Trump's legal woes & the End of an Empire

Will Trump go to jail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • No

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • Nah, he'll do an Epstein :)

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
Bidens teaming up with Kim Jong un now that he's lost the grasp of empire. If you can't beat them, join them .
yes, i understand them; they use government construct to take over their own government; totally Kim Jong Il territory.
Not really. Jan 6 is a good example of right wing authoritarian methods. That and the way Trump lived in a world where people are either loyal to him or his enemy. If he thought you were on his enemy list, there was no limit -- legal or not -- to what he'd do to crush you. His tweet army is an example of extra-legal measures.

Also why Antifa cover their faces when facing down Trump's Proud Boys. Proud Boys didn't have to cover their faces while Trump controlled the judicial system.
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ummmmmm this is from today's posts and it's a message board you know the difference between message board and chat room?

sorry i missed your little coffee clutch this morning- i'll make certain to be on time to discuss your misleading mis/disinformation campaign.
Be sure to before you spout off at the keyboard next time, hoss.
haven't we been trying for the last...220 years or so?
i'm not sure anymore the magats didn't have the right idea but the wrong it really murder when the entire world is a better place without them?
no, actually, not. At least, that's my opinion. This country was founded by wealthy plantation white slavers and wealthy businessmen in the north who profited from them. I would say the crises of the past 4 years are due to the shift away from white power and control of government by the wealthy elite.

Occasio Cortez is advocating for a multiracial social democracy. She's got the white power elite so worked up that her life is in real danger.

I do wish you could take a longer view. Things aren't going to happen quickly. No need to get all worked up about it. Anger eats up otherwise useful energy. Calm persistence is necessary right now.
haven't we been trying for the last...220 years or so?
i'm not sure anymore the magats didn't have the right idea but the wrong it really murder when the entire world is a better place without them?
What if they get in and see this post? How would you go about killing all these magas? Explain how you would get rid of them all ? This Is what I mean by hate , if you get enough people to support your hatred , no one wins. Hate is genocidal , just going by your attitude, its dangerous.
I do wish you could take a longer view. Things aren't going to happen quickly. No need to get all worked up about it. Anger eats up otherwise useful energy. Calm persistence is necessary right now.
i do too, but you start to feel a sense of urgency when you realize you're going to die before anything gets even close to straightened out...i'd like to see some kind of substantial changes for the better before i kick the bucket...i might live another 30 years (and i might not) and die with the same fucking stupid shit still going on...
i do too, but you start to feel a sense of urgency when you realize you're going to die before anything gets even close to straightened out...i'd like to see some kind of substantial changes for the better before i kick the bucket...i might live another 30 years (and i might not) and die with the same fucking stupid shit still going on...
30 years is about 15% of the all the history of the US. A lot changes in 30 years. 30 years ago, offices were still using carbon copy paper -- the original cc. Ronald fucking Reagan had just ceded power to Bush I. White power was the rule of the day. This included many Democrats.

I keep saying it. Demographics of this country is for the first time shifting away from white majority rule. The first half of this decade will decide the path we follow for the next hundred. These are momentous times. Like the old Chinese (?) curse, "may you live in interesting times", that's where we are.

This is a nexus, a turning point. White supremacist and fascist elements are in our spotlights. They may manage to win the day but they are on the back foot. Like the weaker MMA fighter, their only chance is to score a quick knockout. Not saying they can't, but if we can keep our guard up and keep scoring points, a better country coming out of this decade than we were going in is likely.

I'm more optimistic today than I was ten years ago. I wasn't very hopeful then.
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Hate is genocidal
Hate is a survival mechanism.
Everyone hates, but the true pacifists can control that instinct to some degree.
Must be nice to be like that, but I can't
I hate Republicans/Nazis/Fascists/Zionists/Texans & Floridians/child molesters/Rap artists/Evangelicals/Sisters of Charity to name a few.
Must be the Irish in me but I don't turn cheeks
Never did, never will.
I just love fucking up assholes basically (someday I'll tell you about the nun & the staircase :) )
30 years is about 15% of the all the history of the US. A lot changes in 30 years. 30 years ago, offices were still using carbon copy paper -- the original cc. Ronald fucking Reagan had just ceded power to Bush I. White power was the rule of the day. This included many Democrats.

I keep saying it. Demographics of this country is for the first time shifting away from white majority rule. The first half of this decade will decide the path we follow for the next hundred. These are momentous times. Like the old Chinese (?) curse, "may you live in interesting times", that's where we are.

This is a nexus, a turning point. White supremacist and fascist elements are in our spotlights. They may manage to win the day but they are on the back foot. Like the weaker MMA fighter, their only chance is to score a quick knockout. Not saying they can't, but if we can keep our guard up and keep scoring points, the outcome of our coming out of this decade a better country is likely.

I'm more optimistic today than I was ten years ago. I wasn't very hopeful then.
30 years is about 15% of the all the history of the US. A lot changes in 30 years. 30 years ago, offices were still using carbon copy paper -- the original cc. Ronald fucking Reagan had just ceded power to Bush I. White power was the rule of the day. This included many Democrats.

I keep saying it. Demographics of this country is for the first time shifting away from white majority rule. The first half of this decade will decide the path we follow for the next hundred. These are momentous times. Like the old Chinese (?) curse, "may you live in interesting times", that's where we are.

This is a nexus, a turning point. White supremacist and fascist elements are in our spotlights. They may manage to win the day but they are on the back foot. Like the weaker MMA fighter, their only chance is to score a quick knockout. Not saying they can't, but if we can keep our guard up and keep scoring points, the outcome of our coming out of this decade a better country is likely.

I'm more optimistic today than I was ten years ago. I wasn't very hopeful then.
How is a white populous existing, white supremacy and fascism? Does your average republican and Conservative voter come under your umbrella of fascism and white supremacy? This is just a tactic to get people on your team to try and win the day .
This is just a tactic to get people on your team to try and win the day .
yeah, that's what politics is....
if the average republican voter votes for your average republican politician, then yes, they're supporting bad people, and all the information i used to arrive at that conclusion is publicly they could have informed themselves, like i did. sloth, laziness, stupidity, are all friends of fascism....
Hate is a survival mechanism.
Everyone hates, but the true pacifists can control that instinct to some degree.
Must be nice to be like that, but I can't
I hate Republicans/Nazis/Fascists/Zionists/Texans & Floridians/child molesters/Rap artists/Evangelicals/Sisters of Charity to name a few.
Must be the Irish in me but I don't turn cheeks
Never did, never will.
I just love fucking up assholes basically (someday I'll tell you about the nun & the staircase :) )
Hate is a survival mechanism.
Everyone hates, but the true pacifists can control that instinct to some degree.
Must be nice to be like that, but I can't
I hate Republicans/Nazis/Fascists/Zionists/Texans & Floridians/child molesters/Rap artists/Evangelicals/Sisters of Charity to name a few.
Must be the Irish in me but I don't turn cheeks
Never did, never will.
I just love fucking up assholes basically (someday I'll tell you about the nun & the staircase :) )
yeah, that's what politics is....
the rest of your post doesn't make any sense, take a deep breath and try again...
I'm not taking advice off a kamikaze character
yeah, that's what politics is....
if the average republican voter votes for your average republican politician, then yes, they're supporting bad people, and all the information i used to arrive at that conclusion is publicly they could have informed themselves, like i did. sloth, laziness, stupidity, are all friends of fascism....
You want to kill all people involved with maga a few posts back - this kind of rhetoric just sums you up. Then you go on to say , I'm old , had enough - like a kamikaze murderous nutter! You need to chill out and rationalise your life outlook.
yeah, that's what politics is....
if the average republican voter votes for your average republican politician, then yes, they're supporting bad people, and all the information i used to arrive at that conclusion is publicly they could have informed themselves, like i did. sloth, laziness, stupidity, are all friends of fascism....
There's a few sensationalist fairytales to try and get people on your side. What's the difference with a republican sniper, shouting out about killing democrats? What you are doing now? You literally mirror fascism with your raging outbursts! You are no better than your perceived enemies.