Yeah that's my thoughts, they prosecute to the full extent of the law too.
My mate lost his house because of it and its easier to catch you these days.

From what I've seen I can get a 10k hybrid solar system for about £10'000 as long as I get it direct from manufacturer and install it myself.
I can only fit 6k on my main roof but have an extension roof and the rest will be wall mounted.
80% of it is in the ideal position.

There's no point feeding back into the grid these days either as the pay in tariff takes the piss.
Do your homework before investing, I'm guessing the output will be poor during the winter. Many people off grid need both wind and solar, they get the sun in summer and wind in winter.

Do your homework before investing, I'm guessing the output will be poor during the winter. Many people off grid need both wind and solar, they get the sun in summer and wind in winter.

From what I can gather you get about a fifth capacity in winter.

I had thought about adding wind too but local planning wouldn't allow it in my area I don't think. Which is a shame

I'll continue to research, be a while before I can afford it yet.

Nice link, cheers.
I live at the end of a long rough lane with a neighbor half way down. Few years ago I was getting burst car tires every week, the bloody idiot was burning pallets and using the ash from his stove full of nails to fill the pot holes.>:(

I separate the nails and keep them in a tin. I periodically weigh in scrap metal and they go there to be recycled.
I dont know anybody that doesnt steal the electric, surely not even worth it if youre paying

everyone scared of the smart meters but you are taking the electric from before it ever reaches the smart meter, everyone in the country should do it the prices are a joke
It's called load balance and yes they WILL know.