... Liberatarians and Liberals need to quit counting him out, done for, going to destroy the gop and liberal victories will reign down from the heavens, etc. They all say look at his poll numbers... i say: Dont ever underestimate and count him out. Not till we see him leaving the White House in shackles for treason! Do not dismiss even still, his ability to try and possibly be succesful at it, to take us to an autocracy... yes in many ways hes dumb but as dumb as he can seem do not underestimate the evil genius sociopath inside that spray tan orange container.
Oh and quit saying "he has become president today", "he is maturing into the job", no he has not! One day of not completly embarassing us in demeanor alone and all the sudden flip flopping to pretty traditional stances all the sudden, and doing some fireworks shows, does not mean he is becoming presidential or maturing into the job! Much coverage of russia investigations lately? Nope, cuz they took his bait.... he his not becoming presidential he is playing another angle as the sociopathic conman he is!