TTT's Adventure Log

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, trying to see if i can find any of the old chenbro dragon full tower cases. the ones i linked should be okish due to being e-atx. still wanting to do it with furnature though. also anyone i know that does computers and such, well they do it, and overdo it, and don't own crappy cases :P my case cost just shy of £250 :P

thinking that if i'm vegging them till they're say 20-30cm, then i'm gonna use one of my little cabinets to start with. they should be ideal. soooooo many possible ways of doing it, and i ent getting nothing done or bought as i can't ake up my mind :D

right now, that's the least o my worries, i'm about to throw up all over the room, blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha i know these computer geek types really go tot own on stuff like that im a hifi nut myself...

your chucking up? ?? whitey?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nah, been feeling like shit for weeks and weeks now, but i generally don't let illness get to me. it's also not helped along by the top shelf "fuck the parents they're on holiday!" raid. port, mmmmmmmm :D

and yeah, i am or was one of these geeks, and tend to goto town, my keyboard cost me £120 alone :( the other cost me £90. and i am a hi-fi enthusiast, not a nut, in that i am quite clueless about a LOT of it, but i tend to read around before i buy things. got to love that 192k studio digital output to my denon avr1906 :) that song in your thread is damned good :)

i typed that i couldn't make up my mind so i took the initiative, or rather missed it, and while taking a hammer to my cabinet just destroyed all the bolt holes on the draw fronts, so it can only be ocnverted now, no turning back :D


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah top shelf is always a goo idea at the time lol port ehhhh hmmmmm

good work that looks about spot on for conversion man! whats the plan you going to use it as is and fix the light to the top or turn it horizontal n fit more in?

and £120 for a keyboard deffo qualifies you a computer geek! but it sounds more like your a technology enthusiast to be fair.:bigjoint:

nicely fimmed girl you got there too man!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
think that's about right. in the past every penny i had would be spent on computers, be it an upgrade for the main rig, building a spare one, watercooling it for shits and gigggles, you name it i've tried it with pc's :D (most famously, i bought a brand new shuttle, realised i had no use for it so cut it in half with a hacksaw :)). nowadays all i care about is that my flat looks bling, 5 room flat, 3 x 42" tv's and a 32" tv :D)

with pots in there, i just don't think there would be enough room for any decent size girls if it wereon it's side. plus it's gottajust blend right in. so it'll be sat behind my door without a care in the world. just picked up some hinges for it :) and a reduced prawn mayo sandwhich yarp! tastes like absolute shite!

back to work!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
crack on ttt! water cooling it hahahah you cracker! thats a whole lotta tv's you sound like a pal of mine has a plasma or lcd in every room. 42's n whatever blu ray this n all the gubbins im not that big on tv really i have an xbox that ive used maybe half a dozen times since i completed COD4/5 on vet.

ill be getting a new telly in the new year and the new COD game which if you've not seen the trailer looks immense. the game comes with a real working par of night vision goggles for shits n giggles! now if that isn't the ultimate grow room accessory i don't know what is.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Looks absolutely mint man, really looking bforward to it. downloaded cod4 last year, enjoyed it so much (not the multiplayer though!) that i asked for it for crimbo just so i could feel good in having a legit copy of it. it was worth the money, unlike nearly every other game i've played in the last year.

i don't watch any tv, none of the tv's have any arials in em :P they're all for computers, so i can flick a button in my bedroom and whatever i'm playing or watching feeds through to the lounge where there's a 42" and some wireless stuff etc, and it's always about pc games, never play on consoles ever. got a 360 here but after 20 minutes of GoW2 i thought it was so shit i havn't powered the thing up again.

:) now i just need to get a light in there, and i can flip those 4 good lookin plants over to 12 12. tempted to flip the whole lot over to 12/12 this weekend and then just chuck the 4 small ones back in the veg once it's setup, shouldn't hurt em should it?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
me too like the gaming highlight of the year. counterstrike what?!?! to be honest apart from playing a few incredibly addictive arcade games and COD i don't bother with much else on the 360 apart from burnout but even the new burnout was pretty balls :/

man i hate watching v until the missus moved in with me i didnt have one just my hifi where it should be lol i loved how people would come in and you can see it ticking in their minds... where's the tv?!

now everyday when i get home the missus has fucking neighbours and home and away and endless shite after shite. partly why were looking for a bigger place, I need a grow come games room so she can watch holby or fucking eastbenders :(

nah shouldn't hurt your girls man but it shouldn't be too long till your veg room is up n running

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah man. the flatmate keeps talking abotu getting sky, to which while i was drunk and stoned, i said yeah, then i sobered up and realised that i hate sitting and channel flicking through shite, if i'm sat watching something, it's because i've specifically picked that show to watch :D

and i've owned counterstrike since the blue box, and played source from the day it was released, also bought left 4 dead, which i love (so long as you play with friends and not twats) and then i went and bought killing floor before i'd tried it, and you know what, it was so shit taht well, umm, i'd probably need a shit barometer to tell you precicely what it was like..

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hhahah yeah man Lan parties and L4D are so much fun me n a couple of mates badgered all of the people we knew with 360's till they got it haha i hear you tho man i watch what ive downloaded simply cos im usually busy when stuffs actually on.

if i want to get up at 5am n watch a season of dexter then i damn well will haha

well its pubtime fella good to natter im offskis!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just finnishing off some of my first harvests smoke, well the last of it, there's a reef or so left in the scrags pot :(

can say i'm looking forward to this one even more, you know you';re smoking good shit when you plug your headphones into your roach :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
there'll be no damned apple products under my roof thankyouverymuch!! :D

and what is that avatar???? looks like there is a seal in it top middle :) and sea bream?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sea bream is good. nice soy sauce, spring onion, chilli and ginger marinade :)

so they're now 12/12 for christmas :) gonna order the veg light tomorrow morning and all should be good. they're small but if this whole rotation m'larkey pans out, and the 4 main cola's, then i shoul have ennough to hopefully last me till the next lot :P

just about to roll the last crumbs of my harvest :(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the light is ordered, with a 200w bulb it came in at £60 so no savings really. what is more the invpoice from basement states VAT is at 17.5! bah

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i sent them an email just inquiring. i certainly know at work a whole bunch of supliers havn't bothered adjusting thier invoice templates so just scribble 15 over the 175 in biro. either way it's gonna be like £2 or something, i couldn't really care, the whole idea of "lower vat encouraging spending" was a pile of wank :D

the perpetual beginneth indeed! although i'm now on a dry spell until christmas, and being that weed was the key to reducing my depression, which is back and kicking hard, i'm not too sure how this is all meant to pan out.. the good side is that i didn't pay rent this month so i now have a thousand pounds sat in my bank, which, if i can go 10 more days without a big spend, then i can be buying a new tv and some wood :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
a dry spell till xmas :( sorry to hear that TTT. depressed without weed, you should buy a bag or two will keep the blues away better than a telly fella!

dont worry tho its meant to pan out that within about 3 months youll never be out of weed EVER again lol

chin up fella! youll be ok!