Uk grower my first scrog :) with pics any advice welcome


Active Member
Lostnug thanks for the advice on the fan and your girls are looking great I've only got a old timer at the mo so I will be getting a digital one when I left the fans on all the time the temps dropped to 16-17c in the day which I think is too cold but I might be wrong? In that first pic it's the roots showing I'm growing in 11 liter pots I think I'll get bigger ones next time these plants have gone crazy in coco
If you haven't used coco I recommend it mate I've had no probs because you know exactly what you put in it


Well-Known Member
Still no roots mate but there not dead I heard these root riot cubes take a bit longer for the roots to push through so hopefully be seeing something soon
Here's how ur roots should look like in 10 days. Good luck m8/bro. LOL


Active Member
Only about 8 inchs mate gonna be a pain to trim under the back 2 tho
Sweet, cheers for the reply.

I have a kalashnikova im scrogging going at the mo, there only 14 days from seed but I'm trying a slightly different method from a guy called "LBH". My screen in set at 4 inches now instead of 8 and will be flowering when the first growth is about 2" above the screen.

Aparently you dont have to trim at all / much in this method - doubt my yield will be as impressive as yours but the reduction in veg time has me intersted. Will be interesting to compare the results when were both finished - will be trying vegging for longer next time around as this method at the mo doesnt let me fill more than 1/3 of the screen with veg growth. just for future reference fella.

Keep up the good work fella


Active Member
cheers oblivious I've seen before he's the same one that's got the he seems to know his shit we'll do well to take any advice from his guides :) i have know idea what my yield will be but my aim is a gram per watt that would be great 21oz yeah!!
my 2nd grow i only got 10 oz of 11 plants but my first grow i got 18 oz off 12 plants and some monster buds like this one


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous, what additives are you using to achieve root production like that? Just love it!
. liquid karma, CANNA RHIZOTONIC and root excel for 2 weeks. I also sprayed liquid karma every other day just a tinny layer of mist. thats all!