Well, here we are a week later, I had feed some grow nutes, Supermax B1 and Superthrive to the babies on the 7th.
They loved it.... looking great now and no more twisted growth. I think it was just their reaction to the MG soil as it had a shit load of nutes in it from the bag.
Here they are now:
I also took a risky manuever the day they got fed aswell... My new secret weapon muhahhahahaa!
I took each girl out and removed their soil by hand, then rinsed the rest of their roots and replanted them in the same size cup, but with air holes all over it and only half the soil as B4...
I know, sounds crazy.. lol
Then I fed them the mixture listed above same amount as their pot, but I had a cup underneath to catch the liquid and I repeated 3 times. I basically flushed them with nute mix. LoL
1 week later they more than doubled in size and looked great with no twist like B4.
I took a risk but it payed off!