TUTANKHAMON and super cheese


Active Member
Def agree with the heavy bushy stout on the LEDs , and agreed on the price imma get one more 200w led and a 400w hid the 400 be on its way here in a week or two , led gonna have to wait really just that 220 led I got does the trick in just wanna have that extra pop


Active Member
Always goes threw that damn dreaded isc customs Chicago lol slowest worms on the earth , could be there for a month but being a small package it usually passes threw , I Dnt hold my breath till I see that out for delivery , cause they wount update it until it hits my PO 600 miles south for some damn reason .. So it could say isc customs then next day say out for delievery .. Bastards , it's like Christmas when it's seed delivery day lol


Well-Known Member
Agree Herbies is crazy fast....got my order in 5 days. Looking good in there Shady. Ur package got held up?


Active Member
No my order a while back did in Chicago by bout a week but notning bad . They always been slow there had a phone case get stuck there for over a month crazy ... Thanks had some hiccups with a few of em but part of it I guess


Well-Known Member
I had Critical Super Silver Haze. Got some free seeds. Man some of the best free seeds ever! Delicious Seeds was the maker. If you ever want to try a total keeper and winner, get those. Tested out at 22.5% THC 0.2 CBD


Well-Known Member
Sour Diesel 2 copy.jpg
Here are my Sour Diesel results. IDK where the original plant came from, I got a few clones of it from a friend who got it from a guy he knows. It's all that guy grows too. I don't like being stuck on one strain for too long. I have a few I keep around and just mother for awhile, then clone it to keep it around. Then toss the mother in to finish it off. I can't bring myself to just destroy it because I am keeping a strain around. I need more room or a dedicated room for that but I am limited on space. (Not grow tent spaced size obviously but I need area to work and to grow so I think you get what i'm saying.


Active Member
Damn how does one get it tested lol ... See I got a dedicated room 15 X 15 but got the tent in there I could make that room a actually room but I haven't decided yet lol


Well-Known Member
I am in a Medically Legal state. We have test places. I get mine tested at my doctors office. Also, I found out yesterday we have a place that will process your weed to make dabs via super critical CO2! Now thats crazy lol


Well-Known Member
I am in a Medically Legal state. We have test places. I get mine tested at my doctors office. Also, I found out yesterday we have a place that will process your weed to make dabs via super critical CO2! Now thats crazy lol
How much like 25-50$ a test? Can get bulk deals if you do a lot in a month I hear.


Active Member
Can't wait till all that becomes possible were I live slowly but surly . We got medical now , and medicall grow houses lol like huge sum bitchs but nothing were the lil man can take some a sell it anywhere , that's the real medicine there not some huge factory ;


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. Watch the prices start dropping where you are. We aren't even legal for recreational yet the prices keep going down. WHO THE HELL is lowering them? I say it's competition, and that comp is screwing itself in the long run.


Active Member
Yeah heard that . Our prices r still the same 60/120 all day for Top shelf no one even questions it . but hell they only have issued like 200 medical license to smoke here , it's nearly impossible , gots have same dr for like 5 years plus , gotta have a serious illness , have to have had that illness for quite some time , definatly not a relaxed state like some.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah heard that . Our prices r still the same 60/120 all day for Top shelf no one even questions it . but hell they only have issued like 200 medical license to smoke here , it's nearly impossible , gots have same dr for like 5 years plus , gotta have a serious illness , have to have had that illness for quite some time , definatly not a relaxed state like some.....
That is a reason why some black markets will always thrive.


Active Member
im sure our govt here gets a good kick back for keeping it the way it is and as hard as it is , makes no sense the money that can be made off taxes to boost this economy but that's above my pay grade so I'll just do what I do and don't worry bout the rest


Well-Known Member
Yeah she is definatly loving life for sure , I hope the others are like her for
Hi man, I see that you're growing a lot of Tutankhamons, is it one of your favorites? What can you tell me about the high/smoke report?

I have a baby one, I thought the leaf shape was weird, what can you tell me about this pheno?


Active Member
This is my first grow with the tuts : so can't give ya any updates for another few months ... Seem to be a easy quick growing set of girls thou ,
Haven't had any issues with em not like I have with my super cheese . Definatly gonna keep updates of these from start to finish . Along with all my others