Tulsi Gabbard Triggered By Clinton.


Well-Known Member
So Russian Trolls have been pushing Tulsi Gabbard hard around the internet trying to make her a viable candidate for the Bernie fans of 2016 who are already sold against the Democrats from all of the propaganda that they pushed for Bernie in an effort to hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign as well as later to turn would be Democrats against Clinton and either voting for a 3rd party candidate, not voting, or voting for Trump.

This was done down to a micro targeted level because Trump's campaign gave the Russians our voting data. So not only did they know who we are influenced by (thanks Facebook) and how we can be manipulated (thanks Cambridge Analytica and Trump's top troll Brad Parscale), but exactly how our states/districts votes could be changed by cat fishing enough people in the key areas. Knowing what issues they could use to turn Bernie supporters into Anti Hillary down to the person they were influencing.

Anyways, so Clinton called out Tulsi Gabbard (who she never actually said her name though) based on all of the Russian activity pushing Gabbard. And made the suggestion Tulsi would run as a 3rd party to try to pull enough support from the Democrats to get Trump re-elected.

But that seems to have triggered the would be Manchurian candidate:

Screen Shot 2019-10-18 at 7.45.10 PM.png

@Unclebaldrick I really think we are getting the answer to your question. It is hilarious how much that triggered Tulsi, I wonder if she was hoping to make it a bit further before she bailed. Now the question is if Bernie is going to get in on it.
Just watch. Even though she has ruled out a third party run, something will happen that the Kremlin will be able to spin to show how RIGGED(((!!!))) the process was (bombs can't land on beds) forcing her to, regrettably, run as an independent. And the gullible members of the left (talking about you, @ttystikk, @Padawanbater2 and @schuylaar) will eat that Putin-shit up with a spoon.
So Russian Trolls have been pushing Tulsi Gabbard hard around the internet trying to make her a viable candidate for the Bernie fans of 2016 who are already sold against the Democrats from all of the propaganda that they pushed for Bernie in an effort to hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign as well as later to turn would be Democrats against Clinton and either voting for a 3rd party candidate, not voting, or voting for Trump.

This was done down to a micro targeted level because Trump's campaign gave the Russians our voting data. So not only did they know who we are influenced by (thanks Facebook) and how we can be manipulated (thanks Cambridge Analytica and Trump's top troll Brad Parscale), but exactly how our states/districts votes could be changed by cat fishing enough people in the key areas. Knowing what issues they could use to turn Bernie supporters into Anti Hillary down to the person they were influencing.

Anyways, so Clinton called out Tulsi Gabbard (who she never actually said her name though) based on all of the Russian activity pushing Gabbard. And made the suggestion Tulsi would run as a 3rd party to try to pull enough support from the Democrats to get Trump re-elected.

But that seems to have triggered the would be Manchurian candidate:

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@Unclebaldrick I really think we are getting the answer to your question. It is hilarious how much that triggered Tulsi, I wonder if she was hoping to make it a bit further before she bailed. Now the question is if Bernie is going to get in on it.
Tusli triggers easily.

I don't think Bernie would be down with this. They already tried to cultivate him but he wasn't going all the way down that road.
It wouldn't take much to fuck shit up. Stupid people on the right (about 40% of the population) plus (or minus, in this case) stupid people on the left (about 5-10%) could win the electoral college.

That's the beauty of this grass roots funding model. Throw $10 million at Bernie and the list is hers.

Jesus titty-fucking Christ. I'm emigrating if he wins again.
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Did anyone ever consider that the russian trolls who were pushing her for a bit wanted to get caught, so that it would look exactly like what the media is spinning? Look at how they did it with her, they were super obvious, like they wanted you all to notice, and you did.

Tulsi is right, Hilary is a war monger. Tulsi represents a real threat to the war machine and mainstream politics. Don't forget he was DNC vice chair and resigned when she saw unfairness within the committee.

Also don't forget that Tulsi choose to back Bernie in 2016 over Hilary, so Hilary definitely has an axe to grind. She simply can't get over losing to Trump.

In full disclosure I voted for a 3rd party in 2016.
Did anyone ever consider that the russian trolls who were pushing her for a bit wanted to get caught, so that it would look exactly like what the media is spinning? Look at how they did it with her, they were super obvious, like they wanted you all to notice, and you did.

Tulsi is right, Hilary is a war monger. Tulsi represents a real threat to the war machine and mainstream politics. Don't forget he was DNC vice chair and resigned when she saw unfairness within the committee.

Also don't forget that Tulsi choose to back Bernie in 2016 over Hilary, so Hilary definitely has an axe to grind. She simply can't get over losing to Trump.

In full disclosure I voted for a 3rd party in 2016.
It's been known for years Tulsi is a Putin stooge. Where have you been?
What war has Hillary Clinton monged?

Only retards buy that stupid russian propaganda
Are you serious? LOL.

Well since the US hasn't officially been in any wars for over 70 years, maybe I can't name a specific war, but she's hawkish as fuck. Do some research.
Is that really the best you got? A tweet calling out Obama? Sorry, but it doesn't really make your case.
You asked for evidence before she announced. I would say praising Putin for bombing Syria, then backing trump when he pulled out is a pretty good reason for people to suspect her of being a foreign asset, which they did, long before she announced her run for presidency.
You asked for evidence before she announced. I would say praising Putin for bombing Syria, then backing trump when he pulled out is a pretty good reason for people to suspect her of being a foreign asset, which they did, long before she announced her run for presidency.
Your definition of "praising" is distorted. People believe a lot of things . Tulsi doesn't seem like a Russian asset to me. The "evidence" you've submitted otherwise is weak at best.

Also keep in mind that Tulsi has changed her position on certain issues from the past, which shows that she has the ability to grow. I'm not a Tulsi fangirl, but I do like that she understands the costs of war, has served in war, and isn't a war monger.

Hillary is a cunt. I voted for her husband, and I voted for Obama, but I refused to vote for her.