Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Uh, yes he did in fact claim that he invented it..... He claims that no one else has ever discovered topping until he publicized it.

YOU, talking to ME! :)
Just a second,.............
FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
Petty =1. Of little importance; trivial.2. (of behavior) Characterized by an undue concern for trivial matters, esp. in a small-minded or spiteful way.
Ok, I'm up to speed now!
Now, what were you saying? :)

Here is an article from Dear Jorge dated in 1999....

View attachment 1505762

The illustration clearly shows topping to produce a 4 main stem plant. Did Jorge steal this discovery from you? Hell, he doesn't even claim ownership, he is just passing along an old technique....
Alright people WTF! Seriously! Who cares if he invented 4 branch topping or not! This thread is not about that so let it go. If you want to bash UB because you think he did or didn't invent 4 branch topping start a thread for that and don't post that garbage here! I can see this site forum has many fat, lazy slobs that have nothing better to do than sit on their fat pimply asses and spit box over the Internet! Grow the fuck up and mind your own business because NO ONE values your opinion so keep it to yourselves!

:wall: I never understood the point of arguing over the Internet. What does it solve? Typically both parties are too much of pussies to do anything so you exchange a few meaningless words that piss each-other off but both parties still go on living daily life with nothing changed so tell me what is the point?

Now that I think about it I guess I answered my own question. The point behind the Internet arguments is the simple fact both parties know there will be no face to face confrontation! I can only think of one word right now. VAGINA!
This is the perfect place to discuss it, because it is relevant to the thread.

Here is a picture taken from Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible printed in 2001....

View attachment 1505798

It clearly demos a two cola and a four cola topping. page 250 for anyone interested.

And Life goes on, read the tone of your post. It is hateful, full of vile and anger and is of use to no one. The author of this thread has made claims that he invented a technique. Many people have reservations and doubts about that claim, and this is the place to discuss it... There is no sense having threads about threads...

Alright people WTF! Seriously! Who cares if he invented 4 branch topping or not! This thread is not about that so let it go. If you want to bash UB because you think he did or didn't invent 4 branch topping start a thread for that and don't post that garbage here! I can see this site forum has many fat, lazy slobs that have nothing better to do than sit on their fat pimply asses and spit box over the Internet! Grow the fuck up and mind your own business because NO ONE values your opinion so keep it to yourselves!

:wall: I never understood the point of arguing over the Internet. What does it solve? Typically both parties are too much of pussies to do anything so you exchange a few meaningless words that piss each-other off but both parties still go on living daily life with nothing changed so tell me what is the point?

Now that I think about it I guess I answered my own question. The point behind the Internet arguments is the simple fact both parties know there will be no face to face confrontation! I can only think of one word right now. VAGINA!
Page 252....

"If we prune the stem, it will split into two. We can prune both
these two new stems and end up with four stems. We may try to prune
each of these four stems to try and create eight stems, but this depends
on the strain and its branching limit which is genetically based. We
may be able to prune some of the lateral branches but again if the plant
has reached it threshold it will not produce more new branches. All
strains are different in this respect."

this was written and published 9 years before this thread was created..... you decide....
I did invent this topping technique. If you can prove otherwise, then do so, or shut the fuck up dlively. You're just being a petty little prick.

To whom it might concern, if you have nothing to contribute but FUD, then spin your bullshit elsewhere, not in my thread.


LOL there is the good old Unclue Ben we have all grown to love :roll: Wow you kept your mouth in the holster for an entire day, must have been downright painful for you :roll:. I was respectful and on topic in all my recent posts in this thread and you respond with grade school name calling ? THIS is why you were banned. You just can't act like an adult in here. :dunce:

Well I had tried "your" technique long before you ever made this cute thread of yours taking all credit for it. I guess it is my technique then eh ? You are so arrogant you really beleive you invented this style of topping a plant ? Hey I just discovered dipping chocolate into peanut butter, I'll call it dlively11's peanut butter cups .... Why dont YOU prove you invented this if you seriously want everyone to beleive this. Wait looks like others have already clearly proven it for me.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, get over yourself , your not that special. Stealing age old techinques and relabling them as yours is, well, sad. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself I guess.
Page 252....

"If we prune the stem, it will split into two. We can prune both
these two new stems and end up with four stems. We may try to prune
each of these four stems to try and create eight stems, but this depends
on the strain and its branching limit which is genetically based. We
may be able to prune some of the lateral branches but again if the plant
has reached it threshold it will not produce more new branches. All
strains are different in this respect."

this was written and published 9 years before this thread was created..... you decide....

LOL , noooo say it aint soooooo ........
This is the perfect place to discuss it, because it is relevant to the thread.

Here is a picture taken from Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible printed in 2001....

View attachment 1505798

It clearly demos a two cola and a four cola topping. page 250 for anyone interested.

And Life goes on, read the tone of your post. It is hateful, full of vile and anger and is of use to no one. The author of this thread has made claims that he invented a technique. Many people have reservations and doubts about that claim, and this is the place to discuss it... There is no sense having threads about threads...

First off I'll admit it. Yeah my response IS hateful and full of anger for the simple fact there are simple minded retards such as yourself out there that just can't let things go! and continue to argue (Over the net) about something that absolutely DOES NOT MATTER! Is it going to make you a better gardener if UB admits he didn't invent the technique? NO! So who cares if he invented it or not like I said! Whoever is so concerned about UB's claims then discuss it elsewhere. This thread is for people who don't care if he invented it or not they just enjoy the fact that the information is out there for them to use and improve their gardening skills. So go ahead and waste your time by posting your Jorge Cervantes information as we ignore it! Because your not going to get a response from myself or UB or anyone anymore on your subject because it is irrelevant to the educational factors of this thread!
First off I'll admit it. Yeah my response IS hateful and full of anger for the simple fact there are simple minded retards such as yourself out there that just can't let things go! and continue to argue (Over the net) about something that absolutely DOES NOT MATTER! Is it going to make you a better gardener if UB admits he didn't invent the technique? NO! So who cares if he invented it or not like I said! Whoever is so concerned about UB's claims then discuss it elsewhere. This thread is for people who don't care if he invented it or not they just enjoy the fact that the information is out there for them to use and improve their gardening skills. So go ahead and waste your time by posting your Jorge Cervantes information as we ignore it! Because your not going to get a response from myself or UB or anyone anymore on your subject because it is irrelevant to the educational factors of this thread!

It matter because it completly destroys any and all credibilty UB has. He had to have known it was an established technique and knowingly claimed it as his own. He quoates old grow books like they were the bible so I dont beleive it was an honest mistake and he really thought he came up with this.There is a term for that and it is called lying ......... Hell I was giving him credit for atleast sharing this knowledge but not after the way he is acting now.
It's not irrlevant to the thread as the claim that he is the one that discovered it is part of this thread.... A little tip for you, since you are fairly new here...... you agreed to abide by some rules when you joined, namely, no name calling, threats, insults, etc.... If you have something to say, act like an adult and say it. When you start of calling people retarded, idiots, etc., you are going to be reported and may earn infractions, which can lead to a ban.

You are right, you have the ability to ignore my posts. If they anger you so much, I suggest you visit my profile and place me on your ignore list. I'll continue to post proof that topping existed long before this thread did, as long as the author continues to maintain credit.

Thanks for understanding....

First off I'll admit it. Yeah my response IS hateful and full of anger for the simple fact there are simple minded retards such as yourself out there that just can't let things go! and continue to argue (Over the net) about something that absolutely DOES NOT MATTER! Is it going to make you a better gardener if UB admits he didn't invent the technique? NO! So who cares if he invented it or not like I said! Whoever is so concerned about UB's claims then discuss it elsewhere. This thread is for people who don't care if he invented it or not they just enjoy the fact that the information is out there for them to use and improve their gardening skills. So go ahead and waste your time by posting your Jorge Cervantes information as we ignore it! Because your not going to get a response from myself or UB or anyone anymore on your subject because it is irrelevant to the educational factors of this thread!
It's not irrlevant to the thread as the claim that he is the one that discovered it is part of this thread.... A little tip for you, since you are fairly new here...... you agreed to abide by some rules when you joined, namely, no name calling, threats, insults, etc.... If you have something to say, act like an adult and say it. When you start of calling people retarded, idiots, etc., you are going to be reported and may earn infractions, which can lead to a ban.

You are right, you have the ability to ignore my posts. If they anger you so much, I suggest you visit my profile and place me on your ignore list. I'll continue to post proof that topping existed long before this thread did, as long as the author continues to maintain credit.

Thanks for understanding....
Petty BS and hiding behind the "I'll report you, you new guy"
I know why you don't unsub this thread, you're hoping to learn something............... both of you...........
I'm done, see ya
I'm hardly subbed to this thread, it just keeps popping up on the front page, and out of curiosity, I read to see who UB is blasting lately... lol...

And regardless new or old, name calling and personal insults aren't tolerated. I'm not hiding behind anything, as I believe my presentation and posts speak loud volumes. I have nothing to hide behind. I'm not here to argue at all, just set facts straight that this technique existed long before it was posted here. As long as the OP makes claims otherwise, I'll be here providing all the proof I can dig up.

Petty BS and hiding behind the "I'll report you, you new guy"
I know why you don't unsub this thread, you're hoping to learn something............... both of you...........
I'm done, see ya
hes not hiding Lt Dan or threatening to report you he was stating facts and giving you some good and polite advice
i used UB's (or whoevers, i dont care lol) technique and my lady gave me 6 colas! any explanation for that?! (wanting to get back to the learning) im happy either way!
hes not hiding Lt Dan or threatening to report you he was stating facts and giving you some good and polite advice
Yes, I know he wasn't threatening me. I didn't call him names so, his advice wasn't directed at me.
Hey, thanks for your input anyway! :)
It means that you didn't follow UB's technique properly, but congrats anyways. :)

Ok so you just said yourself "You didn't follow UB's technique properly" So my question is why did you say that? If you care so much about whether he invented it or not then you would have stated "Then you attempted the topping technique improperly" or something along those lines. This justifies my first statement that you are someone that has nothing better to do than spit box over the net. The reason I say that is because clearly you really don't care who invented the technique.
I'm hardly subbed to this thread, it just keeps popping up on the front page, and out of curiosity, I read to see who UB is blasting lately... lol...

And regardless new or old, name calling and personal insults aren't tolerated. I'm not hiding behind anything, as I believe my presentation and posts speak loud volumes. I have nothing to hide behind. I'm not here to argue at all, just set facts straight that this technique existed long before it was posted here. As long as the OP makes claims otherwise, I'll be here providing all the proof I can dig up.

LOL! "I believe my presentation and posts speak loud volumes" Yeah loud volumes of crap. Keep on digging my brotha!
I'm hardly subbed to this thread, it just keeps popping up on the front page, and out of curiosity, I read to see who UB is blasting lately... lol...

And regardless new or old, name calling and personal insults aren't tolerated. I'm not hiding behind anything, as I believe my presentation and posts speak loud volumes. I have nothing to hide behind. I'm not here to argue at all, just set facts straight that this technique existed long before it was posted here. As long as the OP makes claims otherwise, I'll be here providing all the proof I can dig up.

Uh...with all due respect, we all know that we "sub", automatically on our first post to any thread, and I'm pretty sure we all know where the "unsub" button is. Maybe you might use it and save yourself all this stress?
Good luck & good grow.......BB
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