Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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It's not irrlevant to the thread as the claim that he is the one that discovered it is part of this thread.... A little tip for you, since you are fairly new here...... you agreed to abide by some rules when you joined, namely, no name calling, threats, insults, etc.... If you have something to say, act like an adult and say it. When you start of calling people retarded, idiots, etc., you are going to be reported and may earn infractions, which can lead to a ban.

You are right, you have the ability to ignore my posts. If they anger you so much, I suggest you visit my profile and place me on your ignore list. I'll continue to post proof that topping existed long before this thread did, as long as the author continues to maintain credit.

Thanks for understanding....

Oh I understand alright. I understand that your an ignorant moron that hasn't hit puberty yet so you have to play childish games. If you get me banned from a website then obviously the site wasn't worth the time and effort anyway. Not only that but that REALLY goes to show your maturity level. EVERYONE uses foul language every now and again and if you say you don't your a damn lie! So if your going to use "Foul Language" as an excuse to get me banned be my guest brotha I could give two shits and a fuck. This is a website there's thousands out there. Hell maybe I'll create my own and invite everyone that is from this site that is not a whiny little baby over to my site!
Uh...with all due respect, we all know that we "sub", automatically on our first post to any thread, and I'm pretty sure we all know where the "unsub" button is. Maybe you might use it and save yourself all this stress?
Good luck & good grow.......BB

I second that. Clearly no one likes you here and vice versa so do us all a favor and kick rocks.

I would just like to apologize in advance for the clutter of garbage on your thread. I for one could care less if you invented the technique or not. The fact of the matter is I am appreciative that you took the initiative to make this information available (When no one else did and in an easy to understand tutorial) for me which GREATLY increased my success in the garden. When all this is over I'll bring the Pre 98 and we can get blitzed and laugh at all this.

LOL.... really pathetic...


I would just like to apologize in advance for the clutter of garbage on your thread. I for one could care less if you invented the technique or not. The fact of the matter is I am appreciative that you took the initiative to make this information available (When no one else did and in an easy to understand tutorial) for me which GREATLY increased my success in the garden. When all this is over I'll bring the Pre 98 and we can get blitzed and laugh at all this.
The only person that can get you banned is you. If cussing is what it takes to get your point across, feel free to, just avoid calling people names and you'll be just fine friend. the conversation going on here was quite adult until you put your childish spin on it. I understand your need to rush to the defense of UB, really I do. But if you can't communicate without using insults and calling others names, don't bother addressing me, you can keep that noise to yourself. :)

Oh I understand alright. I understand that your an ignorant moron that hasn't hit puberty yet so you have to play childish games. If you get me banned from a website then obviously the site wasn't worth the time and effort anyway. Not only that but that REALLY goes to show your maturity level. EVERYONE uses foul language every now and again and if you say you don't your a damn lie! So if your going to use "Foul Language" as an excuse to get me banned be my guest brotha I could give two shits and a fuck. This is a website there's thousands out there. Hell maybe I'll create my own and invite everyone that is from this site that is not a whiny little baby over to my site!
Click on the New Posts bar on the top of the page.... threads are listed in order they were last posted in, in descending order. Right now, because of the activity, this post is up top.... one needn't be subbed to this thread to see that it is active....

Uh...with all due respect, we all know that we "sub", automatically on our first post to any thread, and I'm pretty sure we all know where the "unsub" button is. Maybe you might use it and save yourself all this stress?
Good luck & good grow.......BB
What's pathetic is your still wasting valuable oxygen by breathing. Go slap your daddy for me and tell him I said he should have pulled out!

That was rude and uncalled for. You can have a discussion like an adult. Your point, I believe, is that it doesn't matter who invented it, you're happy to have UB here to help you learn. Is this correct? That's all need be said. I typically don't report, but this one is below this website.

I, too was uncomfortable with UB claiming to invent 4 branch topping. Mainly, it made me sad because I know that many of you beginning growers look to him for advice and I don't like to see him tarnish his credibility beyond repair. I tried to address him with some levity, in an effort to give him an out. UB and I have had our differences, and will continue to do so. It would not break my heart if he was banned, but since, for now, he's here I do my best to keep it light because we do find ourselves in the same thread at times. You, sir, are only hurting UB's reputation by making it clear that his followers must resort to name calling as well. Furthermore, you have clogged his thread with name calling and insults, when there are many novice gardeners like yourself who depend on this thread to keep their garden alive.
:clap::clap::clap::clap: Bravo Collectivegarden I couldnt have said it better myself :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Oh I understand alright. I understand that your an ignorant moron that hasn't hit puberty yet so you have to play childish games. If you get me banned from a website then obviously the site wasn't worth the time and effort anyway. Not only that but that REALLY goes to show your maturity level. EVERYONE uses foul language every now and again and if you say you don't your a damn lie! So if your going to use "Foul Language" as an excuse to get me banned be my guest brotha I could give two shits and a fuck. This is a website there's thousands out there. Hell maybe I'll create my own and invite everyone that is from this site that is not a whiny little baby over to my site!

Maybe write a how to book on how to get banned from forums ???
I did invent this topping technique. If you can prove otherwise, then do so, or shut the fuck up dlively. You're just being a petty little prick.

To whom it might concern, if you have nothing to contribute but FUD, then spin your bullshit elsewhere, not in my thread.


Are your pants on fire ? You might want to check. Your ability to lash out with insults at the slightest hint of being threatened, equals your ability to decieve. I just dont get you UB, so much anger in your posts.
It means that you didn't follow UB's technique properly, but congrats anyways. :)
Make ya mind up it either is ub's technique or it isnt
If jim henson wanted a new tv show he'd have no trouble finding
characters on here lately
am i right in thinking there's a lot of kids on this site now it seems that way
Peace to the helpful guys on this forum coz
afterall isnt that what its all about
Didn't you already apologize once for your outbursts and rudeness in this thread, and cluttering it up as you said? Yet you are going to continue to trash the thread with your bull shit personal attacks? I'm on fucking topic, discussing pruning and topping, which just so fucking happens to the be the damn subject of this thread. You on the other hand aren't on topic and are making fucking personal attacks........ You know your come get me threat? Why not just let me know the rest of that addy?

What's pathetic is your still wasting valuable oxygen by breathing. Go slap your daddy for me and tell him I said he should have pulled out!
Are your pants on fire ? You might want to check. Your ability to lash out with insults at the slightest hint of being threatened, equals your ability to decieve. I just dont get you UB, so much anger in your posts.

You spin, spread untruths, stir up the drama queens, and then want to point that crooked finger at me? You're a childish hypocrite, who's only game in town is to diminish my persona and concepts. I asked you to prove otherwise, you won't nor can you. In the end, it really doesn't matter what you feel or think, it's all about facts. I'll say it again, if you and your punk friends can't bring anything useful to this thread and only have an interest in antagonizing me and my friends, WE don't want you here. Got it?

And now for a little history lesson for those who were still messin' in their drawers when I was experimenting with cannabis every which way but Sunday. About 15 years the ONLY public forum, text only too, was a Newsgroup called ADPC. Those were the paranoid days when we used PGP encryption and chained encrypted servers when posting, when talking about our personal gardens. That was also before folks could get hold of seeds from Dam breeders, until Jock showed up (but that is another story for another time). A fella by the name of pH invented SCROG and was the point man for that technique. Having been a horticulturist for many years and experimented with hormonal concepts, I decided I wanted to go from 1 trunk, or main cola to more with pot plants....enter the UB Topping Technique. I didn't care for the smaller bud development that occurs with topping high on a plant, I wanted 2 or 4 main colas, and I succeeded after some experimentation. It wasn't until a year or so later that Canadian Ron came along with his site Marihemp.com aka cannabis.com, and eventually enabled the posting of images. This was also before the days of the present day digicam, so, the pictures you see on the first page were taken with the STILL option on a crude "digital" camcorder.....very low resolution. We also scanned Polaroid stills, which is what my avatar is. This was also long before the days of Vbulletin forums that we enjoy now. I posted my technique with photos and it's all history. It was a big thread then and it still holds alot of interest as is evident with this thread going. Years later Aryan (as well as others) got hold of it. That YouTube video is still out there....go fetch.

Found another "skeleton", this one of a Zamal sativa done back in 2001. Notice that the callous completely dropped off leaving a perfect profile of 4 cola/trunk plant.


And this is the rootball of that plant, with a taproot that is probably 24" long, a very fibrous rootball most likely induced by a Griffin's Spin-Out treated pot (although the previous shot reflects otherwise. It's just a damn healthy root system.)


Those were the paranoid days when we used PGP encryption and chained encrypted servers when posting, when talking about our personal gardens.
Really?!? You guys used PGP back then? That's so fucking cool. I use PGP and the private forums I'm on use Onion servers but we aren't just marijuana. :D I don't think TOR was around back then was it. :lol:
BTW, I invented defoliation. I just forgot to write a guide until now.... ;)

That's enough already, You've been reported for your constant antagonism. And I'll hit the Report button on the rest of you antagonists until this thread gets back on track.

Sheesh....after going back, time to set the record straight regarding lame allegations.

People have been topping plants for ages.... like tomatoes... please don't say you invented it...

I never said I invented topping, you may stop your spin and putting words in my mouth any time now. I said I invented a fool proof topping technique to induce 2 or 4 main colas on cannabis....not tomatoes, not sunflowers, on cannabis. Got it? You're another FUD monger and I'm getting tired of it.

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