UncleBucks Bet

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Well, where is your back up around here? I see a few hit and misses from some (mostly hail marys with one hand holding their sore ass), but for the most part you are out here by yourself now.

I give you creds. The rest ran away without a word. They bolted so quick, Trump wasn't even at 270 before many just stopped posting. I wonder if we can track it down to specifically which state it was when hope was lost and butts started throbbing.

Again thanks for hanging around. So much poo to fling, the more the merrier.

I can take it, just as well as I give it.
Anyone who thinks Trump wants Hillary to stand trial is fooling themselves. He already won. It wouldn't benefit him at all to have her prosecuted. It could only hurt him.
I don't know. I have it on ignore.
The only reason I didn't do it to Buckold was trying to stem the tide of his liberal diatribe.
Now it's over he goes (most belatedly but also most deservedly) to the rag drawer.

Now my alerts don't go off like a malfunctioning burglar alarm during an open house every time I log in. :D

Choomie! Great to see that you are still here! (Or are you; did you get banned in the recent republicuck sweep??)
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