Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers


Well-Known Member
CMH rocks for pics & your plants. And you can keep the lights 3-4 feet above them. And thats with a 400. They might have CMH available in larger sizes now too. LOVE CERAMIC METAL HALIDE!! WOOT WOOT


I started this draft and then quit after finding out I can't edit what I start. I need the flexibility to make future additions and revisions, which is not granted to the thread starter here at RIU. So for what it's worth, here are a few tidbits written about 6 months ago.

Uncle Ben


Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks

After 40 years of gardening experience, a ton of applied book learning, and a whole lot of research and personal experience I thought I'd share some pointers or tweeks. Feel free to comment. This will be a work in progress as I recall “gems” I might have inadvertently left out.

Light - Plants needs a rest. Recommend 20/4 for veg. Plants do better (produce more carbos) with less light over a longer period of time than alot of light for a shorter period of time. There is a point of light saturation where more light will work against you by bleaching out the lifeblood of the plant - chlorophyll. Learn to "read your plants" and keep those leaves healthy and green until harvest. Also, contrary to forum paradigms, in general you want to give your plants more light during veg and less during flowering, think nature. The flowering response is not the time to bleach out the leaves with high light intensities (and high P foods). Ultra low levels of N found in bloom foods will generally not support leaf health.

Temperature and the importance of day/night differential - In general, a 85/70F (32/16C) day/night temp is best for most hybrids for maximum carbo production. What's really important is a good drop in temperature at night, of at least 15F/4C. If night temps are too high, the plant will use up the carbos manufactured during the day to the process of respiration as opposed to plant cell division/elongation (tissue production).

Watering technique
- contrary to popular belief, wet/dry cycles are NOT good, especially for organic growers. Keep the soil medium moist but not saturated to the point where air is excluded. When you water, don’t be shy. Water until there is a good runoff. The issue is not overwatering, it's watering to the point of the exclusion of air.

Fertilizers - I don’t use “cannabis specific” plant foods for many reasons. If you do, make sure you’re able to find the NPK and micro values and understand the relationship between those elements. An overage of one element over another will create an antagonistic affect. For example, too much K tends to create a deficiency of N, Ca, and Mg.

Foliage production - Grow for the most amount of foliage you can going into the flowering response. Maintain those leaves in a green and healthy condition up until harvest, even if it means switching fertilizer to a high N value, like a 9-3-6.

Upcanning (repotting) - Score the rootball - pop the ball out and using a razor blade or sharp knife insert it about ½" into the rootball at the top and slice thru the exposed roots from top to bottom concentrating on any root spinout at the bottom. Rotate the rootball and do this about 4 times. Bury the “trunk” as deep as you can even if it means pulling off some of the lower leafsets. This will induce root output all along the buried trunk.
This was extremely helpful ! Definitely some of the best advice I've read on this site. THANK YOU

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New Member
Have u use advance nutrients senci bloom. I am running
some Dr.greenthumb strain freedom 35 ,
Irainian g13 und Expcheese and og lucifer.the. og Lufifer is
From a bag seed. The I G 13 loves it takes all i can thro at it . others Not so much


New Member
Tio Ben...
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with guys like me.
Started a grow 4/5 months ago for personal use.
Green House Seeds Chemdog, which I believe is a sativa dominant hybrid.
Done pretty well, although I tried many of the "paradigms" you speak of.
I ran a couple a dwc buckets with gh trio .
I live in 85/90 degree days and 70/80 degree evenings. Tons of sunlight outside, heat!
Outside growing is not a possibility here, but I have lots of room inside.
I ran into all sorts of ups and downs but "reading the plants" I managed to get through.
My grow is almost done, and the quality and yield from a cfl grow is awesome in my opinion...
When I began doing this I had a feeling that a "weed" shouldn't require all the "snake juice" hawked everywhere in cyberspace.
I finally ran into some of your threads online and after seeing your results and common sense approach
I feel vindicated in my original thought.
It's a weed, give it what it needs and it shouldn't be a money thing, right?

Here's where I would appreciate your help.
I want to start an inside soil grow, and have some basic potting soil, perlite, vermiculite, coco coir(raw) and not much access to "nursery" amendments. Long story...
What would you do with the ingredients that I have available? Ratios?
Any thoughts and tips on this would be greatly appreciated.
Stay green Ben.
Love... Peace...

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hi Ovidio,

I'd just mix 'em up with a little bit of blood and bone meal and see what happens. Sounds like a great mix to me.

Good luck!

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
At what low temperature does marijuana get stressed at? I have been letting the temp go down to as low as 50 degrees at night and they are still thriving.
No stress...... just messes up the seed chuckers time line...... that their Holy Grail finishes in 42 days flowering. :)


Well-Known Member
Dear Uncle Ben,

I have been looking for this answer for a while and I don't want to waste your time so I will get to the nitty gritty. Is foliage feeding beneficial? Lights on / off? Is just plain water beneficial? I don't want to continue doing things to my babies that they don't need nor want.

Always learning from you UB,

P.S you have changed the way I do everything in my garden, other people look and tell me to defoliate and do this or that or use this or that... nah... I do things the right way or I will do things the right way but I don't listen to dumbasses with no science just myth and bs.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with foliage feeding if your plants are deprived of nutrients, which they shouldn't be.
Well, there are times and needs. I don't see it as a general feeding schedule. But, it has been studied and will yield bigger if done correctly, I think. Remember to use a wetting agent.

Here's an article from the USDA on uric N, feeding.


With bare-root nursery trees, 50-
80 percent of the absorption occurs
within 48 hours and up to 80-90 per-
cent of the nitrogen absorbed is
moved into storage. This is much

more rapid and efficient than nitrogen
received via soil fertilization.


Well-Known Member
And i'm not topping again.I've read this much :D.The pics are 1 week old,but the curliness ain't gone so that's why im asking.


Well-Known Member

Over watered.

An over watered cannabis plant will have leaves that are full of water, so the leaves will be firm to the touch and generally curling down (even from the stem of the leaf) almost as if it has too much water weight to hold the leaf out straight.

Under watered.

An under watered cannabis plant will have leaves that are brittle, limp, and lifeless. The leaves will seem to be drooping but won't appear as rounded and full as an over watered cannabis plant.


Well-Known Member

Over watered.

An over watered cannabis plant will have leaves that are full of water, so the leaves will be firm to the touch and generally curling down (even from the stem of the leaf) almost as if it has too much water weight to hold the leaf out straight.

Under watered.

An under watered cannabis plant will have leaves that are brittle, limp, and lifeless. The leaves will seem to be drooping but won't appear as rounded and full as an over watered cannabis plant.
What about my plants..:)? Ill add some more tomorrow. But i believe you can notice some really curly leaves..


Well-Known Member
Well, you tell me. Which one does your plant match?

Lift in the leaf stem, means there is water coming up. Then what does it mean when the leaf, though fine otherwise, is too fat and plump, too heavy to hold itself up, past the 1/2 way point?

I mean they all look very fine except for ________________ watering, right?

Another key is the rumpled look on the leaves. They don't want to lay flat out. Too puffy.......Over or Under watering?

Ask yourself this.

Is it even possible you are under watering? :)
Does everyone of us over water, at first?


Well-Known Member
OK, check this out, a couple of Blue Kush.

It may be subtle, because it is not very bad, but can you see the one that is over watered? Look at the very top "expression" on both, I am learning the body language. :)photo(2).jpg


Well-Known Member
Pew..!! I've finally read this thread..!! I still possess that sad feeling of being ripped off but it will be my one and only learning experience regarding nute companies. Great thanks to UB and everyone else who chimed in.

Regarding my plants, i 've done both..overwater-dehydrate and the situation does not fit the circumstances.The sad curliness occured after 24hrs of darkness when i switched to flowering. I'll give it some time and see what happens. I will also get us some better pics to examine the symptoms.. Please do check this thread tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Also i will not stress those poor ladies again. I've learnt that 24hrs of dark before flipping might stress and slow down growth..Next time..directly 12/12..!!;)


Well-Known Member
What works is what what works. I have taken clones straight to 12 x 12 HPS (a little, cheese cloth shade at first, would have been better)

To me they look a bit over watered. Maybe your soil doesn't drain as well as it could? Always a puzzle. Well. I will stay tuned.