Trump's War on Factual News Journalism.

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Remember, fox should me muted more than usual this election cycle; they are facing an even bigger second voting machine lawsuit, among other legal issues. If fox is involved in the election, it will be to promote DeSantis and discretely shit on Trump. Fox is facing an existential threat and following Donald and his base off the cliff into the abyss won't help with the legal issues, or with the democrats, if they should gain power.

Fox 'News' hit with HIT with another EVEN BIGGER lawsuit

159,342 views Mar 18, 2023
A second defamation case against Fox News by a voting systems company has been green-lit by a New York court, this time filed by Smartmatic who is suing for $2.7 billion in damages stemming from lies surrounding the 2020 election. Harry Litman breaks down the merits of the case and how it differs from the Dominion lawsuit currently underway.
Remember that as far as Fawkes is concerned, NONE OF THIS HAPPENED. Total on-air blackout re: discovery material from the Dominion suit, nothing about the quintessential two-faced nature of Fawkes’ “contribution” to the overthrow effort will reach ; “lucky” they’ve been well-trained to refuse any source of info from outside the bubble, but…the BOD & major shareholders must be in emergency containment mode, and that’s got to impact on-air ‘morale’
Remember that as far as Fawkes is concerned, NONE OF THIS HAPPENED. Total on-air blackout re: discovery material from the Dominion suit, nothing about the quintessential two-faced nature of Fawkes’ “contribution” to the overthrow effort will reach ; “lucky” they’ve been well-trained to refuse any source of info from outside the bubble, but…the BOD & major shareholders must be in emergency containment mode, and that’s got to impact on-air ‘morale’
Ya don't need to reach them all, but plenty of people will be sending their Uncle Cletus quotes and clips or telling them they said they're viewers were, "a bunch of cousin fucking terrorists"! It will erode support, but you don't need much with the political situation in America, Trump turning on the republicans and walking just 20% of his base out and they would be screwed nationally. Donald can destroy their chances in 24 and they know it and if they lose then, fox will be fucked too, and the democrats will level the electoral playing field considerably with legislation. Either the lawsuits will destroy foxnews or cause them to change course and get rid of the Murdochs. If the democrats win enough in 24 their fate is sealed if they are still around and acting like assholes, new laws will make repeats of fox difficult or problematic for others with the same idea. Call it the American moron protection act.
more Foxious woes, featuring overt sexism

Hopefully the accumulating weight of lawsuits will either crush them or squeeze the shit (Murdoch) out of them. Then they will face congress in 24 if the democrats win for a J6 style hearing including them giving billions in free campaign contributions to the GOP for decades and being in a conspiracy with them, among a host of other recent issues ranging from J6 to the pandemic. The Murdochs had better be long gone before that day arrives with fox reformed after finding Jesus and going politically neutral.

Steve Schmidt UNLOADS on Mark Levin's unhinged FOX News rant defending Donald Trump | The Warning

5,317 views Apr 7, 2023
Steve Schmidt breaks down Mark Levin's rant on Fox and Friends from earlier this week. He discusses how Mark Levin's praise of Donald Trump and refusal to acknowledge the facts around the insurrection on January 6th are a vital part of the "dawn to dusk sewer" of Fox News.
This is topic-adjacent, but def worrying: Could also go with GOOP “leadership”…

from my youth:
Sandinista was a dirty word, but Noriega and Somoza weren’t. I believe the old oxymoron was banana republic (before that became a trust bum travel-fashion shop).

Troublingly, Sandinistas

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