Two 1000's or three 600's


Well-Known Member
honestly buckethead, if you want maximum yeild its very simple... more watts=more bud, sure 600w lights may be more efficent and all that jazz, but they still are only 600w lights. when it comes down to it at the end of the day, even the best 600w light will not produce like a 1000w will. sure it may be more efficent, better coverage, more lumens per watt, but still its only 600w. Like dubs fan said, if you run a 1000w setup with the proper cooling you wont have any heat issues....pretty much this is why i have decided on the 1000w... keep in mind 600w lights almost cost as much as a 1000w. So instead of buying the 600 why not just buy the 1000 and spend the little extra to cool it...if you want the most bud, and the best bang for your buck, go with the 1000w...I can understand the 600w people, they have good points and they are correct in many ways....however more watts=more lumens=more bud...plain and simple...hope this helps...and im not knocking the 600w growers, they work great, they are great lights, however to got the correct watts per sq'ft sometimes you need a bigger light, thats all...and in my case, if i had alot more money i might go with 600w lights, but im on a budget and i am assuming money is a factor for you also, if it werent you would have allready bought 2 of each...all im saying is again, 1000w hps=best bang for buck period.


Well-Known Member
....however more watts=more lumens=more bud...plain and simple...
Couldn't agree more. And I'm someone running 2 600w as of now with no complaints. However, I mentioned earlier that if you've got the extra dough to cover the electric bills and the cooling of both the bulb and the room-space, you're better off with 1000s :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Without question I would do 2x1000. Heat? Anyone with any reasonable amount of power needs to run cool tubes. My 1000's hoods produce zero heat. They are litteraly room temp.

Yes you don't even have to lower them. Mount them up high and call it a day.

Lastly, the price of a 600 (hood, light, bulb, ballast) is basically the same as 1000w. If yield is your goal you are spending too much money on three 600's when you can do the same with 2x1000. When it's time to buy three lights it's time for another tray.

With three lights I would have a 4x8 tray with 2x1000 and another 4x4 tray with a single 1000w over it.

Who would yield more? Me with a combined 4x12 tray and 3000w. I don't think it would be even close against 3x600 over a 4x8.

Yield fixes everything. If you need three lights you need another tray.

My post from page 2.