Two CFL questions


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have two really easy questions about CFLs that I for some reason don't know the answers to. Here it goes.

1. When people talk about red and blue CFL. Is red CFL the same as soft white (home depot names)? and blue the same as daylight? And are these the ones to use during Flowering?

2. Is it good to mix red and blue during veg phase or just go all red, or just mix a little but keep it mostly red?

ill add one more. Are the blues the higher Kelvin (brighter?) and the reds the lower Kelvin ones?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have two really easy questions about CFLs that I for some reason don't know the answers to. Here it goes.

1. When people talk about red and blue CFL. Is red CFL the same as soft white (home depot names)? and blue the same as daylight? And are these the ones to use during Flowering?

2. Is it good to mix red and blue during veg phase or just go all red, or just mix a little but keep it mostly red?

ill add one more. Are the blues the higher Kelvin (brighter?) and the reds the lower Kelvin ones?

The higher the Kelvin the more blue the light. 6500K is very cool. 3000K is very warm. Cool veges the plants. Warm flowers the plants.

Some namebrands have websites that explain color and Kelvin. GE Economizer bulbs (found at HD and Walmart) are warm, even though the package does not say very much.


Well-Known Member
I just bought 4 n:VISION 42w soft white 450 lumens each to surround the plant for the veg. Hope those are correct.


New Member
4500 seems like an awful lot though.Use a mix of bulbs, More blue for veg, more red for flower. I am using four 42w to surround each plant for flower and then have an abundant number of bigger cfl's in the fill in areas. Including a 200w dookie bulb. it seems the more cfl's you have, the better and easier the whole pocess is.
2700k=flower red
and get them as close as possible.


Well-Known Member
walmart for sure has them. they put the k rating in the most hard to find spot, mostly on the inside haha dont ask me why but also the color of the package is a good sign too


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the package says n:vision 32 watts (150 equiv) and then for lumens, it is not very clear and lists 3 numbers...450, 1100, 1950.....o wait...crap.....i think i bought 3 way lights....i have no way of turning it to the highest setting though...hmmmm. well that sucks.


Well-Known Member
yeah those ones arent the best. try target or walmart and look for GE or Phillips. even the grocery store has them but they will cost you there.


Well-Known Member

thats the bulb...crap....i wonder if you plug a 3way bulb into a regular light which option lights up. the strongest or weakest?


Well-Known Member
The GE Economizer line is redish (favors budding), and are available at Walmart and other stores. Most of the blues are no-name knock-offs, and favor the veging cycle of the plants. Lowes has a great 65 Watt, red color, CFL that put out an apparent 300 Watts of light.


Well-Known Member
Where are you getting these ? All I can find in stores around me is 5000K and 5500K "day light".
Hey pterzw you can get both colors at walmart...the 6500K's are GE in a white package with blue up the left side with 6500k inside of can get the 2700K's in the "great value" brand, green package with yellow writing and onthe back in very small letters it says 2700K. They are both pretty cheap. If you plan on using alot (which I'd recommend), they also sell Y connectors so you can put more lights into one light fixture. They too are cheap there.

My grow...


Well-Known Member
f-cfl's.... get some t-5's
and a cheap 250 hps for bloom for starters...
work your way up from there...
This is neither helpful nor wanted. This section is for CFL's. If you choose to use something else that's fine, just remember some of us HAVE to use CFL because of our situations.

So, if you don't have something constructive to say, don't say anything.