Well-Known Member
I am referring to oppressive taxes and burdensome regulations. Regulations that federal agencies continue to heap upon the private sector because Congress granted them rulemaking authority.I don't know about that, the way I see it is because it has been unobstructed with NAFTA, CAFTA and whatever the free trade agreements with the asian markets are called is what has hurt the American economy the most. I saw this show on how this town in the US that lost it's Maytag plant, because all the jobs went to Mexico, so pretty much the entire town shut down, like a mining town when the mine runs dry. I don't think they -Maytag for example- should have access to the market if they don't create the stuff in the country of that market. I get what you are saying about the small business/entrepreneur, but if no body has the money to spend then those businesses will not last very long, and it just is not worth the risk and start-up costs. But what do I know, I grow animal feed.
Protectionism as you describe would only foment a trade war, or a series of them.
As far as the Maytag factory becoming a maquiladora South of the border, the question we should be asking is why the company made the decision to move in the first place.
And the answer has to do with regulations, taxation, and Unions. All three are the beloved of the Progressives.
It's really very simple; the more capital seized from the private sector and placed under the control of government, the less the private sector has to work with. And the less inclined members of the private sector are to risk what capital they do have.