• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

UN reports; gaza flotila; 6 humanitarians murdered execution style.


Well-Known Member
1 american and 5 turkish murdered, cold blooded style. some highlights..
The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style by Israeli commandos.

The report reveals that Dogan, the 19-year-old US citizen of Turkish descent, was filming with a small video camera on the top deck of the Mavi Marmara when he was shot twice in the head, once in the back and in the left leg and foot and that he was shot in the face at point blank range while lying on the ground.
The report confirmed what the Obama administration already knew from the autopsy report on Dogan, but the administration has remained silent about the killing of Dogan, which could be an extremely difficult political problem for the administration in its relations with Israel.
The administration has made it clear through its inaction and its explicit public posture that it has no intention of pressing the issue of the murder of a US citizen in cold blood by Israeli commandos.
Another passenger whom forensic evidence shows was killed execution-style, according to the OHCHR report, is Ibrahim Bilgen, a 60-year-old Turkish citizen. Bilgen is believed by forensics experts to have been shot initially from the helicopter above the Mavi Marmara and then shot in the side of the head while lying seriously wounded.
The account, provided by the OHCHR of the events on board the Mavi Marmara on its way to help break the economic siege of Gaza May 31 of this year, refutes the version of events aggressively pushed by the Israeli military and supports the testimony of passengers on board.
The report suggests that, from the beginning, Israeli policy viewed the Gaza flotilla as an opportunity to use lethal force against pro-Hamas activists. It quotes testimony by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak before the Israeli government's Turkel Committee that specific orders were given by the Israeli government "to continue intelligence tracking of the flotilla organizers with an emphasis on the possibility that amongst the passengers in the flotilla there were terror elements who would attempt to harm Israeli forces."

The idea that the passenger list would be seeded with terrorists determined to attack Israeli defense forces appears to have been a ploy to justify treating the operation as likely to require the use of military force against the passengers.
Contrary to Israeli claims that one or more Israeli troops were wounded by firearms, the report says no medical evidence of a gunshot wound to an Israeli soldier was found.
The mission interviewed 112 eyewitnesses to the Israeli attack in London, Geneva, Istanbul and Amman, Jordan. The Israeli government refused to cooperate with the fact-finding mission by making personnel involved in both planning and carrying out the attack available to be interviewed.
the official UN report
THIS is what gets the rest of the world angry. not our "freedoms".


Well-Known Member
yea only 6 unarmed humanitarians carrying supplies for innocent people. glad to know you enjoy hearing about innocent people dieing.


Well-Known Member
yea only 6 unarmed humanitarians carrying supplies for innocent people. glad to know you enjoy hearing about innocent people dieing.
Nobody on that boat was innocent, everyone was there by choice and knew the boat was going to run a blockade. Not only that, they attacked armed military members and beat them with lethal objects.....how fucking retarded is that?

jeff f

New Member
Nobody on that boat was innocent, everyone was there by choice and knew the boat was going to run a blockade. Not only that, they attacked armed military members and beat them with lethal objects.....how fucking retarded is that?
those "poor humanitarians" were beating the soldiers with sticks as they repelled onto the deck. next time isreal should just sink the ship to avoid any "controversy". i hope the idiots who organized the flotilla through KNOWN BLOCKADED WATERS feel good about themselves.


Well-Known Member
did anyone really expect the u.n., an organization that has been blatantly anti-israeli for decades, to come to any other conclusion? based almost solely on the testimony of those who were attempting to break a legitimate blockade and an interpretation of forensic evidence highly colored by that testimony, they have once again agreed to appease the oil rich arab nations of the middle east. given the u.n.'s pro-palestinian bias, i find it difficult to fault israel for refusing to participate in what was sure to be little more than a show trial in a kangaroo court. i don't doubt that this verdict will turn public opinion a little more against israel. i don't doubt it will be used as a propaganda weapon by nations and organizations that openly support assaults against the west.


Well-Known Member
how can the u.n. be anti israel, when it was the u.n. that gave the freakin land to them? it is israel that is anti u.n. and anti genevea conventions. how is this blockade legal? show me the law where israel is lawfully justified in making all palestinians suffer, making innocent people suffer, not allowing humanitarian aid, shooting and murdering unarmed people. anyone ignoring the u.n. is also ignoring facts. it is a fact the more palestinians and their children are dying then israeli. it is a fact the israel is destroying palestinian homes in israeli controlled palestine. if the u.n. is anti israel, they are well justified to do so.

jeff f

New Member
how can the u.n. be anti israel, when it was the u.n. that gave the freakin land to them? it is israel that is anti u.n. and anti genevea conventions. how is this blockade legal? show me the law where israel is lawfully justified in making all palestinians suffer, making innocent people suffer, not allowing humanitarian aid, shooting and murdering unarmed people. anyone ignoring the u.n. is also ignoring facts. it is a fact the more palestinians and their children are dying then israeli. it is a fact the israel is destroying palestinian homes in israeli controlled palestine. if the u.n. is anti israel, they are well justified to do so.
yea blaze, i love ya an all but thats pretty lame...

can you tell me the last time a jew sent a kid into your market and blew himself up? yea, didnt think so.....


Well-Known Member
You're a dense mofo that's for sure. Why don't you just say bro, you hate Israel.....
if i'm so dense, you must have facts that i'm not aware of. but really? that all you got? name calling? i thought name calling was what children did. i dont hate israel, i hate its policies. do palestinians not have the right to exist? do innocent civilians deserve to suffer?

yea blaze, i love ya an all but thats pretty lame...

can you tell me the last time a jew sent a kid into your market and blew himself up? yea, didnt think so.....
yea i know, facts are sooo lame.


Well-Known Member
palestine lays down their arms, peace.

israel lays down their arms, the destruction of israel.

those 'humanitarians' chose to kill themselves by running a blockade that was legal in every way.

if you feel so strongly about the plight of the palestinians, why don't you go ahead and get on the next flotilla.

keep us informed on what happens as you try to pass that blockade.


Well-Known Member
if israel is so justified in this, then why didn't the govnt cooperate with the u.n. by allowing them to interview the soldiers involved? are they somehow above the u.n? seems so.


Well-Known Member
how can the u.n. be anti israel, when it was the u.n. that gave the freakin land to them?
this isn't rocket science, just four simple words. nothing remains the same. the u.n. of 1947 has little in common with the u.n. of today. just because it is an international body does not mean it is immune to the pettiness of the political squabbling of its member states. the failure of british colonialism and a post ww2 fervor to punish the allies of the axis powers created the israeli state, not the altruism of the u.n. the u.n.'s mission then was to find the equitable solutions to the problems of the world. their mission now has become the elimination of strife by the most expedient possible means. if the destruction of israel brings peace to that area, then they are more than willing to support that destruction.

all of your facts seem to ignore the state of war, both open and undeclared, that israel has existed under since its very inception. how can you even ask how the blockade of palestine can be considered legal, when such strategies are commonplace in nations at war? it is a common way to attempt to strangle the free flow of arms to an enemy and is far more justifiable and peaceable than wantonly tearing through the countryside in search of a foe that so regularly hides behind its children and its women's skirts between rounds of indiscriminately lobbing rockets across the border. the occupation of palestine may not be the most humane possible treatment of its inhabitants, but it is far better than turning the entire area into a slag heap in order to root out israel's foes and far more rational than allowing its enemies a free hand to terrorize the jewish homeland.

the propaganda machines on both sides of this conflict have been constantly working overtime. the images of weeping palestinian mothers lay side by side with those of burned out israeli school buses. the successes of israel, despite the aggressions of its neighbors, have allowed the international community to portray it as an advanced nation taking advantage of the downtrodden palestine. the industrious nature of their society has allowed them to build a formidable military that is capable of making any enemy pay dearly for their aggressions, but those enemies seem not to care that the force they assault is quite capable of annihilating them and their families and their neighborhoods. the innocents that are caught up in the fray are a part of the atrocity that is war, but their numbers on either side are not the point. you may point to the innocent palestinian casualties and how they far outnumber those on the israeli side, but this fact alone doesn't really lead to the laying of any blame.

the blame lies in the racial hatred of a people that have remained insular despite being widespread. the blame lies with an intolerance and overweening pride that has existed for centuries. there is blame to be found in the overzealous elements that are a part of any military structure and there is equal blame to be found in the indiscriminate nature of blind rocket assaults on nonmilitary targets. blame can be laid at the feet of an international media that seeks to inflame the situation with half-truths and outright lies. i could spend all day listing people and organizations that share the onus for this tragedy, but that really doesn't matter. you have chosen to believe the propaganda that fits with your world view. you have chosen to believe that the combatant with the upper hand must be the aggressor. you have chosen to believe that victory only comes through savagery and that, despite third party reports, these israeli savages won't even allow the innocents of palestine humanitarian aid. your blind belief isn't all that amazing, but it is rather sad.


Well-Known Member
I stand with Israel.

But I also sympathize with the Palestinians because they are being, and have been, played.


They are being exploited by outside forces whose only goal is the destruction of Israel.

Before the establishment of the State of Israel; nobody, and I mean nobody, in the Arab world or anywhere else gave two shits about the Palestinians.

In fact, if it were not for Israel, Palestinians would be exactly what they were before the establishment of the State of Israel - a nuisance.



Well-Known Member
when did the conservatives become such apologists for the abuses of the israeli state??

why must you be relegated to making excuses for them???

and you don't do a very good job.

israel lays down their arms and it's the destruction of israel... HAHAHA...

take that zionist bullshit somewhere else. all israel has to do is end it's cruel treatment of palestinians, which forces them to live in extreme poverty and in the midst of destruction and chaos, and all of a sudden peace is achieved.

it's not israels intention to arrive at peace yet, because it is their intention to build and maintain the most advanced military in the world, and keep engaging in war against their arab neighbors. israel believes that it is their right to keep expanding it's borders, and it believes that arabs should be treated as scum.

it's a sad world we live in. using fear and a hypothetical war to condone abuses against a people that live in gut wrenching conditions.

the jews should know better, considering their history.........

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
That's pretty fucked up. But as I understand it, the Flotilla refused to go through customs like everyone else. When your messing around with a Military that has a history of taking 10 eyes for one eye.... one should anticipate bad things to happen.


Well-Known Member
how can the u.n. be anti israel, when it was the u.n. that gave the freakin land to them? it is israel that is anti u.n. and anti genevea conventions. how is this blockade legal? show me the law where israel is lawfully justified in making all palestinians suffer, making innocent people suffer, not allowing humanitarian aid, shooting and murdering unarmed people. anyone ignoring the u.n. is also ignoring facts. it is a fact the more palestinians and their children are dying then israeli. it is a fact the israel is destroying palestinian homes in israeli controlled palestine. if the u.n. is anti israel, they are well justified to do so.
Wrong! Great Britain gave the land to the Jews. The U.N. drafted the partition agreement. It was with the blessing of the U.N. that Israel came into being, but the world is a much different place than it was in 1947.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
when did the conservatives become such apologists for the abuses of the israeli state??

why must you be relegated to making excuses for them???

and you don't do a very good job.

israel lays down their arms and it's the destruction of israel... HAHAHA...

take that zionist bullshit somewhere else. all israel has to do is end it's cruel treatment of palestinians, which forces them to live in extreme poverty and in the midst of destruction and chaos, and all of a sudden peace is achieved.

it's not israels intention to arrive at peace yet, because it is their intention to build and maintain the most advanced military in the world, and keep engaging in war against their arab neighbors. israel believes that it is their right to keep expanding it's borders, and it believes that arabs should be treated as scum.

it's a sad world we live in. using fear and a hypothetical war to condone abuses against a people that live in gut wrenching conditions.

the jews should know better, considering their history.........
Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! What fairy tale land are you living in bro?:lol:


Well-Known Member
I stand with Israel.

But I also sympathize with the Palestinians because they are being, and have been, played.


They are being exploited by outside forces whose only goal is the destruction of Israel.

Before the establishment of the State of Israel; nobody, and I mean nobody, in the Arab world or anywhere else gave two shits about the Palestinians.

In fact, if it were not for Israel, Palestinians would be exactly what they were before the establishment of the State of Israel - a nuisance.

Dude, nobody, including their arab brothers, gives 2 shits about the Palestinians. A lot of lip service gets paid but when it comes down to it who has really helped the Palestinians? Jordan? Lebanaon? Egypt? Most of their arab neighbors use them as pawns, like you mentioned, but they seldom help them in any meaningful way. Look at the conditions some of those Palestinians live in. It makes Gaza look like the Waldorf! :o


Well-Known Member
And you think the arabs think any diffrent about israel.
What a fucking joke and fantasy you live in.