Unbelievably sick

My parents told me the Vietnamese would strap bombs to babies and hand them to rescue choppers. That fight was in just that country and look how it turned out. This is becoming a global battle, how do you stop that.

obviously, all you have to do is say "radical islamic terrorism" and the problem will go away. believe me. tremendous.
Wait you thought I was a Muslim because I have anime as my avatar ?

Lol. I'm sure you're kidding, but of course sunni (soonee) is the largest denomination of Islam. I actually thought the same of you when I first joined this site and saw your name ;) I said to myself, 'My, isn't she a piously proud muslim...'
Lol. I'm sure you're kidding, but of course sunni (soonee) is the largest denomination of Islam. I actually thought the same of you when I first joined this site and saw your name ;) I said to myself, 'My, isn't she a piously proud muslim...'
Avatar and user name are different he said avatar in my opinion that means the picture
But ya I know there are Sunni muslims lol
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"Today the vast majority of those involved in research on human variation would agree that biological races do not exist among humans.[...] What many people do not realize is that this racial structure is not based on reality. Anthropologists have shown for many years now that there is no biological reality to human race. There are no major complex behaviors that directly correlate with what might be considered human “racial” characteristics."
Yes, point taken on the bottom line. Not behaviors to define race, but where my mind went was biology. This came up a couple weeks ago in social discussion. "If you dug up remains you can't tel ethnic group but can tell race." yada yada.
IED's are nothing new, they were all over Vietnam, some included children. On rare occasion we would get loaded into trucks & moved to a new position. I was in a convoy of duce1/2's full of GI's and as we drove thru villages the children would run out to wave & ask for candy. we usually never stopped but kept rolling & tossed the candy. This one time column came to a halt at a crossroads in a small village & kids ran up to the trucks. One GI in one of the trucks behind mine reached out to hand a candy bar to a little girl & the grenade she had on her blew her into pieces & killed the soldier as everything from his chest up was gone.....
We realized is was safer to walk around villages than to drive thru them...
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Usually, when someone has to say, 'I'm not racist', they should probably go look in the mirror and re-evaluate.
LOL I have friends who are ... antisemites and bigots and bullies, oh my
Cool thread man. Minus the child bombs and stuff. Good thought provoking stuff though. The family that owns the gas station up the street are Muslim. They're from Pakistan. I talk to them often. They're always asking about my daughter and give her candies when she's with me and they let me slide when I'm a few cents off for coffee. Pretty sure most Muslims are like them just trying to live life. It's when you put people in an unnatural situation they tend to have unnatural reactions. Whatever fuck y'all.