Well-Known Member
yeah i wouldnt seem so high if you lot hadnt sunk so fucking low
looking around im just at the level of plain old common decency
how the fuck you got down there and are still happy with it i just dont know

yeah i wouldnt seem so high if you lot hadnt sunk so fucking low
looking around im just at the level of plain old common decency
how the fuck you got down there and are still happy with it i just dont know
You're white knighting for a woman who didn't like people giving her shit on Twitter over her prejudices, if that makes you feel all warm and bubbly well then good for you.yeah i wouldnt seem so high if you lot hadnt sunk so fucking low
looking around im just at the level of plain old common decency
how the fuck you got down there and are still happy with it i just dont know
whats the point in white knighting she's fucking dead.You're white knighting for a woman who didn't like people giving her shit on Twitter over her prejudices, if that makes you feel all warm and bubbly well then good for you.
like your doing something good in this worldAnd she's a porn star, she should take what dick she's told to take.
Lets play the odds game, shall we?whats the point in white knighting she's fucking dead.
the bit the doesnt make me feel all warm and bubby is the hyprocracy of the outrage train. where uninformed idiots like yourself turn into the bigoted predjudiced arseholes like the ones you claim to fight...
the cherry on the dystopian cake your forcing us all to eat is when you strut around after she killed herself saying shit like
like your doing something good in this world
it doesnt matter about the fucking oddsLets play the odds game, shall we?
What do you think is more likely?
•She'd done the scene she was booked for and not been such a retarded homophobe she'd still be alive now and HIV negative
•She'd be the "walking dead" future AIDS victim
The guy was/is clean...she killed herself over literally nothing.
Her body is her choice. If she decides to not work, that's her choice too.yeah that isnt how you do statistics...
67% of all cases of hiv TOTAL POPULATION
1.6% gay or lesbian + 0.7% as bisexual from total population =2.3% of total population
approx 50% of that will be gay or bisexual men so approx 1.15% of Total population
1.15% causing 67% of all cases is a really really fucking long way away from being 50-50%
even if that 1.15% is slightly higher it will never get anywhere close to 50-50 as you claim
thats one of the most disgustingly misogynistic things ive ever read on here.
she a pornstar but that doesnt mean her pussy is no longer her own she can pick and choose what jobs she wanted to take
i feel sorry for the prostitues living in your area.....like your paying for it right so you can treat them as bad as you want right?
testing isnt a garuntee of saftey. if all performers get tested and only have sex within the profession then yeah its good
but if any perfomer has sex out of the proffesion especially in a much higher risk group then everyone in contact will be subject to higher risk
its pretty simple this
her body her fucking choice
He's still butt hurt over us calling him out for insulting pin. The masturbater (he's not a fucker) can't learn and move on.He says suicide is serious and it's scummy to try use someone's suicide to make a point...
But the whole reason he started the thread was an attempt to discredit homophobia so he can call people "faggots" freely.
I think it's nearly time for more Drake dancing gifs because he's clearly gone full Nsane87.
i dont beleive she said anywhere at all that people should be out of work. just that she didn't want to work with themHer body is her choice. If she decides to not work, that's her choice too.
She was entitled to say what she said.
The people who she said should be out of work even though they were clean have the right to be pretty upset. She got the blowback she deserved.
again she didnt say all gay men are a risk of hivCalling all gay men a risk of HIV is a homophobic thing to say.
i went with the CDC's self reported stats. it may be a couple of percentage points more but thats irreleventRegarding your statistics, those are very low population numbers compared to other surveys. Wikipedia puts the percentage who are of gay, lesbian or bisexual orientation in California at about 5%. Others say general population is 3% to 10%.
perhaps its not singling out the gay male population rather than the highly promiscuos portion where most infections lieYour point, however is fair in that the gay male population has a higher rate of infection than the general one but it is still a small fraction of the gay male population. Singling out gay men as having AIDS is not only wrong but bigoted.
and if she decides to kill herself, thats her choice too, just let the family grieve in peaceHer body is her choice. If she decides to not work, that's her choice too.
hush up. you will take what statistics you are told to take.she didnt name any man did she?
she lambasted the agent because they knew beforehand her descision not to sleep with crossovers and lined them up anway
yet a whole internet of idiots like yourself decide they know better thn she did about her own body
you know cuntish people who think
she should take what dick she's told to take.
get a grip dude. at the end of the day August was a private contractor. so your conflation isn't the least bit rational.Lets play the odds game, shall we?
What do you think is more likely?
•She'd done the scene she was booked for and not been such a retarded homophobe she'd still be alive now and HIV negative
•She'd be the "walking dead" future AIDS victim
The guy was/is clean...she killed herself over literally nothing.
I dont think you know what conflation means.get a grip dude. at the end of the day August was a private contractor. so your conflation isn't the least bit rational.
the agents who knew that she didnt want to do scenes with crossover yet booked her into it anyway?I dont think you know what conflation means.
All I said was she could've quietly refused the scene for whatever reason or no reason at all...but she had to bounce onto Twitter and warn/imply guys that do gay scenes are HIV infected and "Do agents not even care about who they're representing?"
Fire the agent.the agents who knew that she didnt want to do scenes with crossover yet booked her into it anyway?
is she not in her rights to warn other people about an agent that does that??Fire the agent.
Get new agent.
Don't be a fucking bigot on Twitter for the whole world to see.
careful now your mysogyny is showing againIt's not fucking rocket science, it's even easier than simultaneously taking a dick in every hole.
Men can take dicks in every hole too, it honestly doesn't bother me and calling "misogyny" is a sad fucking cop out.is she not in her rights to warn other people about an agent that does that??
without clueless fuckwits like yourself putting words and meaning into her mouth?
careful now your mysogyny is showing again
yeah sadly its not an isolated incidence with youMen can take dicks in every hole too, it honestly doesn't bother me and calling "misogyny" is a sad fucking cop out.
no its just her own preferences about who she's prepared to sleep with as agreed with agentAnd she's well within her rights to warn that the specific agent doesn't religiously follow your casting prejudices (sorry snowflake, "preferences"), but singling out men who do other men publicly is called homophobia.
im not sticking purely to statistics you can look back at the posts and see youre the fuckwit that origonally brought them up... it just took multiple posts to show you how retarded your numbers were........But just out of interest, do you avoid making friends with black people because statistically speaking they're more likely to commit a crime/rob/kill you? (If you stick purely to the statistics (like you geniuses are) and ignore underlying factors not listed like police racism, SE difficulties, systemic racism, etc)
she sent a message to a co-worker implying that she shouldn't risk sex with gay men. Also criticized agents who "don't care" when they book jobs that include sex with gay or bisexual men. The implications are that gay men are too risky for women to work with.i dont beleive she said anywhere at all that people should be out of work. just that she didn't want to work with them
please show me where she said that
again she didnt say all gay men are a risk of hiv
i went with the CDC's self reported stats. it may be a couple of percentage points more but thats irrelevent
perhaps its not singling out the gay male population rather than the highly promiscuos portion where most infections lie
ive already said in one of previous post that the monogomous gay population infection rates should be pretty much zero
the merging of two ideas into one.I dont think you know what conflation means.
All I said was she could've quietly refused the scene for whatever reason or no reason at all...but she had to bounce onto Twitter and warn/imply guys that do gay scenes are HIV infected and "Do agents not even care about who they're representing?"
Then she couldn't take the backlash from the "mean, hurtful troll-people" on the internet and killed herself.
Freedom of speech means alot of things, it isn't carte blanche to say what you want and expect people not to react. Especially when you've put yourself into the public eye willingly.