TTT's Adventure Log

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good work fella! sometimes you just have to say to hell with it! if your tennant doesn't like it.......
yeah man, was listening to cradle of filth the other monring, like 11am monring, not crack of dawn, and it was demanaded that it turn it off as his clients would be able to hear him it on the phone. this is my home, not you're business premesis, so home stuff comes first, tough cookies, my flat, my rules :P

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i listen to anything i deem good.

this morning i've had on hatesphere, in flames, enya, mumford, the fray, oh, and some durrty goodz, don't ask about that one, just love the guy :D

and i would like to atke this moment to state

I'M AN IDIOT! ph nose personal attacks! :O maybe a moderator will jump in an get this thread populated :D

but yes, i'm an idiot, all this crap about trying to get a veg room in my bedroom, and i have an entire attic. it never really occured to me that only i ever use the attic, it's my personal den, and as to the colder nights and slightly chillier location in the house, well it doesn't matter if i leave the CFL on during the night to wamr em up, i don't sleep in there :D

here's for realisation of personal ignorance, wheeey :D

and i have 2 random "bite marks" like pin pricks on my finger, about 7mm apart, that look like bite marks more than anything else, and seeing as i never cut my finger yesterday, i sratched it a little and now it's just freely bleeding, i'm a bit weirded out, bats or spiders, :O nose!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats some eclectic collection man and you know i actually like duuurty goods meself hahaha

hahahahahah dude yeah if its your personal space then get to usin it man! cfl will keep things toasty enough and if not you can insulate the roof!

phantom finger vampires eh?!!?

ive been listening to a bit of fleetwood mac lately

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
right, that's sorted, i'm going fancy and buying a fuck off grow tent :P there's plenty of stuff in that attic i'd rather wasn't floating around the plants, like fiber wool! :D

i also just got a number of a new dealer, who lives 2 inutes away, not 20, who only sells what he enjoys smoking, apparently real highs, and i got his number by asking the guy behin the checkout in somerfield if he knew where to get pot :P

and common sense sais that other people here are probably a LOT more qualifie ant choosing what beans to grow.

someone suggest me 2 x 3 beans, that they've personally loved :D i tend to go on names and well, passion passion #1 was shit :P

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah as we say up north shy bairns get nowt! good work chief a good dealer with values doing real good homegrown maybe when your perpetual starts you can trade instead of buy!

2 or 3 beans that i would recommend hmmmm ill ask you 3 questions instead

do you prefer up sativa high or stoned couch lock indica
are you after big yield aswell as taste?
new school fruity or old skool musky skunk

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, yeah, he should be dinging my dongalong in about 20 minutes :P that is to say phoning me. i'd love to meet someone who grows whom i can talk and talk and share and smoke wiuth and that lot, would be ace.

as to the type of smoke, well that';s just it, i'm inexpoerienced in what i'm actually smoking. i love the idea of a sativa head high, and i also love getitng destroyed in my beanbag :D and at present, i mix it with golden virginia, so it all tastes crap. but i like all flavours i guess, i can't say :) oh, and if it's perpetual, then i'm not really fussed about big yeild short flowering any more he sais with his fingers crossed :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man there are tokers everywhere i cant light a j up in public without someone wanting to smoke a bit.

so a bit of up a bit of down eh id go

a good hybrid
a good indica
& somethin fruity

grown the first two and just bought the third the bubblegum is mouthwatering and a good yield. the ak 48 is a real hard hitting indica great yield too. the afghani i haven't tried yet but the pics look delicious

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
that's my neighbourhood working against me then :P i'm always out on the benches etc in the gardens and commons smoking a rather obvious joint, never had anyone walk up :P think i've gotten a couple of curious looks t my intimidating self scared them awaaaaays @P gonna try and hook up with this geezer today, ended up giving up on a smoke an just beered it away last night :P

£1.73 per seed for the AK, that is fucking incredible, and if it's as good as everyone and it's rep sais it is, whooooo, think i'll grab all three of those, alongside some cheese and LSD

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it's gonna be a shit new year. can't be sure for definate yet, but it looks like i've a cupboard of males...

if that is the case, i am going to be seriously cheesed off!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i need me a magnifying glass, where did i leave it. as i say, i might be jupting the gun, i worked it out base on little growths in the elbow of the nodes, that are like a tiny ball, smaller than a grain of sugar :D i'll keep waiting. if not i have a white widow plant in the top of the cab that must be stretching and killing itself to hell :D havn't watered it in a week, transplanted it, you name it :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

it is certainly beginning to looks the case, i think, although it could be anything :P

there might possibly be one which isn't, but i am unsure, it's still a little less developed than these

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmm to be honest only time will tell but if you can see the beginning of a ball well it more than likely is a ball.

hope you get at least a couple of girls man¬!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just 1 girl will do me, that's what the pereptual was meant to insure :D as i say, only one, at a push, might be a girl, and i'm not sure if it's me, but i don't understand why there is a need to create a topic on "is it a boy!" as i reckon it's beginning to look fairly damned obvious :D

i'm gonna get on and buy my tent and some beans this evening, then even if i only get one girl from this, i'll be able to get a further 3 under 12/12 within 3 weeks hopefully. gotta do me some reading on coco and peat ball things etc :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wooot woot you made a choice on which tent you fancy?

the peat pellet things are dead easy once you know what your doing easiest way of taking clones i reckon. are you thinking of starting your seeds in them?