Trying indoor CFL and dirt. Great Googly Moogly. Pics from the first week.


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New Pics.

Sweet-n-Sour Diesel Mother. Just being all secksy in there.

2 Blue Dream clones getting their veg on. They're almost 1 week in veg.

Jacks Old Time Haze. It's really stretching. I'm actually trying to stretch it so I can train it. Pure sativas get really tall and I want this one to be kinda a SOG of its own.

Clones, crappy pic. SnS Diesels

MyDawg Flower

SnS Diesels 1 month completed.

Veg cabinet

Clones, better pic. SnS diesels



Active Member
the flush is going awesomely. I could sorta tell it was time to do it when the fan leaves on MyDawg started yellowing out from the tips inward. Plant seemed to be eating itself. So, now I'm helping them along. Changed them over to pure water and they're now 2 waterings in with plain pH'd water. Mazar is following suit now and consuming the energy from the fan leaves. I can see the last bits of effort to swell the buds happening. Calyxes are getting really plump and it's trying to force a bunch of new pistils out of the already cramped bud. Trichomes are clouding up nicely. No signs of any real ambering yet. After the fan leaves wilt up to a point and start getting crispy I pull them off. No sense leaving dead plant material laying around in there.

SnS diesels are producing like gangbusters. I'm betting I get 3+ ounces dry out of those 2.

moved 707-HB to its own 3" pot since jack has taken off so furiously. It's putting on mass like a madman.

I harvest mydawg and mazar next weekend. Can't wait. Predicting just about or near an ounce per plant there. Soil FTL! Coco FTMFW!

I'll get new nice high quality pics this weekend. Not much change to see lately except up really really really close.


Well-Known Member
sweet and sour deisel sounds fukkin awesome.mazar is bomb shit,smoked a mazar x and i was stoned as growing Kandy Kush x SKUNK #1 right now ,chek it out sometime


Active Member
It's stretching because it's not getting enough light. What wattage of CFLs are you using? I'd recommend adding several more to the top and sides of the plants to get maximum results.


Active Member
65W CFL for < 1 sqft. There's plenty of light. It's growing super fast but not really stretching. Internode distances are short. It's just taking off now like a bat out of hell.

Here's this mornings snaps:

All the vegging girls

Just Jack.


Active Member
Started LST on Jacks Old Time Haze last night. It's already responded and is sending branches up vertically. That's going to be a big producer.

Chopped 1 branch off the MyDawg so I could practice my manicuring technique. Looks like that plant will net me just over 1 ounce of trimmed buds and several grams of trim for some cold water hash.

MyDawg is still firming up the buds and man they're getting dense. Mazar is already hard as hell but looks to be adding a bunch of girth. That's going to be some top shelf smoke.

SnS Diesels are making nice tall colas. I'm impressed every day by the speed of growth in coco.

Took all 6 of my SnS Diesel clones and transplanted them into small cups of coco and a long box. Moved all my non-mother plants to a new veg cabinet.


Active Member
MyDawg has been chopped. Trichomes said it was time. 90 cloud over 10 amber. Since the mydawg is more sativa'y than the mazar I wanted to exploit that for daytime up-smoke. The mazar is pretty close to a pure indica and I'll use that more for sleep and night time pain relief so I'm going to let it get to about 40% amber.

Total net (trimmed) wet weight with stems was 102.4g. Should see about 25g after drying and 20g after lopping the bud off the stems. They're drying now. Got a ton of trim off it. That's going to make for some good hash. I got about 2 grams dry off the other stem I chopped so this one came really close to if not at 1oz. Not bad considering it was under a little 150W HPS for most of the flowering time.

Just chopped and branched.

Trim done, hanging up for a few days.

I'm ready for my close up!


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Jack is being LST'd. Taking to it very well. My SnS diesel mother plant is officially too damned big to keep in the veg room for much longer. It'll have to be flowered this time around. I'm giving it a few days and some training to get more growth tips but it's going to have to go to flower.

Mazar is going to be an easy ounce producer. The buds on that are so hard core dense it's freaky. It's pushing out more pistils too but I can see it eating itself. The mydawg/mazar pair have both pretty much stopped taking water. I keep up with the soil moisture and they're just not using what's there. They are however sucking the fan leaves dry. I'll look again today and see how the trich's are doing. I'm betting I'll end up harvesting that one this weekend when I get back from hunting.

The SnS's that I have flowering are going like gangbusters. I'm betting on nearly 2 ounces per plant on that pair. Blue Dream clones are getting really big. I'm going to do show cola's on those. Looking for one bigass lunk from each. No LST in veg so far for those 2. The clones I took of my SnS diesel mother are looking a little stressed but they're very much alive. 707-HB has started to push out a lot of heavy growth but I'm still very concerned about the stupid long skinny stem on it. I'm continuing to LST it to try and get the stem to build up some girth. I don't know if it's working really.


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Mazar is harvested. 104.3 grams wet. Should come in just under an ounce dry. There's very little stem and the buds are dense as hell. Really proud of this set. The MyDawg are about half done with the base dry. The cold weather has been making the drying process take longer. The MyDawg buds have shrunk a TON like you'd expect.

I've still got the SnS diesel flowering set. I'm going to wait a week or so before planting my next run. I want to plant the blue dream pair with a pair of SnS's and the 707-HB. They need a little bit to be ready to flower.

Manicured buds. This was a dense plant.

Both sets drying.

Another view


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Hindu Skunk is harvested. If you recall from the beginning I rescued that plant from a buddy of mine with family problems. He'd brought it to flower in a poorly draining 5 gallon bucket filled with rock hard back-yard dirt. It was a mutant too... a monoploid bias to the leaves. Almost no polyploid leaves developed. Worse yet the leaves that did form were mostly deformed and curled up bad. That made trimming/manicure a beyotch. The owner of the plant wanted something as a breakfast herb so I yanked it when the first trichomes ambered and the rest were cloudy.

So after I finally got the damned thing manicured I weighed it and came out with 60 grams and change wet. That'll make about half an ounce dry. There's almost no stem. I'm going to have to grow that strain. It produces massive buds if you treat it nice. It had signs of bud formation after 5 weeks when I'd first taken it over. After some doctoring by me it's done ok. I wish he would have put it in better soil. that plant would have made 2 ounces if it was allowed to.

Hundu Skunk is the 2nd row. The thick and chunky buds in the front row on the right are Mazar. The pale looking set on the front left is MyDawg.

So I've got 3 strains in dry, each separated by a couple days. My garage smells hella good.

I've put my SnS diesel mother plant into flower along with Jack's Old Time Haze. I'm still working on vegging the blue dream which I'll bring in to the flower room when they've grown to about 18" tall.

The SnS diesels I have flowering are producing really tall colas. I'm getting stoked... think I might pull 4 ounces off that pair.


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Smoke report:

MyDawg is a great daytime weed. No sleepytime but a nice head high. VERY long lasting. I'm used to being stone cold sober after 45 minutes... this stuff lasts a couple hours before it starts tapering down. Vaguely minty inhale with hashy undertones and a strong hashy and mildly earthy exhale. No harshness, no popping/crackling. Really happy with this stuff. Nice pain relief but best for tummy problems for me. Helps keep acid production down so I don't have heartburn and I can even get the munchies. Having the munchies was awesome. I've been losing a bit of weight lately with my ulcer bugging me.

Mazar is a nighttime weed. Plain and simple. 1 bowl (not 4 bowls like usual) and I'm pretty bloody stoned. 2 bowls and it's time for a nap. Seriously, I smoked a big ol' bowl with a friend and it knocked me straight out in my chair. Snoring, the whole thing. My buddy wakes me up and hands me a joint of the mydawg and tells me to take a toke and wake the fack up. That worked but man was I wrecked. Perfumed flavor similar to Grandaddy Purple Haze's flavor but more intense. A little bitter sweet hint on the exhale but otherwise the inhale has all the flavor.

Hindu Skunk. Bleh. This deformed mutant bastard gang-banged POS turned out some of the worst bud I've had in a long time. It's owner will be happy to have it but I'm not even going to bother taking my half. He can have it all. I don't want it. It's all micro buds, they don't have any good or bad flavor, they're kinda harsh, and the high is not very. Lesson there, DO NOT use shovel dirt from some random piece of ground. Do not, water with tap water and do not flower willy-nilly. And mostly, if you're going to grow, don't be a idiot about it. Take the time to learn first on paper, then go kill a plant.


Well-Known Member
if you put splitters in them pans, you can double the lights but the problem i had was i had to cut up the pans cuss splitters at 45% would fit, i filled in holes with alum foil on back of pans.. i deff wanted the pans, the clips on them pans so i can raise and lower lights real ez. good luck. did'nt see all the end pages, nm with lights. rofl, you got the system, all i seen was those first pan lights over the top of starter plants..


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Sweet-N-Sour diesels are almost ready. Looking at 1.5-2oz per plant by the looks of it. They've just finished week 7. I'll let them go at least 1 more week. Maybe 2. Probably not 3. I started the flush a little late because I thought they were in week 5 not week 7. Grrrrr. Well, they're still pushing out lots of new calyxes and pistils, there's still time to make em suck up all the green and mellow out. I thought they were looking about ready to pick. Your plants will talk to you, if you listen.

The mazar and mydawg have been approved by a few connoisseur friends of mine. Picked up a 15 serving brownie and a couple medicones this morning, found out I'm going to the Roger Waters performing the Wall concert tonight at HP Pavilion. AWESOME! Fresh weed, fresh edibles, fresh cones and fresh crunchy grooves. All I need now is a blow job and a steak.