ummm yeah


Well-Known Member
So question one when im trying to post pics I can sit there and press the browse button over and over nothing happens have the same problem with Facebook but they have an email I can send my pics to then they post them. I have a Nokia lumia 710 with windows 7 basically a p.o.s. phone anyone know what to do? And also my bag seeds just popped took them 3 days almost had givin up on them


Well-Known Member
Upload pics to a different site, and then use the links? Three days to pop is not uncommon, usually 1-10 days. Gotta be patient.


Well-Known Member
And when should I transplant since my dumbass decided to put all in one cup or do I just pull the best one and screw the rest?


Well-Known Member
Not sure what it looks like on mobile, but theres a upload file button right next to the post reply button. I would try to separate them very very carefully into separate cups. Then transplant into bigger pots in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
yea when I press that a pop up shows up then nothing I can press browse an nothing my phone is dumb does the link take you to the pic though? Thx for the help dynospec


Well-Known Member
no prob, it does lead to the photo yea. If you can very very delicately get two of them out into their own cups you should. then wait a few weeks before potting up. If you have a really big pot you could leave them together I guess, but Id rather have them separate personally. Or you can see which grows with the most vigor, cull the other two and grow the one into a mother to take clones from - assuming its female


Well-Known Member
Well they are all in a separate cup of their own there are actually five they all freaking sprouted figures right oh FYI this is gonna be my free grow just kinda puttin around see whats possible lol