Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Well-Known Member
How far down the plant am i able to top it?
Im high right now, but I think Ive had an epiphany regarding your situation. If you topped that plant by taking off its top node, you'd end up with underdeveloped lateral shoots that are now your main colas. With your internodal distance, no lower branches looks like they could be taller and thus the apical meristem.

I think the better thing to do would be to top further down where you go from good lateral growth to poor lateral growth and then top between them. Now your future colas are already more developed and should yield more if you put it right into flowering.

I hope this makes some sorta sense to someone. If im wrong feel free to correct me.


Active Member
Im high right now, but I think Ive had an epiphany regarding your situation. If you topped that plant by taking off its top node, you'd end up with underdeveloped lateral shoots that are now your main colas. With your internodal distance, no lower branches looks like they could be taller and thus the apical meristem.

I think the better thing to do would be to top further down where you go from good lateral growth to poor lateral growth and then top between them. Now your future colas are already more developed and should yield more if you put it right into flowering.

I hope this makes some sorta sense to someone. If im wrong feel free to correct me.
Cool cool man. I'm new to this so i don't have any other opinion. :P I'm gonna try trimming about half way down the plant and i'll let ya know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I topped my plant as suggested by the starter of this thread (my first grow outdoors or anywhere) and I am wondering can the growth become too dense as my colas are absolutly chocker block with leaves and most are fairly small?I am wondering if there will be room for buds later on?Also since I topped it most of the leaves have a brown cripiness on the tips and edges is this common with this technique??? Any sort of advice would be appreciated. See photos.



Active Member
How far down the plant am i able to top it?
Myself have never used LST and topping together.
I'm currently learning the practicality as we speak on my 1st "real" grow.
But my 7 plants I vegged for about a month and a half so far there are currently about 1ft and I just pinched the tops of mine last week already can tell there all starting 2 main colas.
What i did is called FIMMING (FIM) though what Uncle Ben discusses here is topping.


Well-Known Member
I topped my plant as suggested by the starter of this thread (my first grow outdoors or anywhere) and I am wondering can the growth become too dense as my colas are absolutly chocker block with leaves and most are fairly small?I am wondering if there will be room for buds later on?Also since I topped it most of the leaves have a brown cripiness on the tips and edges is this common with this technique??? Any sort of advice would be appreciated. See photos.
Wow..dont worry about leaves being dense. They are not going to block off the growth of your buds. The buds grow around the leaves.

That browning around your plants leaves has nothing to do with topping. The plant is suffering from severe leaf scorch. You are probably giving it way too many nutes. Id flush it, and reduce your nute usage in the future.


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much for the reply dave I really do appreciate it.Good news about the leaves as I can not see any of the colas stems as they are full of leaves.


Well-Known Member
question, if you cut back to the 2nd node don't you lose a lot of growth.. how long to wait before it all grows back?

Also, how much do your plants yield on average (dry)?


Well-Known Member
question, if you cut back to the 2nd node don't you lose a lot of growth.. how long to wait before it all grows back?

Also, how much do your plants yield on average (dry)?
The growth you lose is made in return by the 4 tops instead of one. Yeah you'll have to veg a little bit longer, but the extra yield is worth it.

Asking how much someone yields is a useless question. There are too many variables that affect everyone's yield, with topping being only a small part of it.


Well-Known Member
well I just wanted to know what kind of yields are possible.


The colas in LST / Fimmed plants don't develop as big/ tall like the ones UB has in this thread... why is that? Does vegging longer produce a bigger cola?


Active Member
well I just wanted to know what kind of yields are possible.


The colas in LST / Fimmed plants don't develop as big/ tall like the ones UB has in this thread... why is that? Does vegging longer produce a bigger cola?
Vegging longer produces a larger plant in general, hence larger colas, more bud sights larger yields.


New Member
dude Uncle Ben... HOLY SHIT!!! you just blew my MIND!!! i can not believe that this is possible! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! SO MUCH! this has ANSWERED my prayers!!!

i am going to do a scrog from birth and have very limited spacing and was wondering how i should go about branching it... well i have DEFINITELY learned a new technique to branch my baby girls!!! TOPPING!!! and i believe ill go below the second node and get FOUR MAIN COLAS!!! thank you very much.

but seriously, thanks Uncle Ben. you have been a great help.


Well-Known Member
anyone know what happened to Highwaystar415's 3 plants that wouldn't produce bud?
thought it was very interesting but the search this thread function doesn't seem to be working


Active Member
dude Uncle Ben... HOLY SHIT!!! you just blew my MIND!!! i can not believe that this is possible! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! SO MUCH! this has ANSWERED my prayers!!!

i am going to do a scrog from birth and have very limited spacing and was wondering how i should go about branching it... well i have DEFINITELY learned a new technique to branch my baby girls!!! TOPPING!!! and i believe ill go below the second node and get FOUR MAIN COLAS!!! thank you very much.

but seriously, thanks Uncle Ben. you have been a great help.
I could be mistaken, but I believe if you want to end up with 4 main colas, you'll want to top ABOVE the second true node set. If you top below the 2'nd main node set, you'll end up with 2 main colas.


New Member
I could be mistaken, but I believe if you want to end up with 4 main colas, you'll want to top ABOVE the second true node set. If you top below the 2'nd main node set, you'll end up with 2 main colas.
ok thank you so much stow. yeah when i wrote that i was still misunderstanding it a little bit, but after so more research -- haha and a bunch more on top of that -- i realized where to do it; i had to look at better more clear and specific pictures. im completely new entirely to horti/agriculture, so if i fuck up something because of my laziness and idoicracy, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE correct me. seriously though, thanks for correcting me and telling me. ABOVE the 2nd nodes... not below.


Well-Known Member
UB or anyone, what are your experiences with toppint clones. Ive got some Blackberry Kush cuts with 8-10 nodes (16-20 branches) and want to veg them for another two weeks then flower. cantopping them hurt them at all? If you top clones where do you do it? above fourth branch toreplicate two nodes on seedlings? Any downsides would be appreciated as I'd like to keep the height down a little and wont be able to get them under big light for a couple weeks. Thanks! Heres a pic of one, all the clutter at the bottom is b/c they were taken in flower.


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