Life Goes On
Active Member
It's not irrlevant to the thread as the claim that he is the one that discovered it is part of this thread.... A little tip for you, since you are fairly new here...... you agreed to abide by some rules when you joined, namely, no name calling, threats, insults, etc.... If you have something to say, act like an adult and say it. When you start of calling people retarded, idiots, etc., you are going to be reported and may earn infractions, which can lead to a ban.
You are right, you have the ability to ignore my posts. If they anger you so much, I suggest you visit my profile and place me on your ignore list. I'll continue to post proof that topping existed long before this thread did, as long as the author continues to maintain credit.
Thanks for understanding....
Oh I understand alright. I understand that your an ignorant moron that hasn't hit puberty yet so you have to play childish games. If you get me banned from a website then obviously the site wasn't worth the time and effort anyway. Not only that but that REALLY goes to show your maturity level. EVERYONE uses foul language every now and again and if you say you don't your a damn lie! So if your going to use "Foul Language" as an excuse to get me banned be my guest brotha I could give two shits and a fuck. This is a website there's thousands out there. Hell maybe I'll create my own and invite everyone that is from this site that is not a whiny little baby over to my site!