• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

UN reports; gaza flotila; 6 humanitarians murdered execution style.


Well-Known Member
You don't know what happened yet you are quick to point a finger and assign blame.
This is something you have NO CLUE about yet you are passing judgment and think you have all the answers.
doc, it's difficult to take rabid partisanship of any kind seriously, but it surrounds us and influences the the world we live in to an extraordinary degree. its hallmarks are the meaningless one or two line comebacks steeped in dogma and its reason is twisted to accommodate a series of preconceptions. the adherence to one set of "truths" warps all sense of logic. every hot button issue has its fanatics. global warming, the palestinian dilemma, the role of government and the influence of the global community are all such issues and the fanatical line are drawn not in the sand, but in stone.

none of us are immune to the effects of such partisanship. my own set of truths surrounds the necessity for a steady advance toward individualism and an equity in judgment. i see many whose world view is colored by the need for a more material fairness among the peoples of the earth, others who rely solely on the doctrines of this religion or that for their guidance and still others who so crave leadership that they are willing to accept the word of any self-styled expert as gospel. there's no help for it. we are all at the mercy of our own need for some answer to those things that trouble us most.


Well-Known Member
Yea Israel lay down their weapons and their asses will be wiped off the map. Hamas is the problem not the Palestinians.


Well-Known Member
Let me preface this by saying it IS unfortunate. You are a trip man. You are hypercritical of the U.S. and Israel, but those poor peace activists were just murdered in cold blood and bare NO responsibility whatsoever for what happened. :roll:
"if the civilians breaching the blockade had weapons or intentions to harm IDF forces, then fuck, they're IDIOTS and I'm really not surprised innocent people were killed"

Did you just miss that part or what..?

Thought I laid the blame out pretty clearly with that statement...

Since you don't give a fuck, why do you post such inane drivel? Why not just ignore these threads? Because like anybody else who took a look at this thread and took the time to post, you DO care. It's nothing to be embarrassed about bro.
Doc, the opinions I hold are backed up by evidence. I don't believe or buy into shit that isn't backed up by scientific evidence. Hence my non affiliation to any major cult. You ever have any questions about any of the ''inane drivel'' I post, or you don't understand something, all it takes is asking. While the 3rd grade name calling approach is a lot easier... doesn't really tend to get shit moving... You stick with it though, maybe something'll change... :dunce:

You don't know what happened yet you are quick to point a finger and assign blame. Were you there? How do you know what those guys saw and what they didn't? It was supposedly dark....................
So I can't comment on what happened because I wasn't there? Aren't you sitting here doing the exact same thing? Were you there? No, you just take IDF's word for what happened.

I didn't check, but according to blazin's OP, the UN released a report confirming murder, execution style, of an AMERICA citizen. What the fuck have you got? Nothing but your words. Wasn't it dark?... :clap:

I'm sorry, I don't remember if you told me. Were you in the military? For someone who never served you seem to have a lot of insight on how a soldier should conduct himself.
Yeah, that is odd isn't it? You'd think our own fucking military would teach these people how to conduct themselves a little better... Instead we've got motherfuckers throwing puppies off cliffs, tying POW's up like dogs, gang raping Iraqi teens, murdering innocent civilians then planting weapons on their dead bodies...

This is something you have NO CLUE about yet you are passing judgement and think you have all the answers.
You have NO CLUE about my military knowledge or background, so seriously, just shut the fuck up with that one. I don't have all the answers, but you assholes are denying the facts right in front of your face then bitching about the messenger being the UN.

I stopped taking you seriously a long time ago my man. You views are so lopsided.......................I don't even know why I bother to respond to you. All it's likely to get me is a slew of attacks from you and a "you're just ingnorant" statement. Think whatever you want to Pad. I just don't give a fuck anymore. ;-)
Still sulking over that comment I made about losing respect for you, that's pretty damn obvious. And you can sit here and deny it till sunset, but I'm about 90% sure that's where all your recent hostility towards me is coming from. That's pretty sad doc. This is the internet, grow some thicker skin.

You are just ignorant if you think I have ever, even one fucking time, sent you something that someone would misinterpret as "an attack". Quote me, bitch, go find one. Good luck, cuz you can't. That right there, when I just called you a bitch, was the first time I've ever called you anything derogatory or "attacked" you.

The only attacks I make are with sound logic and reasoning.



Well-Known Member
"if the civilians breaching the blockade had weapons or intentions to harm IDF forces, then fuck, they're IDIOTS and I'm really not surprised innocent people were killed"

Did you just miss that part or what..?

Thought I laid the blame out pretty clearly with that statement...

Doc, the opinions I hold are backed up by evidence. I don't believe or buy into shit that isn't backed up by scientific evidence. Hence my non affiliation to any major cult. You ever have any questions about any of the ''inane drivel'' I post, or you don't understand something, all it takes is asking. While the 3rd grade name calling approach is a lot easier... doesn't really tend to get shit moving... You stick with it though, maybe something'll change... :dunce:

So I can't comment on what happened because I wasn't there? Aren't you sitting here doing the exact same thing? Were you there? No, you just take IDF's word for what happened.

I didn't check, but according to blazin's OP, the UN released a report confirming murder, execution style, of an AMERICA citizen. What the fuck have you got? Nothing but your words. Wasn't it dark?... :clap:

Yeah, that is odd isn't it? You'd think our own fucking military would teach these people how to conduct themselves a little better... Instead we've got motherfuckers throwing puppies off cliffs, tying POW's up like dogs, gang raping Iraqi teens, murdering innocent civilians then planting weapons on their dead bodies...

You have NO CLUE about my military knowledge or background, so seriously, just shut the fuck up with that one. I don't have all the answers, but you assholes are denying the facts right in front of your face then bitching about the messenger being the UN.

Still sulking over that comment I made about losing respect for you, that's pretty damn obvious. And you can sit here and deny it till sunset, but I'm about 90% sure that's where all your recent hostility towards me is coming from. That's pretty sad doc. This is the internet, grow some thicker skin.

You are just ignorant if you think I have ever, even one fucking time, sent you something that someone would misinterpret as "an attack". Quote me, bitch, go find one. Good luck, cuz you can't. That right there, when I just called you a bitch, was the first time I've ever called you anything derogatory or "attacked" you.

The only attacks I make are with sound logic and reasoning.
And here we go with the patented Padwanbater line by line picking apart of my statement.:roll: I can see I got under your skin (the part where you called me a BITCH gave me that distinct impression):finger:.

I never said you couldn't comment on this shit but you jump the gun and place all the blame squarely at the feet of the IDF and the Israeli govt. I was not there so I will not place blame because I don't know what all happened. I don't know what those commandos saw as they were fast-roping out of their helicopters. I don't know what kind of weapons they had, what kind of warnings they received from the military or the govt. Therefore I am reserving judgement. :dunce:

I spent 8 years in the miltary and I have a bit of insight into what goes on during these types of operations. There will ALWAYS be a few bad apples no matter how much scrutiny these people undergo before joining the military. The examples you gave of atrocities, yes they are atrocities, are extremely sad and outright war crimes and must be punished, but we must not fall into the trap of labelling an entire organization based on the UNAUTHORIZED actions of a few. I may be mistaken but I believe you told me in the past that you did not serve. If I am mistaken I apologize. :-P

You call me a bitch and in the very next sentence you go on to say;
"The only attacks I make are with sound logic and reasoning."
Your exact words not mine. ;-)

I could be wrong but you don't know me. How do you know I'm a bitch? What kind of "sound logic" and "reasoning" did you use to come to this conclusion? :dunce:

I am not upset nor do I care what comments you have made about me in the past nor do I give a shit what comments you are making now. You and I have had some pretty good conversations since then and I've even repped you a couple of times. My skin is plenty thick. I don't believe I have stooped to calling names in this forum but I need thicker skin? The irony of your last post is killing me! lmfao!:clap:


Well-Known Member
You know I see Israel denying Palestinians Food aid, Medical aid, Medicine and you name it. But its funny because that's exactly what the USA does to Iran. You don't hear anything about that anymore because it has been ongoing since 1979.


Well-Known Member
You know I see Israel denying Palestinians Food aid, Medical aid, Medicine and you name it. But its funny because that's exactly what the USA does to Iran. You don't hear anything about that anymore because it has been ongoing since 1979.
If the Palestinians authority and Hamas wanted the blockade to end all they have to do is stop attacking Israel. Nearly everything the Israelies have done has been in response to attacks on their own populace and it has worked! Suicide bombings are way down and I haven't heard anything about rocket attacks for quite some time now. If it were my neighborhood that was being rocketted, I would demand my govt. do something about it! That's what a govt. should do........protect its citizens.;-)


Well-Known Member
You know I see Israel denying Palestinians Food aid, Medical aid, Medicine and you name it.
this is what you see, huh? it's kinda funny, 'cause humanitarian aid has been flowing into palestine since this whole thing began. israel permits this aid, even though it may be a conduit for weapons, and what it demands is that what enters palestine be inspected before it reaches its destination. is that really so much to ask, considering the fact that israel has been attacked by nearly every one of its neighbors since its inception? as the propaganda machine cranks out its misinformation to the gullible public, the israeli people themselves willingly send these neighbors aid. a majority of the arab world uses the palestinian people as a pawn toward the destruction of israel and the supposedly neutral powers of the u.n. flog israel over and over again, ignoring the assaults on that state by openly hostile organizations and nations. that israel has been forced to become a militaristic nation is hardly by choice, but that fact is used against them at every turn to sway global opinion against them. it is the minority within the palestinian people that refuse to give up their animosity toward israel that keeps the embargoes and blockades from being lifted. though there is certainly some bloodthirsty minority within israel, just as there is within any society, that sees palestine as an eternal enemy, you can be sure that the israeli people are just as tired of this constant conflict as anyone. i'm sure it makes y'all seem super-cool to side with the poor, downtrodden palestinians, but the real underdog here is israel, a country struggling against the petro-greed that sways global opinion and beset on all sides by a seemingly unending supply of xenophobic enemies.


Well-Known Member
this is what you see, huh? it's kinda funny, 'cause humanitarian aid has been flowing into palestine since this whole thing began. israel permits this aid, even though it may be a conduit for weapons, and what it demands is that what enters palestine be inspected before it reaches its destination. is that really so much to ask, considering the fact that israel has been attacked by nearly every one of its neighbors since its inception? as the propaganda machine cranks out its misinformation to the gullible public, the israeli people themselves willingly send these neighbors aid. a majority of the arab world uses the palestinian people as a pawn toward the destruction of israel and the supposedly neutral powers of the u.n. flog israel over and over again, ignoring the assaults on that state by openly hostile organizations and nations. that israel has been forced to become a militaristic nation is hardly by choice, but that fact is used against them at every turn to sway global opinion against them. it is the minority within the palestinian people that refuse to give up their animosity toward israel that keeps the embargoes and blockades from being lifted. though there is certainly some bloodthirsty minority within israel, just as there is within any society, that sees palestine as an eternal enemy, you can be sure that the israeli people are just as tired of this constant conflict as anyone. i'm sure it makes y'all seem super-cool to side with the poor, downtrodden palestinians, but the real underdog here is israel, a country struggling against the petro-greed that sways global opinion and beset on all sides by a seemingly unending supply of xenophobic enemies.
Im not on anyone's side. The statement was more about the USA and it being ironic to a point. But you sure got me pegged dontcha?


Well-Known Member
you sure got me pegged dontcha?
pegged? no, just responding to an obviously erroneous post. i try not to simply pigeonhole folks because they may make foolish statements. i know i may sometimes be off the mark with my responses and miss a bit of irony here and there, but that's just the breaks when dealing with something as impersonal as the internet. ya gotta give this stoned old fool the benefit of the doubt from time to time.

excuse me now. tina's singin' proud mary and i can't concentrate on this shit any more.


Well-Known Member
if the tides were a little different, and the u.n. backed by russia and china said tomorrow that the usa is no longer ours that it belonged to the natives and the mexicans, what would happen? would we be mad? hell yes we would. we conquered the land not them. it would be reverse trail of tears x100. oh but those natives, they need a "homeland". what a crock. why do jews need a "homeland"? while we're at it lets make a homeland for the druids, celts, hell caucasians in general. lets give all caucasians in the world a homeland, and allow them to dispose of the original inhabitants. my bad, forgot where i was at for a second.

in reality, what is happening to the palestinians is exactly what happened to the native americans. kind of funny how history repeats itself. we were in the natives land, just like the israelis are in palistinian land. what is the basis the leads us to belive the "holy land" is israels? the bible? well, ok. i wonder what would happen if israels biggest college was disputing the bible. oh wait, THEY ARE. ok its just the archeology dept.

this whole thing stinks. and just so we're clear, i dont support either side. i support the facts. and the facts tell me that this whole thing is bullshit.

I was not there so I will not place blame because I don't know what all happened. I don't know what those commandos saw as they were fast-roping out of their helicopters. I don't know what kind of weapons they had, what kind of warnings they received from the military or the govt. Therefore I am reserving judgement. :dunce:
your answers are in the official report and on the first link i provided if/when you decide to read it.


Well-Known Member
if the tides were a little different, and the u.n. backed by russia and china said tomorrow that the usa is no longer ours that it belonged to the natives and the mexicans, what would happen? would we be mad? hell yes we would. we conquered the land not them. it would be reverse trail of tears x100. oh but those natives, they need a "homeland". what a crock. why do jews need a "homeland"? while we're at it lets make a homeland for the druids, celts, hell caucasians in general. lets give all caucasians in the world a homeland, and allow them to dispose of the original inhabitants. my bad, forgot where i was at for a second.

in reality, what is happening to the palestinians is exactly what happened to the native americans. kind of funny how history repeats itself. we were in the natives land, just like the israelis are in palistinian land. what is the basis the leads us to belive the "holy land" is israels? the bible? well, ok. i wonder what would happen if israels biggest college was disputing the bible. oh wait, THEY ARE. ok its just the archeology dept.

this whole thing stinks. and just so we're clear, i dont support either side. i support the facts. and the facts tell me that this whole thing is bullshit.

your answers are in the official report and on the first link i provided if/when you decide to read it.
I've read it and it's from a very biased source IMO. I'll say it again. It's tragic that anyone was killed but you can't go crashing military blockades without consequences. In this case the consequences were very dire. That's all I'm saying. :-(

I find it fascinating how modern culture seems to not want to take any kind of personal responsibility for their own actions. Especially when those actions will likely have tragic consequences. It's always somebody else's fault. Whether we or anybody else likes it, Israel is at war. In any war there are people that get hurt and killed. All of those people who were killed were there of their own free will, as far as we know. They knew, or should've known what could possibly happen. If they made the decision to participate, even knowing what could happen, then who becomes responsible? I joined the military and saw my fair share of combat. I was lucky and made it out alive. If I had not, who would've been responsible for my decision to serve in the military?:?


Well-Known Member
why do jews need a "homeland"? while we're at it lets make a homeland for the druids, celts, hell caucasians in general. lets give all caucasians in the world a homeland
caucasians already have a homeland. it is called tennessee. go move there and please never bother us again.

as far as why do jews need a homeland...what would your answer have been to the millions of jewish refugees left after the holocaust?

this is nothing like manifest destiny. jews lived there as long as the palestinians have. you may want to wipe that egg off your face.


Well-Known Member
Anybody who wants to know why the Jews need their homeland should simply Google Auschwitz, then select images.
Anybody who took world history should know that if there is any group of people who need their own homeland, it's the Jews.;-)

I would also like to recomend a book called "From Beirut to Jerusalem". It was written by Thomas L. Friedman and it is one of the best books I've read about the history of Israel.:leaf:

jeff f

New Member
Let me preface this by saying it IS unfortunate. You are a trip man. You are hypercritical of the U.S. and Israel, but those poor peace activists were just murdered in cold blood and bare NO responsibility whatsoever for what happened. :roll:

Since you don't give a fuck, why do you post such inane drivel? Why not just ignore these threads? Because like anybody else who took a look at this thread and took the time to post, you DO care. It's nothing to be embarrassed about bro. You don't know what happened yet you are quick to point a finger and assign blame. Were you there? How do you know what those guys saw and what they didn't? It was supposedly dark....................I'm sorry, I don't remember if you told me. Were you in the military? For someone who never served you seem to have a lot of insight on how a soldier should conduct himself. This is something you have NO CLUE about yet you are passing judgement and think you have all the answers. I stopped taking you seriously a long time ago my man. You views are so lopsided.......................I don't even know why I bother to respond to you. All it's likely to get me is a slew of attacks from you and a "you're just ingnorant" statement. Think whatever you want to Pad. I just don't give a fuck anymore. ;-)
seriously, that was brilliant.....and fucking funny! props


Well-Known Member
Anybody who took world history should know that if there is any group of people who need their own homeland, it's the Jews.;-)

I would also like to recomend a book called "From Beirut to Jerusalem". It was written by Thomas L. Friedman and it is one of the best books I've read about the history of Israel.:leaf:
how much did history "teach" us about the native american genocide? how much did it teach us about the japanese atrocities during the war? unit 731, being dissected alive. nanking massacre.

the land is not their land. it is home to all 3 of the cults. and they are successfully denying it to a whole group. i will wish them good luck in ww3.


Well-Known Member
how much did history "teach" us about the native american genocide? how much did it teach us about the japanese atrocities during the war? unit 731, being dissected alive. nanking massacre.

the land is not their land. it is home to all 3 of the cults. and they are successfully denying it to a whole group. i will wish them good luck in ww3.
So who has the rightful claim to any land? What does it take to "prove" ownership of a country or land mass? We don't even know who the original native Americans were. Who did the native Americans run off of the land when they got here? The Jews are sharing the land with the Palestinians. The Palestinians attacking Israel is what has led to the horrific conditions in which they live today. They are not blameless and they will not get all of "their land" back. They will simply keep attacking civilians, Israel will continue airstrikes in response to the attacks. Nothing will ever be solved this way. Both parties have to come to an agreement. The Palestinians want all or nothing. If they keep up their current agenda they might end up with the latter.:sad:


Well-Known Member
how much did history "teach" us about the native american genocide?
Uh, how about; we're not doing it anymore?

how much did it teach us about the japanese atrocities during the war? unit 731, being dissected alive. nanking massacre.
I'm pretty sure the Japanese are not doing those things any more either.

And shame on you for comparing the plight of the Palestinians to the American Indian experience. Or the horrors suffered at the hand of the Japanese.

The plight of the Palestinians is no worse that what was seen under segregation. Which was shameful enough, by the way; but nowhere near what happened to the American Indian.

the land is not their land. it is home to all 3 of the cults. and they are successfully denying it to a whole group.
Incorrect. Otherwise the Dome on the Rock would be the Temple on the Rock.

i will wish them good luck in ww3.
We already had WW III, it was called the Cold War back then, though.