Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers


Well-Known Member
The best source of chemical N is UAN, 33-0-0.

Hmmm....not so easy to find, for sale.

It is often (only?) stated at UAN-32. Maybe a typo as I can't find it for sale at any strength.

Got a link for buying this stuff. I can get each seperate, maybe I mix my own?

The combination of urea and ammonium nitrate has an extremely low critical relative humidity (18% at 30 °C) and can therefore only be used in liquid fertilizers. The most commonly used grade of these fertilizer solutions is UAN 32.0.0 (32%N) also known as UN32 or UN-32, which consists of 45% ammonium nitrate, 35% urea and only 20% water. Other grades are UAN 28, UAN 30 and UAN 18.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hmmm....not so easy to find, for sale.

It is often (only?) stated at UAN-32. Maybe a typo as I can't find it for sale at any strength.

Got a link for buying this stuff. I can get each seperate, maybe I mix my own?

The combination of urea and ammonium nitrate has an extremely low critical relative humidity (18% at 30 °C) and can therefore only be used in liquid fertilizers. The most commonly used grade of these fertilizer solutions is UAN 32.0.0 (32%N) also known as UN32 or UN-32, which consists of 45% ammonium nitrate, 35% urea and only 20% water. Other grades are UAN 28, UAN 30 and UAN 18.
Farm and ranch supply stores should carry it. It is in liquid form, much heavier than water. My local feed store pulls from a large tank. I give them 2.5 gal. jugs, pay, and I'm on my way.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
i love you uncle ben. this one's for you.

No offense, but I find such "music" contrived and marketed drivel. So....this one's for you..... song by a famous Americana local - Ray Wylie Hubbard.. Check out his lyrics and enjoy the scenery.

"...so tonight we're locked in the pocket"



Well-Known Member
Farm and ranch supply stores should carry it. It is in liquid form, much heavier than water. My local feed store pulls from a large tank. I give them 2.5 gal. jugs, pay, and I'm on my way.
I can see they have a new 70,000 gal storage for UAN-32 over in Stockton. A big deal out in CA Central Valley. I am surrounded by plenty and not a drop to buy. Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon, I think.

This stuff is 11 kg per gallon??? It is only 20% water they say. The Gro Brand, I found is probably this stuff just cut in half.


Well-Known Member
hey ben so i use 9-3-6 foliage pro with some other additives (dyna silica, general hydro cal-mag, and hydro carbo load by humboldt nutrients.
i grow in coco "hempy" which is a "passive hydro " setup.
the plant has a 2 " reservoir at the bottom of the pot and the water wicks up. you water every day or two. total ppms are 600. 100 out of tap, 100 silica, 100-150 carbo and the rest is the foliage pro

so heres the pictures, and my concerns are too much N.
I have the grow and bloom which are 7-9-5 and 3-12-6.
I was thinking of switching to the grow or bloom and lower ppm's, or just keep doing the foliage pro and just lower dosage.
let me know if this looks healthy green or too dark, they are in 3liter pots.
top is a "purp" bagseed, who knows. more of a stretch guessing its a sativa cause it's really hard to keep small (its a small 400w setup in a tight cabinet)
bottom is afghan goo bagseed, which seems like a mix primarily indica (short, bushy, non stretchy)
also wondering rule of thumb on harvest window from flip. they're day 45 from flip and was thinking of going to day 70 or so with the goo and 90 or so with the purp, and maybe on top of that doing a top harvest first then the bottom.
any input is appreciated! I'm primarily worried about how green they are.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty dark, but not the horrible blue/black green that I have done them in with.

I would say mainly, too much water. The leaves are heavy and they hang down, instead of that happy up lift, expression.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me, green is good, lots of chlorophyll working there! Perhaps you need to up the light. It's about as green as this one:


Not sure why you're worried about it being what this species is supposed to be. Think out of the RIU "I want to fuck up my leaves with bloom foods and turn them a non-productive yellow" box. :) As an aside, indica tends to have greener leaves and looking at the profile of your leaves, they have a lot of indica genes.

Don't fix what aint broken. If you happen to be driven by feelings like most around here are, then go with the Grow and see what happens.

Harvest is a mixed bag, your call. I harvest when new calyx and pistil growth has come to a crawl, pistils are 80% brown, calyxes are plump looking like they contain seeds and if you start seeing nanners.....the plant is telling you it wants to produce seed.



Well-Known Member
Agree, you show the happy, uplift expression, I was mentioning.

The leaves want to lift and lay flat to the light, out to the tips. If they have a bit too much water, they droop.

Other than that, it look like good budding. Congrats.


Well-Known Member
cool. the coco was 100% pyth so maybe it's retaining alot of moisture and thus the deep , oily green?
just saying this because my soil pots are much healthier green looking, and the coco plants are re-vegged 2nd flowered plants.
thanks for all the help; not trying to push the bloom just was thinking maybe it would be better to lay off the PPMS or change the ratio a little (maybe a little of this and a little of that)
the products are veg and bloom by dyna gro and aren't "bloom boosters," like advanced nutrients have they are just a different ratio different than the 3-1-2 i hear you recommend.
I know the coco is renown for locking things in and needs to be leeched out once and a while. i did this last week and when the pot dried a few fans fell off the bottom, but the tops were still lush green so i went back in at 3/4 what a dosed before when i made things green
does dark green like this tend to clear up ? or is it like a deficiency where once the leaves are "damaged" they don't repair but the plant still uses them to max capacity and has new growth?
i know i ramble a little but i just really want to understand what the healthy looking green is and how i can achieve this in coco like i do with the soil i guess

and yeah i'm not worried about them , i just want to have that healthy green look.
cool to know about indica's being darker. I had a "blackberry" bag seed and it was dark, stalky and bushy, and really healthy.

So also the harvest window for sativa is typically later than indicas?


Well-Known Member
ohh also wanted to mention that it seems where the plant has the most shade, the stem's have gone a red/purple. Is this due to lack of light not creating chlorophyll or something to do with temperatures maybe?
didn't know if that might help pinpoint what the issue may be


Well-Known Member
Can you post a picture of your main stalks at the surface?

I find over watering early on will stunt my stalks into thin, dark purple, instead of fat green.

Excess water has nothing to do with color of green. It is about your drooping leaves.


Well-Known Member
New grower here, read the whole thread over several days. WOW! Applying all I've learned to the 3 - Skywalker OG x Maui Waui and 3 - Super Skunk x Chocolope I have started.

Shocked to find Uncle Ben is still imparting straightforward wisdom to the masses. Glad that is so. So much knowledge in this thread. Ben must be a good grower, he has unlimited patience. Thanks a lot Ben.
Just came back to say thanks again to you, Uncle Ben. I ended up with 3 females out of the bunch and ultimately chose the Super Skunk over the Skywalker, for a variety of reasons, the biggest being my 2x2 space can only handle one plant. :cry:

Uncle Ben, I applied a lot of your way of thinking to my first grow and I am stoked with how she turned out. Kept her green the whole way. :bigjoint:

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Well-Known Member
i didn't defoliate, the bottom growth was all harvested when i re-vegged and the top was trained to help fit in the space

i think UB may be right, the 400w HPS is about 8" away from top level canopy.
its a 430w Hortilux super hps, and i'm not sure if my ballast is too old or something but it never seemed too bright compared to my friends regular 400w HPS.
it barely has heat but its a remote ballast, friends has a built in, and throws off a fuck load of heat
i dont know maybe i should upgrade my light setup or something, its a magnetic ballast and i suspect its too old?


Well-Known Member
You can un-like by just re-clicking.

Stalks look good, I see the purple, but not the squeeze down to inhibit the water uptake.


Well-Known Member
word, yeah i thought it was wierd that it was only purple in heavily shaded parts.
i feel bad now to unlike that plant is beautious. :P
just hoping he didnt rip the fan leaves off if he is still gonna let it grow