UncleBucks Bet

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Yeah i here you looks like Team troll is falling between the Cracks look at Justin he is on full lava flow melt down

Another parasite lost

Yeah i here you looks like Team troll is falling between the Cracks look at Justin he is on full lava flow melt down
Another parasite lost
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I don't know. I have it on ignore.
The only reason I didn't do it to Buckold was trying to stem the tide of his liberal diatribe.
Now it's over he goes (most belatedly but also most deservedly) to the rag drawer.

Now my alerts don't go off like a malfunctioning burglar alarm during an open house every time I log in. :D
So much more peaceful on here now , there are a few trolls but there strangling them self's i think this site being more republican needs a new face lift :) some red is in order
Maybe some new moderation elections :)

In order to become a mod you better spill your guts out and my god you better not ever have grabbed a women by the pussy or your doomed
Hillary got so schooled in another 2 weeks know one will even care about her .
Except FBI and the new team Trump puts in place to hang her for treason
Hillary got so schooled in another 2 weeks know one will even care about her .
Except FBI and the new team Trump puts in place to hang her for treason

Hillary is going to get pardoned by Obama unless Trump makes some kind of deal with him. You can take that to the bank!!!

Obama knew about Hillary's private server and lied to the public about it and he doesnt want that can of worms opened.
Now Obama needs to stay in the dark he surely does not want publicity specially trying to pardon Hillary ..
Obama has enough shit on his plate to worry about specially giving terrorists how much money ?? 400 hundred million
Right now he is licking Trumps ASS don't kid your self
Hillary is the pawn to save his legacy and his pardon from his Felony

Right now its all democrats for them self's Hillary will be the taking the fall
Now Obama needs to stay in the dark he surely does not want publicity specially trying to pardon Hillary ..
Obama has enough shit on his plate to worry about specially giving terrorists how much money ?? 400 hundred million
Right now he is licking Trumps ASS don't kid your self
Hillary is the pawn to save his legacy and his pardon from his Felony

Right now its all democrats for them self's Hillary will be the taking the fall

There are too many skeletons buried in that yard. I pray that I am wrong but Hillary is not going to spend any significant time in jail.
I think this is how its going to play out first thing of business is pardoning Julian . As for Obama he will push the TPP and try to get that in before his days are numbered. And try his best to fuck America as much as he can
Disbanded, hahaha :-)

Well, where is your back up around here? I see a few hit and misses from some (mostly hail marys with one hand holding their sore ass), but for the most part you are out here by yourself now.

I give you creds. The rest ran away without a word. They bolted so quick, Trump wasn't even at 270 before many just stopped posting. I wonder if we can track it down to specifically which state it was when hope was lost and butts started throbbing.

Again thanks for hanging around. So much poo to fling, the more the merrier.
Well, where is your back up around here? I see a few hit and misses from some (mostly hail marys with one hand holding their sore ass), but for the most part you are out here by yourself now.

I give you creds. The rest ran away without a word. They bolted so quick, Trump wasn't even at 270 before many just stopped posting. I wonder if we can track it down to specifically which state it was when hope was lost and butts started throbbing.

Again thanks for hanging around. So much poo to fling, the more the merrier.
It really is amazing to see people so happy to have Trump as POTUS, without a fucking clue as to what this man is about to do.
America has just went completely stupid. we now live in the country were Gatorade is great for plants because of electrolytes.
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