By the way, your statistics fall apart upon analysis. There is a large fraction of the heterosexual general public who have monogamous, vanilla lifestyles that significantly pulls down the overall numbers for the general heterosexual public. You assume that heterosexuals in the porn industry are the same risk factor as the general public. This is a bit unbelievable.
i have stated a few times that there are monogonous people within the gay comunity too and that the risk would go up in that case too
are you now saying the gay community is that different from the heterosexual ?
i clearly said
a single
random sexual enounter with gay or bi is 154 times more likely to encounter someone with hiv than with
a single
random sexual hetersexual encounter
Anybody who breaks safety protocols in the porn industry is putting everybody else at unacceptable risk. Once infection is introduced into the population of porn workers the risk factors go way up, again, regardless of sexual orientation.
yes i know
but like for like
a single
random sexual enounter with gay or bi is 154 times more likely to encounter someone with hiv than with
a single
random sexual hetersexual encounter
As I said before, the issue is trust, not risk. This is why I can quite rightly interpret your argument as gay people are less trustworthy, a homophobic argument if there ever was one.
you claim its not about risk
ive said many many times over its not for you or anyone to chose the other persons risk