Tulsi Gabbard Triggered By Clinton.

Your definition of "praising" is distorted. People believe a lot of things . Tulsi doesn't seem like a Russian asset to me. The "evidence" you've submitted otherwise is weak at best.

Also keep in mind that Tulsi has changed her position on certain issues from the past, which shows that she has the ability to grow. I'm not a Tulsi fangirl, but I do like that she understands the costs of war, has served in war, and isn't a war monger.

Hillary is a cunt. I voted for her husband, and I voted for Obama, but I refused to vote for her.

Hillary wasn't the best candidate I will admit, but I would never have thrown my vote away like a cunt and gave trump the white house.
Hillary wasn't the best candidate I will admit, but I would never have thrown my vote away like a cunt and gave trump the white house.
My vote didn't matter because I live in Cali and we have the electorial college. That gives me the freedom to vote for someone other than the choosen two, without my vote making a difference. Yay!?
Hillary is a warmonger though.

Bernie is a geriatric imbecile, who got fucked over by Hillary last election and then Bernie kissed her ass, endorsed her and saved himself from becoming a "Clinton statistic" .
How many wars has Hillary started? Shit how many wars are currently going on, and how many of those has Hillary started? The world is a pretty chaotic place, blaming her for all the worlds ills is just what Putin was working to get you all to believe. 13\e3
It wouldn't take much to fuck shit up. Stupid people on the right (about 40% of the population) plus (or minus, in this case) stupid people on the left (about 5-10%) could win the electoral college.

That's the beauty of this grass roots funding model. Throw $10 million at Bernie and the list is hers.

Jesus titty-fucking Christ. I'm emigrating if he wins again.
How easy would it be to make a ton of micro donations using the troll factory multiple cell chip model? I have never donated to any campaign and don't really know if Russians could use this as easily as they did the NRA and other bad actors here in the USA to funnel money to campaigns. Throwing a few million at Warren would be nothing for the Russians/Saudi's to keep the dump Trump in office.
Did anyone ever consider that the russian trolls who were pushing her for a bit wanted to get caught, so that it would look exactly like what the media is spinning? Look at how they did it with her, they were super obvious, like they wanted you all to notice, and you did.

Tulsi is right, Hilary is a war monger. Tulsi represents a real threat to the war machine and mainstream politics. Don't forget he was DNC vice chair and resigned when she saw unfairness within the committee.

Also don't forget that Tulsi choose to back Bernie in 2016 over Hilary, so Hilary definitely has an axe to grind. She simply can't get over losing to Trump.

In full disclosure I voted for a 3rd party in 2016.
I thought about that, but Russia's goal is to get us the worst possible candidates or the ones that will be the best for them. If we were not so close to Trump I might not have been as worried about this, but it is all smoke and mirrors to get Trump re-elected. Also the weird gay conversion stuff, her very anti-gay statements in the past, huddling up with foreign dictators, flat out refusal to denounce Russia and their interference in our elections, and this weird wicker island shit she is running her campaign from all just adds up to too much weird to be our president.

Hillary is a warmonger.

She's also a bitter dried up Prune who's husband, a serial liar and pervert, was very relieved when Epstein was dispatched.

Did Hillary laugh when she was discussing the anal rape with a bayonet of another human being ? Yes she did.

Did Hillary help a known rapist get off, when she was a greasy money grubbing power hungering lawyer ?

The only reason she's not convicted and wearing an ankle bracelet is they don't come in sizes to fit around her kankles.

Hillary is a warmonger.

She's also a bitter dried up Prune who's husband, a serial liar and pervert, was very relieved when Epstein was dispatched.

Did Hillary laugh when she was discussing the anal rape with a bayonet of another human being ? Yes she did.

Did Hillary help a known rapist get off, when she was a greasy money grubbing power hungering lawyer ?

The only reason she's not convicted and wearing an ankle bracelet is they don't come in sizes to fit around her kankles.
How many wars did she start?
I'm sorry that's classified.
Did anyone ever consider that the russian trolls who were pushing her for a bit wanted to get caught

They did the same thing in 2016.

Our intelligence and British intelligence both said the same thing: "It was easy to see where the attacks came from. They didn't even try to hide it. It's as if they actually wanted us to know exactly who did it."
They did the same thing in 2016.

Our intelligence and British intelligence both said the same thing: "It was easy to see where the attacks came from. They didn't even try to hide it. It's as if they actually wanted us to know exactly who did it."
Just for the simple fact that my dad was acting identical to Trump in 2016 it is easy for me to see how Trump could have just been sucked into a long con by the Russians in 2015. I am not saying Trump didn't have other con jobs running with the Saudi's or whomever he is money laundering for/getting paid off by, but that it is perfectly imaginable that he didn't know about the Russians manipulating our democracy for years against Hillary.

It wouldn't take much to fuck shit up. Stupid people on the right (about 40% of the population) plus (or minus, in this case) stupid people on the left (about 5-10%) could win the electoral college.

That's the beauty of this grass roots funding model. Throw $10 million at Bernie and the list is hers.

Jesus titty-fucking Christ. I'm emigrating if he wins again.
The efforts attracted the attention of WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group led by Julian Assange from his exile within Ecuador’s embassy in London. On June 22, 2016, the group sent a private message to Guccifer: “Send any new material here for us to review and it will have a much higher impact than what you are doing.” Over the next several weeks, WikiLeaks requested any documents related to Clinton, saying they wanted to release them before the Democratic National Convention when they worried she would successfully recruit Sanders supporters. We “think trump has only a 25% chance of winning against hillary ... so conflict between bernie and hillary is interesting,” WikiLeaks wrote.

That is exactly why I think Tulsi is interesting with Clinton's theory if you think about who it will be easy to turn against each candidate.

So like Biden, it might make sense to try to move younger women who identify more with an AOC then him, they have all their feeds well stocked with catfish at this point and can easily move them to Gabbard if they can turn the propaganda on Biden as a racist/establishment/what ever, as well as people who are triggered by Bernie trolls who won't vote for Trump.

It is messed up, with how they manipulated the news bubble in 2016, Trump's trolling from the White House as POTUS, and a 3rd party manchurian candidate running from the left. It really is scary how little is being done to stop Putin's bullshit war on our democracy, and it is scary what will come next, I feel bad for Putin's people, they don't need the shitstorm that he is bringing to them.
Did anyone ever consider that the russian trolls who were pushing her for a bit wanted to get caught, so that it would look exactly like what the media is spinning? Look at how they did it with her, they were super obvious, like they wanted you all to notice, and you did.

Tulsi is right, Hilary is a war monger. Tulsi represents a real threat to the war machine and mainstream politics. Don't forget he was DNC vice chair and resigned when she saw unfairness within the committee.

Also don't forget that Tulsi choose to back Bernie in 2016 over Hilary, so Hilary definitely has an axe to grind. She simply can't get over losing to Trump.

In full disclosure I voted for a 3rd party in 2016.
her association with Assad I would think should give anybody pause. There are other issues with Gabbard too.
Jill Stein is simply a dumbass looking for a handout.

She was so lazy, she didn't even bother filling out the paperwork to get on the ballot here in Georgia. Then what did she do? Blame everybody else for it and play the victim card.

Each year she sucks up donations from idiots, does absolutely nothing, pockets the cash and waits for the next election.
her association with Assad I would think should give anybody pause. There are other issues with Gabbard too.
John Kerry met with Assad five times, but it never seemed to bother anyone. Tulsi met with him once. Diplomacy is all about being able to meet with your adversaries to work towards a common good.
