Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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New Member
Great... another dickhead. UB, do you have any idea why there are so many lazy, stupid people on this forum?
I wasnt being a dick, i was simply saying that just because somebody may not want to read, or take the initiative to research something themself doesnt necessarily mean you have to be rude to them, i take the time to read almost every post in every forum i post in, this thread isnt really necessary for me to read every page because i wasnt asking for advice, i WAS looking for advice, and i enjoyed the post, the info given by Uncle Ben was very helpful and i really appreciate it. I was just simply stating that i dont think you went about responding in the nicest manner.

Best Regards,


New Member
ha, you gotta be kiddin me, i worked so fuckin hard it tore my body to pieces, and paid the fuckin 30%
even with my back WRECKED, i bet you'd hustle to keep pace with this old fart
Hey man, i really dont want to offend anyone, i didnt say anything rude to you, im not sure why you feel the need to be so rude and insult people for no particular reason, i didnt say anything to you or about you so maybe you could just either
A.)dont be a dick
B.)fuck off

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Website issues - can any one apply with a quote option? I can't. It just gives me some lame gibberish, no way to reply. Only the "Quick Reply" works, regular doesn't.



Well-Known Member
WTF, you guys??? you want to make folks feel bad for not reading the whole thread then you add 2 pages of crap to it for no good reason and it's not even your thread

if UB wants to seem rude in HIS thread he can, it's his thread, what is every one elses excuse???

take a f*cking hit and chill


Well-Known Member
Website issues - can any one apply with a quote option? I can't. It just gives me some lame gibberish, no way to reply. Only the "Quick Reply" works, regular doesn't.


Works for me UB, I'm using IE8, not having any problems since they fixed things


New Member
WTF, you guys??? you want to make folks feel bad for not reading the whole thread then you add 2 pages of crap to it for no good reason and it's not even your thread

if UB wants to seem rude in HIS thread he can, it's his thread, what s every one elses excuse???

take a f*cking hit and chill
again, youre taking it the wrong way, im not trying to make him feel bad, i just think its dumb to put people down just because they dont have time to read 2245 posts and thus should be treated with respect, there is no reason to be rude, im not saying he CANT, i was just saying that if someone is being a dick, maybe they should stop and think about how other people see it, maybe somebody that could come up with the 'next big thing' in growing could be just now learning and MAYBE, just maybe, they might get discouraged by the completely vulgar and unnecessary replies they get. Just something to consider, like i said, im not trying to be a dick, and i dont think rollitup should be represented by people who act as such.

again, my apologies if ive offended anyone, but i just wanted to get my point across.



New Member
Website issues - can any one apply with a quote option? I can't. It just gives me some lame gibberish, no way to reply. Only the "Quick Reply" works, regular doesn't.

Uncle Ben, all I can suggest is to maybe delete cookies and restart the browser, the reply with quote option is working fine for me.


Well-Known Member
My only thing is I came on this thread looking for help, UB gave some good info, but treated me with more disrespect than I have ever recieved while here at RIU. I will have a negative mindset about UB's post from now on because of it. If I wanted to get heckled I would have started a thread for it.
take a f*cking hit and chill

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben, all I can suggest is to maybe delete cookies and restart the browser, the reply with quote option is working fine for me.
I'll try that plus deleting cache too. IE works fine. Now if they would do something about the "feel". I really liked the original version, it was one of the best forums IMO.

My only thing is I came on this thread looking for help, UB gave some good info, but treated me with more disrespect than I have ever recieved while here at RIU. I will have a negative mindset about UB's post from now on because of it. If I wanted to get heckled I would have started a thread for it.
Stop your whining son or I'll sik Aunt Benita on ya. She carries a mighty big stick.



Well-Known Member
i given this technique a try with a dinafem super critical haze (bottom left, obviously)

i'll keep this thread/post updated with the results. im also attempting to clone the top, check out my grow journal (in sig) for any updates on her.

heres an update, 3 days later already lots of new growth

and heres another update exactly one month later, now 2 days into 12/12

'uncle bens topped' super critical haze, a strange beast if there ever was one. it did create 4 tops in total but one of them was alot smaller and slower than the others so i trimmed it off and created a clone with it. so now it has 3 'main tops':

OR DOES IT? one of those branches self-topped itself and grew into 2 seperate tops, so in fact there are still 4 tops....

AND STRANGER STILL the biggest of the tops now has a bizzare triple node structure where 3 leaves and 3 new shoots are coming from each node (you can just about see 2 of these triple nodes in this photo)



Sector 5 Moderator
My Kushes didn't seem to like having 4 colas. One of them on 3 of the 4 were stunted. I took one as a clone myself - but being as I almost totally suck at cloning - that was a waste. I have managed to successfully clone five. That SCH looks awesome! Uncle Ben, you still rock!


Well-Known Member
i'll try that plus deleting cache too. Ie works fine. Now if they would do something about the "feel". I really liked the original version, it was one of the best forums imo.

Stop your whining son or i'll sik aunt benita on ya. She carries a mighty big stick.


uncle ben,dave, riddle me hello (you guys have been helping me from the beginning thank you.) i have a few concerns to ask about. Right now i have two set ups. I share a 4x4x7 tent with 1000 watts strictly for flowering with my brother and i have a 2x2x5 tent full of t5's for vegging and a 3.5x3.5x6 tent with a 600 watt and fans for flowering. I'll post pics later. My question is do outside growers worry bout the moonlight at night like inside growers are worried bout light leakage?3 also from the beginning what can u do to stop ur plant from falling over in the pot once in flowering? I have been growing cinderella99,bubba kush, nebula(anybody knows if this is a good strain?). The cinderella grows long branches and they themselves get pretty lanky. I have them in 3 gallon pots. I tied them up with twine but it looks messy and not effecient. Now that i started flowering under my 600 i dont want the same issues. The guy at the nursery said just tie them up but i need a prevenative messure. I topped two cindy's but they have a lot of sativa in them so the still get lanky. Any help would be positive thanx.


Well-Known Member
uncle ben,dave, riddle me hello (you guys have been helping me from the beginning thank you.) i have a few concerns to ask about. Right now i have two set ups. I share a 4x4x7 tent with 1000 watts strictly for flowering with my brother and i have a 2x2x5 tent full of t5's for vegging and a 3.5x3.5x6 tent with a 600 watt and fans for flowering. I'll post pics later. My question is do outside growers worry bout the moonlight at night like inside growers are worried bout light leakage?3 also from the beginning what can u do to stop ur plant from falling over in the pot once in flowering? I have been growing cinderella99,bubba kush, nebula(anybody knows if this is a good strain?). The cinderella grows long branches and they themselves get pretty lanky. I have them in 3 gallon pots. I tied them up with twine but it looks messy and not effecient. Now that i started flowering under my 600 i dont want the same issues. The guy at the nursery said just tie them up but i need a prevenative messure. I topped two cindy's but they have a lot of sativa in them so the still get lanky. Any help would be positive thanx.
This is my first year growing outdoors, and Im not at all worried about moonlight. I highly doubt it is an issue. Your the first person Ive ever seen bring it up, so Id say dont worry about it. Ive yet to have the problem of tieing plants up, but Ive got some lanky skunk hazes going right now, so Ill probably have to do the same soon as well. Maybe you could put some stakes in your soil and tie your branches to it.


Well-Known Member
This is my first year growing outdoors, and Im not at all worried about moonlight. I highly doubt it is an issue. Your the first person Ive ever seen bring it up, so Id say dont worry about it. Ive yet to have the problem of tieing plants up, but Ive got some lanky skunk hazes going right now, so Ill probably have to do the same soon as well. Maybe you could put some stakes in your soil and tie your branches to it.
so why does a light leakage indoors is a big deal and not moonlight?


Well-Known Member
cause folks need something to blame hermies on besides inadequate growing skills
so plants aren't that sensitive? cuz now i was changin my light cycle because the tent is dark but when u look up in the light fixture its a little light coming thru the cool hole but i would prefer to be on 9 am off (for heat reasons) and 9 pm on


Well-Known Member
so plants aren't that sensitive? cuz now i was changin my light cycle because the tent is dark but when u look up in the light fixture its a little light coming thru the cool hole but i would prefer to be on 9 am off (for heat reasons) and 9 pm on
They need 3000 lumens minimum for photosynthesis to take place

just leave em in the dark till you want the lights on then keep it consistant!


Well-Known Member
Cool guys I've been wondering about light leaks myself. No prob's yet. But it's another worry to cross off the list. Thanks for clearing that up Riddle.


Well-Known Member
They need 3000 lumens minimum for photosynthesis to take place

just leave em in the dark till you want the lights on then keep it consistant!
so ur saying that no light leakage will ammount to 3000 lumens thus will not cause a problem
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